View Full Version : The Great Soap and Water Debate or Stinky Gamers Do They Exist?

10-10-2010, 11:07 PM
TheGirl posted a thread about gamer hygiene on BoLS. It started quite a bit of dialogue. I was surprised at the reactions. What are you thoughts here on the lounge? Any stinky gamers horror stories?:D

10-10-2010, 11:28 PM
I once hosted a Magic Tournament with a little over 70 participants. That particular store had a gaming room in the back of the store with very high ceilings. The next morning I showed up to open the store. When I opened the door the most foul, odiferous odor I have ever smelled hit me like nine pound hammer. Seriously, I'm glad I hadn't eaten breakfast yet because it would have been a waste of a good meal. I ran up front and opened the store. It being Saturday, I had an employee coming in. When he arrived, I told him to get the mop and bucket and get the back room cleaned up....and use plenty of Pine-Sol. He looked at me kind of funny until he got to the entrance to the back room. He asked me what that smell was. I told him it was gamer funk. The Pine=Sol worked and once again the back room smelled fine. However, I posted this message all over the back room for the Magic players.

Attention Magic Players
Bath night has been changed from Saturday night to Thursday night to ensure that we have cleaner air for Fridays. Please adhere to this new schedule and remember soap is your friend.

Thanks for your cooperation.

There was alot of moaning and groaning but the funk was greatly reduced after the signs went up.:D

10-10-2010, 11:35 PM
Sad but true... At my flgs we have to walk through the magic players to get to our tables in the back. Perhaps we should try "the sign" too.


10-11-2010, 12:25 AM
Many hobbyists/gamers/nerds/geeks/whatevers do need to learn hygiene.

Some people can be rather disgusting.

10-11-2010, 01:53 AM
Generally is despends a lot on what you play... I play a lot of different games and from what im told, its generally the younger groups that have this issue. Game groups that play things like ancients don't really have this problem unless there is a gamer with a medical condition (remember our hobby was originally targeted for shutins, until GW came alone and made it mainstream).

Its not really an issue for me because I have no sense of smell, but that aside I always keep myself clean... odd eh, I can't smell so I actually become more self concious about my own hygiene.

10-11-2010, 02:01 AM
conflict scotland..

anywhere NEAR the sales stands the employess wear gasmasks! ( <- joke but it IS that bad)
and at the gaming bit well....

im going to convet a deaderant hellhound and attach AIRWICK all over the movement trays!

and the culprit is usually 25-45 with a large bag >:(


10-11-2010, 02:17 AM
It is real, and it is horrid. I would say at least half of the gamers I've encountered outside our group (where we made deoderant compulsory to combat it) are at least ripe or worse.

10-11-2010, 02:47 AM
You know those little lynx bullet dedorant spray cans, I always carry one of those with me...

I think it should be compulsary for gaming events, I don't care how good your hygiene is, when your in an enclosed space with lots and lots of active gaming going on for a whole day you will become ripe... so carrying some spray is only good manners.

For regular gaming nights, when your only there for a handful of hours, then simply being clean should be sufficent...

Perhaps gaming events/clubs should start selling those little dedorant spray cans ;)

10-11-2010, 04:06 AM
For our American members, Lynx is Axe. ;)

Honestly though, when I was gaming regularly back in VA this wasn't a problem with the gaming group. Then again, the entire group were fairly old in average age... And all pretty well to do individuals. No one really stuck out as a stereotypical "nerd".
However, when crossing the store in any way that brought you near the card gamers, the stench problem would come to light. I don't understand how any one could live like that... Its rather repulsive.

10-11-2010, 05:18 AM
Its the same in Ireland, and from what I've seen england.

(caution stereotypes ahead)

In my opinion this comes from three factors.

One. Many gamers are overweight. Some quite heavily so. This means they will have more difficulty with hygene and are more likely to get sweaty with less excercise. (This may or may not correlate with poor social skills which also can be a factor in hygene awareness, but this is not the right discussion to bring this up)

Two. gaming shops are very warm. As games can take a long time you get sweaty in the heat, particularly if you fall under the point one above.

