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View Full Version : 2k BA competitive

10-11-2010, 09:22 AM
Was looking to try something new.


2 Sanguinary Priests
2 x Power weapons

7 Sternguard
Power Fist, Heavy Flamer, Melta Gun, 3 combi weapons (1 Combi-melta, 2 combi-plasma)
Drop Pod

Extra Armor
Drop Pod

10 man Tactical Squad
Power Weapon, Inferno Pistol, Melta Gun, Missile Launcher
Drop Pod

10 man Tactical Squad
Power Weapon, Inferno Pistol, Melta Gun, Missile Launcher
Drop Pod

5 man Assault Squad
Power Weapon, Melta gun
Lascannon, twin linked plasma gun

5 man Assault Squad
Power Weapon, Melta gun
Lascannon, twin linked plasma gun

Autocannon, Lascannon sponsons

Autocannon, Lascannon sponsons

Baal Predator
Assault cannon, Heavy Bolter Sponsons

Tycho joins Sternguard, so does a Priest. Tactical squads will combat squad if they have to, depending on the situation, I may throw empty drop pods onto the table, and wait for the Furioso and Sterngaurd to get a better chance.
