View Full Version : Jason Mewes collects Warhammer!!!

10-14-2010, 12:57 PM
Yes I'm serious! I was listenting to his pod cast Jay and Silent Bob get old and he said he collects Warhammer models and paints them! he also said he never really got into playing the game but still I think it's pretty cool. It also got me thinking how many different people are pulled into the Warhammer world because it offers so much. There's the story, the tactics, and the art! These categories are each so strong they can pull people in on there own but when they are all put together on the table top is when they really shine. I myself love the art the most. I love painting and REALLY REALLY love converting models. But the art of it alone wouldn't have been enough for me to get into the hobby, and pay so much for little plastic warriors. It was the tactics and the hope of turning the opposing force into nothing more than recyclable material (Go Green) that made me stay. So I want to know what drew you to Warhammer and what makes you stay? And did you think the jason mewes thing was cool?

10-14-2010, 01:49 PM
So I want to know what drew you to Warhammer and what makes you stay?

I was eight years old, so I don't remember the exact reason why I started to play. I think it was because I liked dwarves, and my first army was Squats. I can't think of anything else why.

And did you think the jason mewes thing was cool?

No, not at all. I have a strong aversion to 'celebrities' and people who put 'celebrities' on a higher pedestal than themselves.

I would rather see YOUR army in some pictures, and know more about YOU, because we are here interacting together. Now, if Jason came onto these boards, then yes, I would 'care' about him, since we could actually share dialogue and enjoy the hobby together online, as best as we could.

10-14-2010, 02:50 PM
And did you think the jason mewes thing was cool?

The following question is not sarcastic. Who is Jason Mewes?

As for what got me into Warhammer, I was round at a friends house, and he told me that he'd discovered this game that was kind of cool, with army men that you built and painted. He showed me some White Dwarfs, and his space marines, and we messed around with them for a while. After flicking through the magazines I was really interested, particularly in the Eldar whose aesthetic I fell in love with (my friend told me I wouldn't like them because 'they were the bad guys'!).

That was 11 years ago. Eldar were my first army, and I've just started repainting (or painting for the first time in some cases) the army, which is more a hodgepodge collection of units. What kept me interested to start with was the modelling and painting aspects. My love of the game developed over time as I grew up and started thinking about the tactical possibilities. Now I'm hooked on both, although I can't remember the last time I actually played a game!

10-14-2010, 03:02 PM
Jason Mewes is Jay from the Kevin Smith movies like Mallrats, Clerks, and Jay and Silent Bob strike back. I think he's hilarious, and didn't intend on putting him on a pedestal just kind of thought it was neat.

10-14-2010, 06:41 PM
John Hurt Paint(ed) little metal army men (Napoleonic from what I saw), and his son was into 40k long before he was asked to do Ultramarines :)

What got me in to 40k? I went to a friends house to work on physics homework and after ensuing migraines we took a Rogue Trader break... then we spent more time gaming than we did on homework. What did I blame my grades on before I had 40k... ?

10-14-2010, 08:00 PM
I once saw a photo of the lead singer of My Chemical Romance dressed in cosplay as a Fire warrior.

To balance out this insult to the greater good it is worht pointing out that the tau minis appear at the start ofthis video

by the Ace aussie dance duo- the presets

10-15-2010, 12:52 AM
I once saw a photo of the lead singer of My Chemical Romance dressed in cosplay as a Fire warrior.

To balance out this insult to the greater good it is worht pointing out that the tau minis appear at the start ofthis video

by the Ace aussie dance duo- the presetsThat's a great song and great video. I love the Presets. I don't love My Chemical Romance.

I got into Warhammer when I saw the models in a shop as a kid and saved up to buy them. I guess I prefer painting and modeling first and playing second.

Unlike cranky pants BuFFo, I do think that's cool about Jason Mewes. Especially since I recall he was arrested for heroin possession several times. It's good to see he has a more constructive (if more expensive) hobby these days.

10-15-2010, 01:39 AM
Jason Mewes is Jay from the Kevin Smith movies like Mallrats, Clerks, and Jay and Silent Bob strike back. I think he's hilarious, and didn't intend on putting him on a pedestal just kind of thought it was neat.

You forgot "Dogma"

10-15-2010, 01:41 AM
That's a great song and great video. I love the Presets. I don't love My Chemical Romance.

I got into Warhammer when I saw the models in a shop as a kid and saved up to buy them. I guess I prefer painting and modeling first and playing second.

Unlike cranky pants BuFFo, I do think that's cool about Jason Mewes. Especially since I recall he was arrested for heroin possession several times. It's good to see he has a more constructive (if more expensive) hobby these days.

Painting or playing 40K whilst smacked up to the tits mmmmm.......... Might have to try that;)

10-15-2010, 02:34 AM
hes clean now al, one of the stipulations for him staring in clerks II was to go to rehab(kevin had had enough after he stole a car whilst jacked up and getting arrested). its why he doesnt do drugs anymore in the viewaskewiverse in that film. and peeps, he has done other stuff outside of kevin smith directed movies, usually with their producer buddy. it is good that hes gone from crack, to plastic crack though.

10-15-2010, 06:48 PM
It would be kinda interesting if it turned out that Jason Mewes painted rigidly codex-adherent Ultramarines.

I got into 40K through WHFB in 1994. I got into WHFB through Hero Quest. I got into Hero Quest through Battle Masters that one of my friends got for his birthday. And I guess you could say I got into Battle Masters through the Legos I had been playing with since 1st grade.

10-15-2010, 06:59 PM
Uh, I should care...?

10-15-2010, 07:43 PM
Another famous-ish guy who plays 40k is Chris "Warcraft" Kluwe. He is an NFL player (kicker for the Vikings), he is the bassist for a rock band (Tripping Icarus), and he has a radio show. His army is also beautifully painted and he's a pretty good player. Locally, he's pretty much the Lord of the Nerds.

10-18-2010, 05:53 PM
What got me in to 40k.

My first, most distinct, vivid memory...

Walking in to a GW store, and seeing on the shelf an... Imperator Titan. That's it. Sold. Done. I want in.

10-19-2010, 11:42 AM
For most of my early life I was actually more of a @$$ hole jock type and wouldn't dare touch any non-Nintendo form of gaming let alone socialize with the types of people who would, hell back then I didn't even know what Warhammer was. Then when I was 15 I was forced into moving in with my father and had to leave the town I was raised in. Once school started up the first friend I made was (and still is) the biggest gamer I've ever met in my entire life! He introduced me to Warhammer, Magic The Gathering, LAN parties and geek-hood in general. Ten years later, his influence still holds strong over me. =P

As for Jay giving props to Warhammer, I do indeed find it to be a fun fact and I thank you for the knowledge. =) I personally think it's cool whenever someone with a semblance of stardom shares my passion for geeky activities.