Three. Some gamers have favourite clothes they like to wear. These tend to be quite heavy- leather coats or band hoodies, that don't let your skin breath and cause you to get sweaty. These clothes tend not to get washed very often either.

Those are my 2 cents on the issue. you can take issue with the stereotypes if you like, Point three may be more of an Irish thing too.

10-11-2010, 07:08 AM
All 3 points are very valid, they may not pertain to everyone, but as a generalisation, they are pretty close.

I personally have 2 gaming shirts, one is a club shirt, the other is a GW shirt (don't ask)... I always wear one or the other when im going gaming, however, they always get washed after every gaming session.

Its not hard to keep on top of your hygiene, it just takes a little thought.

The biggest problem I have, as I stated earlier is my lack of a sense of smell, so aside from when im really hot and sweaty, I simply cannot tell if I get a bit pongy... to counter this I have asked a number of my friends to quietly point it out to me if I do... and I always carry deoderant with me.

There doesn't need to be a big fuss over people who are a bit pongy, just quietly ask them to freshen up if its getting to be a problem.

10-11-2010, 09:46 AM
People that stink also tend to not care about sex, or at least don't know how to get it, hence the stink.

10-11-2010, 11:10 AM
For the most part our store isn't that bad during free play nights.

But for some reason at the tournaments a bunch of guys who don't know what deodorant is wounder in to play thows days.

By far I've found the magic gamers most guilty for this. I had to leave to store during one magic tournament. Alot of guys, a small area, and a good number of them smelling of funk in a small gaming store. It was horrid. I got light headed when I stepped into the place.

I also seen the guys who don't shower and spray them selfs with axe for there "shower". (Scented body spray =/= deodorant. And deodorant can't do anything for you if you already stink. You have to take a shower and re-apply for it to work properly.)

By far there worse. As now they smell like Axe and sweaty ball sacks. Not only do they stink, but they turned them selfs into a walking ashma attack for people like me.

10-11-2010, 03:40 PM
A word of warning: if you don't see/smell this guy during your nerd gathering, that probably means it's you:p.

Honestly, the appearance of certain nerds amazes me. Do they actively try to look as sloppy and overweight as possible?

I mean, most nerds are normal enough, though there is an overabundance of unusual fashion statements such as trench coats and the like. But there's always that one guy that you could instantly pick out as a complete couch potato.

10-11-2010, 03:47 PM
There is nothing wrong with being a little overweight (I am myself), I mean lets face it, how many true gamers do you see down the gyw 4 times a week lifting weights?

Being overweight also doesn't mean you will stink... it just means you need to take care of yourself... much like everyone else.

As a side note, the 'trenchcoat' group only has a small number of gamers, most are musicians (or at least think they are).

10-11-2010, 06:20 PM
I think Yu Gi Oh players can be more smelly than Magic players, mostly because they're 'tweens' who are just discovering that their bodies do weird things. I can't blame them as much as the Magic players, but it's still pretty gross. Me and my friends try to avoid coming in on Friday nights because the Magic crowd can be quite ripe.

The only issue between my gaming buddies is gas, but that's because we love eating at Chipotle ;-)

10-11-2010, 11:06 PM
There is nothing wrong with being a little overweight (I am myself), I mean lets face it, how many true gamers do you see down the gyw 4 times a week lifting weights?

Well, aside from the health issues I don't have a problem with it. If you want to be physically inactive and/or eat poorly then that's your prerogative. But I've seen enough people with beer bellies hanging out from under their t-shirts to make this comment:(.

10-11-2010, 11:09 PM
Well, aside from the health issues I don't have a problem with it. If you want to be physically inactive and/or eat poorly then that's your prerogative. But I've seen enough people with beer bellies hanging out from under their t-shirts to make this comment:(.

Well... I hit the gym 4-5 times a week... But I probably have even less a life than the dedicated gamer...

10-11-2010, 11:20 PM
Well... I hit the gym 4-5 times a week... But I probably have even less a life than the dedicated gamer...

