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View Full Version : Corrupted Demons for Dark World War

10-29-2019, 06:55 PM
G’day again from the Slave Dungeon,

This month’s release sees some more of the Corrupted Dark World War figures with the release of the Corrupted Demons.


These figures have been a combined sculpt by myself and Mike Broadbent and are quite unique in how they look.

Let’s begin with the Walking Demons, we have called them simply 1, 2 & 3. All have the same legs and lower body, but have a slightly different upper body. One being the large single horn, one being a collection of tentacles and the final one being a large open mouth with arms and tentacled hands to grab and swallow enemies on the Battlefield. All three figures are composed of metal and resin, and they retail for AU$15.


The second set of Demons are the Larger bodied Corrupted Demon Snakes. These Demon Snakes have the same upper bodies as the Walking Demons, but they have the Snake body instead of the legs of the Walking Demon. These figures are also metal and resin, and they retail for AU$20.


Well that’s all for this release, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.
