View Full Version : I'd like to see filthy power builds

10-13-2010, 04:50 PM
Here's a bunch of alleged power builds I found on a thread on Heresy Online


(CD) Fatecrusher
(CSM) Dual Lash
(DE) Raider Rush
(Eldar) Mechdar
(Eldar) Jetseer
(IG) Mechvet
(IG) Airmech
(Ork) Battlewagon Speed Freaks
(SM) Vulkan's Salamanders
(SW) Wolves from Above
(SW) Wolfwing
(BT) Raider Rush
(BT) Crusader Horde
(CD) Nurgle's Tally
(CD) Daemonzilla
(Tau) Ninja Tau
(Tau) Farsight Bomb
(SM) Pedro Sterngaurd
(Ork) Green Tide
(IG) Imperial Horde
(Ork) Nob Biker
(DE) Portal Assault
(CSM) World Eaters
(SM) Death from Above

I've been to one GW tornament and I loved it but like many people I love to take the units that work for me and i'm drawn to and refine a list over and over trying different things until it becomes MY PERSONAL POWER BUILD!

This dosn't stop me taking great interest in what I might come up against so I'd really like if people could put up examples of Power Build/Tornament winning lists at the 1500pt level so:

1- I can see what everyones talking about.
2- I can get an idea how they might work
3- I can think about how I might handle them with my chosen lists.
4- MOST IMPORTANT - We can all expert and novice alike have a 50 post chat about it all!

Personally I am enjoying a Tigerius/Shrike Assualt Razor/Vinidcator spam list very much and i'm looking forwad to spamming Thousand Sons and Oblitorators in the near future to.


10-14-2010, 07:32 AM
at 1500 most power builds dont work as well simply because at 2500 you can have 9 basalisks while a 1500 you can have 1-3 :P (okay i dont have a scooby but still)

at 1500 some things e.g. 3+ land raiders are intresting in one battle the enemy may not have enought AT however in another 1/2 of your amry may die to 3 luck obliterates.

there is a diffrence between a good general and a good list:

a monkey with a good list can lose
a good general with a bad list can win.

take darkwyns leafblower at 2500? he can crush most, another person playing a 1500 leafblower cant play it like darkwyn so he fails.

we all think diffrently, so what you may do with a fire prisim and a avenger squad is diffrent to what i may do.

so the 'power list' is your list which arfter every game has been changed to improve it with a side of good generalship.

/rant over/

fuzz :P

(p.s. if you cant be bother reading this its:
downloading a list off the interwebz dosnt make you good at 40k)

10-15-2010, 12:58 AM
(IG) Airmech

Can Airmech be a power build? I've decided to do an Air Cav army, but mostly because I like the imagery and planned to have fun with it(maybe use the IA8 Elysian list). How would I make a powerbuild from it that can win Tourneys? Just because I've resigned myself to what I thought was going to be a fun list doesn't mean I don't want to enter a Tourney someday.It would be awesome to discover that I can make a competitive list with all Valk/Vends.

10-15-2010, 04:13 AM
I understand and agree fully Fuzzbucket, I know the points makes a huge difference to the role and importance of units in the list. 1500pts seems to be the standard where I live, infact Throne of Skulls in the UK is 1500pts hence the choice of points.

I totally agree that a list of internet death dosn't a winner make. I've had many experiences as i'm sure have many others where i've looked at a list thought I can't win this and then spanked my opposition good and proper (I destroyed all three baneblades in the line breaker battle mission only two days ago which I never thought I could do). It is learning through debate that I seek!

The Air Cav list for guard has some pretty powerful aspects
- lots of mobile heavy weapons
- the ability to outflank
- the ability to scout
- the general speed of the list
- 3 Meltas or 3 Flamers on vets as well is pretty scary.
- Lots of scoring units
- The ability to jet away from trouble if needed.

I imagine it would be quite glass hammer though almost like old Dark Eldar! If your opponent has a couple of Hydras or some Rifle men dreds the list will suffer if it can't get the drop on them.