I am one fat *******..... and I stink!

- edit -

Really? "Bast ard" is bleeped out? LOL you crazy conservative Texans and your religious ways... What's next? "Hell" and "Damn"??

:p :p

lol, I just checked to see if the word for a female dog is censored as well, and it is... At least there is equality when it comes to censorship!

- edit -


- edit -

Well, at least GW hasn't got a hold of this place yet...

10-12-2010, 02:30 AM
Well, aside from the health issues I don't have a problem with it. If you want to be physically inactive and/or eat poorly then that's your prerogative. But I've seen enough people with beer bellies hanging out from under their t-shirts to make this comment:(.

Dude don't make assumptions...

I eat just fine, I may not be a health nut with my diet, but there is nothing wrong with it.
As for being inactive, thats not entirely true, I am as active as I am capable of being... its kinda hard to be a fitness freak when your disabled. Thats not to say I don't exercise, I do, just not as much as i'd like to be able to.

Yes there are a lot of people out there who could do with cutting back what they eat and increasing their exercise, and the vast majority of them are not gamers.

Im not saying that some gamers don't have that problem, but the issue you stated is a fashion problem rather than a scent problem.

10-12-2010, 04:35 AM
Aldramelech has come amoungst you! (through the power of the work computer) All Harken to the word of Aldramelech!!

I am a large mammal, I dont eat well and I dont exercise (unless you count the 5 miles and half a million stairs a day I do at work!) Yet I am fragrant and nice to be around. I shower every day and I wear deoderant. This is because I am an adult and in no way a spotty teenager. It has nothing to do with your lifestyle, its (by and large) an age thing.

On a side note I do enjoy shouting out of my car window as I speed past jogger's: "Whats the matter with you! Dont you have a Television for gods sake!" (True, I actually do this)

10-12-2010, 06:05 AM
I am a large mammal, I dont eat well and I dont exercise (unless you count the 5 miles and half a million stairs a day I do at work!) Yet I am fragrant and nice to be around. I shower every day and I wear deoderant. This is because I am an adult and in no way a spotty teenager. It has nothing to do with your lifestyle, its (by and large) an age thing.

On a side note I do enjoy shouting out of my car window as I speed past jogger's: "Whats the matter with you! Dont you have a Television for gods sake!" (True, I actually do this)

Aldy's got a point--the age range of the stink-fest seems to be from the mid-to-late teens to mid-20's from what I notice.

Perhaps they actually grow out of it by then?

If you want a laugh, and a fairly accurate look @ the gamer/sci-fi fan milieu I'd recommend reading "Bimbos of the Death Sun" and "Zombies of the Gene Pool" by Sharyn McCrumb. Funny mystery books, but also sad, yet accurate depiction of sci-fi fandom/gamers as a whole.

10-12-2010, 09:51 AM
I am a large mammal, I dont eat well and I dont exercise (unless you count the 5 miles and half a million stairs a day I do at work!) Yet I am fragrant and nice to be around.

I suspect your gut doesn't hang out from under your shirt, either;)

10-12-2010, 12:03 PM
You are correct, my prodigious girth is protected by the power of XXL!


10-12-2010, 12:51 PM
Alright, so I understand there are a lot of people who just don't take care of themselves, but it also has to do with climate. Here in texas, it hits 100+ degrees for about 5 months of the year. That's a lot to ask an AC unit to combat against, on top of people getting in extremely hot cars, etc etc etc.

10-12-2010, 01:49 PM
Stand in a queue at gamesday. Or a busy open day in store.

You can blame it on the heat, blame it on the crowding but fact is some people in our hobby (like many othe hobbies outthere i'm sure) have a hygiene problem

The restauaunt where the uni i went tos game club meets is a no fly zone on wednesday afternoons. Not cos they're not nice people, or they're crowding. But the place just reeks so much you gag when you go in

Oh and in this country can't be blamed on the temperature...average temp here is a under 10 degrees....

10-12-2010, 02:37 PM
Alright, so I understand there are a lot of people who just don't take care of themselves, but it also has to do with climate. Here in texas, it hits 100+ degrees for about 5 months of the year. That's a lot to ask an AC unit to combat against, on top of people getting in extremely hot cars, etc etc etc.

Well, at least you have an excuse then. Of course, excuses are the nails that built the house of failure:p

10-13-2010, 01:17 AM
There is no excuse for poor hygiene, regardless of geographical location.

If you live in a hot country you need to take extra steps to ensire your clean...

Now, this is not an excuse, merely an observation, but at events where you have a lot of people (not just gamers, but everyone) in a confined area for long periods of time with lots of activity, then people will start to get a bit sweaty and pongy.

This is unavoidable... however it doesn't need to be shrugged off... take some deoderant with you and make sure to apply anti-persperant in the morning... sure neither will completly prevent the problem, but they do reduce it.

So relly what im saying is this, there is no excuse for poor hygiene and stinking the place out, give a little thought to others, keep clean and carry deoderant.

10-13-2010, 03:27 AM
It has nothing to do with your lifestyle, its (by and large) an age thing.

I have to disagree, by the large the gamers with the most offensive odours I've encountered have always been the "big boned" adults rather then the teenagers. I fear it has everything to do with lifestyle and an individuals personal standards and very little to do with age.

10-13-2010, 03:40 AM
I encountered one of these smelly basement trolls just this evening at my local gaming store. They exist, believe me they exist!

When our 40K group formed many years ago we put together a somewhat humorous list of bylaws, one of them being "familiarity with soap and the use of such product. Deodorant also is your friend." Yes I understand all the excuses that are frequently thrown around, blah, blah, blah, yes I understand some gamers are social misfits but if you expect to engage me in a game where I allow you to spend 3 or so hours in my personal space you better have the decency to practice good hygiene or expect to have me tell you outright how offensive you are. There is no excuse, take a shower, use soap, change you clothes, apply deodorant (liberally!) or stay out of my space.

On a side note I have noticed that card floppers as a whole tend to "rank" highest in smell factor, followed by fantasy players. Generally 40K tend to be cleaner but there are some individuals that smell like hot, wet garbage as well.

Bottom line, shower or stay home!

10-13-2010, 03:50 AM
Just wanted to make a post about the mention of un healthy people sweating easier. Just a not that the healthier you are the easier you sweat because ur body is healthier it can respond to temp changes easier.

Therefore the sweating is generally not the problem.

Also Not I'm slightly podgy :) but stupid gym fees lol. No I exercise and eat well but some of us cant help our wait.

Still Im glad ive never encountered funk gamers. I mean ive heard of steam punk armies but an army belonging to a steaming funk?

10-13-2010, 09:09 AM
I have to disagree, by the large the gamers with the most offensive odours I've encountered have always been the "big boned" adults rather then the teenagers. I fear it has everything to do with lifestyle and an individuals personal standards and very little to do with age.


In my local store, the stink basterds are the fat, overweight Yugioh players, most of which are older. None of the 40k players stink in my area.... I guess figure pushers have more pride than card flippers around here....

10-13-2010, 09:13 AM
I'd love to know why people enjoying a hobby in which social interaction plays an important part think there is no need for basic hygiene. Do they just not think of it, or are boys just naturally malodorous?:p

10-13-2010, 09:16 AM
I'd love to know why people enjoying a hobby in which social interaction plays an important part think there is no need for basic hygiene. Do they just not think of it, or are boys just naturally malodorous?:p


There is a 'girl' in my store, who is a complete pig. Burping, farting, making mouth noises... Other people claim she has stunk in the past, but i never noticed it, mainly because I don't interact with her much, if at all. She has about as much manners as her fat, always sweaty boyfriend. He doesn't stink, he just sweats. She is like, 1/5th his size too, small thing she is, but rude and hell.

I do understand your point, of course... There are like, over 9000 nasty guys in this hobby for every 1 nasty girl.

Shame too... Cuz I sure loooooove them nasty girls....