I've never played Air Cav I think if you used the reserve rules carefully when needed you could really make sure you hit hard when and where you needed to.



10-15-2010, 10:57 AM
Thanks. It's good to know that the Air Cav list can be fun and competitive.

10-15-2010, 11:28 AM
What? No honorable mention of the Footdar in that list?!


10-15-2010, 12:45 PM
What? No honorable mention of the Footdar in that list?!


But haven't you heard, Footdar are absolutely horrible, and you could never, ever win a game with them under any circumstances, and only a complete moron would ever even consider playing them:rolleyes:


10-15-2010, 03:32 PM
I hate the term 'power build' as it suggests that a list is unbeatable when it is honestly not the case...not even close. I'm a regular tournament player and my local store is hyper-competitive...yet none of us uses what most people consider 'power builds'.

Many of them aren't even all that competitive in tournaments as a lot of them make use of the dreaded 'deathstar' units which are fairly easy to work around. Looking at the list of stuff you posted, a lot of them aren't all the powerful:

(CSM) Dual Lash
(Eldar) Jetseer
(IG) Airmech
(BT) Crusader Horde
(CD) Nurgle's Tally
(Tau) Farsight Bomb
(Ork) Green Tide
(IG) Imperial Horde
(Ork) Nob Biker
(DE) Portal Assault

These types of builds aren't all that strong, especially not at lower (1500-2000) point tournaments.

The lists that tend to preform the best are well-balanced, all-comers lists that deviate a bit from a standard 'power build' to make the list predictable. Everyone knows what will happen in a 6 chimelta mechvet list. It is powerful....but very predictable and is an experienced opponent will be expecting it and plan on how to beat it.

A list needs to be strong and difficult to predict in order to win competitive tournaments. Hell I used Creed in a Hybrid IG list at 'Ard Boys and got pretty far into the semi-finals.

In serious tournaments 'power builds' will win you the first 1 or 2 rounds and maybe a third. After the weak opponents have been weeded out you will be facing players who come up against power builds all the time and have figured out how to beat them.

Here's an example of my 1500 point MechVet list that deviates quite a bit from the normal chimelta list. It has some 'power build' elements in it, but is different enough from the norm that a lot of people scratch their heads at it. I've taken this list to 6 tournaments in my area and have never gotten worse then 3rd place.


Company Command Squad - x4 Meltaguns, Chimera(ML/HF) - 145


Veteran Squad - x3 Meltaguns, Chimera (ML/HF) - 155
Veteran Squad - x3 Meltaguns, Chimera (ML/HF) - 155
Veteran Squad - x3 Plasmaguns, Chimera (ML/HF) - 170
Veteran Squad - x3 Flamers - 85
Veteran Squad - x3 Flamers - 85

Fast Attack

Vendetta - xxx
Vendetta - xxx
x3 Scout Sentinels - Autocannons - 120

Heavy Support

Demolisher - xxx
Eradicator - xxx

10-15-2010, 06:03 PM

3x 4*Bloodcrushers w/ Icon, Fury, Instrument

3x 6*Plaguebearers

2x Demon Prince of Tzeentch w/ bolt

10-17-2010, 08:06 AM
The Mechvet list is intimidating just because it would be hard to know what to prioritize and there is a huge amount of redundancy for an army where every component has a punch.....it can all hurt you and there is no head to cut off to cripple the list. I'd like to face it, it's bound to be a dirty brawl. My Vindicator/Assualt Razor spam list works similarly my last opponent was struggling to know what to shoot at and that alone gives you alot of control.

The Daemon list is scary re-rolling invunerable saves, eternal warrior, close combat terror and survivable troops. It will come down peice meal, it takes a turn of shooting before it can react, Deepstrike can always go wrong especially if the Icons are killed. Again I imagine it'd be a fun list to play.

I find Ymgarl and Trygon Heavy lists make me soil my trousers and I have to realyy make a point of keeping my head and prioriting my targets otherwise they are slaughtering me before i've even effectively take down one unit.