10-13-2010, 09:23 AM
Don't worry, that part was just a joke. Anyone who thinks girls don't smell never went to an all-girls school. Which, to be fair, makes sense if they are a boy.

10-13-2010, 12:34 PM
I know a few guys who would have loved to go to an all girls school.... but thats slightly off topic ;)

As for the scent, I still hold that size makes no issue... you are either clean or you are not... being larger doesn't matter.
You could be the biggest person in the world, but if your clean, you won't stink. Simple really...

10-13-2010, 11:45 PM
The stinkiest place I've ever been is in the dressing room of a topless bar..... I've worked on shrimp docks that smelled better!

10-14-2010, 12:07 AM
Would anyone REALLY admit to being that(#4) person?

10-14-2010, 12:22 AM
Well, given the responses to The Girl's article, I thought one or two would be proud of their odiferousness.:D

Sanguinary Dan
10-15-2010, 01:57 PM
I've seen more than my fair share of sweaty, stinky gaming slobs over the years.

To be fair though it's generally at any of the conventions that have large RPG components. I've never been to a pure wargaming con where your average bloodhound would fall over dead in mere moments. Add in the dungeon and vampire crowd to watch the poor thing dig thru concrete to escape. One ORIGINS in Dallas was particularly savage when you combined EMO teen Vampire LARPers in black leather trenchcoats with "110º in the shade" weather. Watching them wander about under that cloudless Texas sun would have been even funnier if it weren't so damned tragic.

But the average FLGS will always have 1-2 men in their late 30s or early 40s who seem to be the prototypes for Papa Nurgle. Why this must be I couldn't hope to say. "Big Boned" is one thing. For a lot of folks it's just the way God made them. But fat, smelly and dirty enough to leave marks on the things they touch is unforgivable. :(

Brass Scorpion
10-15-2010, 02:11 PM
The 40K night at my favorite local GW store is the worst for this. Certain guys nearly always emit a variety of noxious odors from the time they arrive and they also have a lazy tendency to release air biscuits without stepping outside during their time there. Since it's a small store it gets bad in there pretty quickly.

"In the grim darkness of the far future there is always body odor." -- after Warhammer 40,000
"Welcome to your local game store, where fun is all around you like stink on poop, literally." - after Bob Fossil, The Mighty Boosh

10-15-2010, 05:16 PM
Essentially it just comes down to being clean... being fat doesn't make a lick of difference, more to the point some of the cleanest people I know are 'big boned'.

If you keep clean you will not stink... not a difficult concept to grasp... for those who actually give a c**p at any rate.

10-15-2010, 05:32 PM
The poll's flawed. I know of one or two, but I would not call them a friend...

10-15-2010, 11:26 PM
Try a rereading that poll.:D

Grossmeister Jardezz
10-16-2010, 04:15 PM
My game partner today stank of cold sweat...

Maybe that's why we lost, who knows...:confused:

10-16-2010, 04:38 PM
If you work up a sweat before your going to a game, grab a shower...

If you work up a sweat while at a game, use some deoderant, its only a temporary fix, but its better then nothing.

Again, clean = not smelly.

10-18-2010, 03:12 PM
Problem down my part of the world (Southern Sydney, Australia) is that while the mall which Games Workshop is located in is air conditioned, the individual stores are not.

The net result is that even though most people wear deoderant, they grossly (pun not intended) underestimate just how much they should wear when hanging out in a very small store crammed with 30 people all day.

Things get heated, in more ways than one.

10-18-2010, 04:55 PM
You know some people are JUST GROSS. I have a big allergy problem and can barely smell a skunk but I have a friend who gets really smelly and when I can smell him its a big problem plus we are in a little room with little ventalation and then he thinks its just hilarious to let the big one rip. The best way to help the situation is to came out and say "Dude, you stink, go take a bath" its not to be rude but to help them not be rude.

10-19-2010, 07:00 AM
Unfortunately, I see them every week on my usual non GW gaming store...

They try to use their codexes and the holes on yours at the maximum level possible, forbidding you to play a nice and funny game...

You get tired of them and so bored and more bored for playing with them anymore.