View Full Version : IG, Grey Knight and Inquisition (killzone themed) type army...

10-10-2010, 10:27 AM
I have never really posted on here before, and am a long, long term fan of 40k fluff having been a gamer in my teenage years. am 29 now. and decided to go back to it and paint up an army. I did a prototype guardsman a little while ago, and finally got round to finishing my first mini... none of my friends are hobbyists, so none of them care, and I'd like an opinion from someone on what i'm doing so here goes.

this is the seargeant from a box of IG Cadians. backpack is from Pig Iron, and all of the other guardsmen will have Pig Iron (killzone style) heads with glowing red eyes. with this guy, all I did was file off his hair (as all the helghans i've seen were bald, and in need of a bit of sun)...


10-10-2010, 11:01 AM
He has a very creepy foreboding look to him. I like it. I'd love to see a whole army like him.

10-10-2010, 11:02 AM
I really like this model... It is simple and clean. That said I would offer up a bit of advice (if that is ok). Generally speaking Guard that are heavily one color (or very similar colors), in this case black, will tend to look like a giant monochromatic blob. Consider making the clothing a little lighter grey and it will make the whole unit look more awesome... Just a suggestion.

Also, I really like the backpacks and such.

On a more personal note I was in your position for a long time. Welcome to BoLS... We have a great community here. I look forward to more updates.


10-10-2010, 02:30 PM
thanks for the comments,

i tried to keep the greys dark because (a) i got sick of painting Catachan trousers!! and (b) i wanted to draw the eye to the face and the red lenses on his squad...

to break up the black, i've now glossed up some of the armour, to vary the textures a bit. but see what you mean...


picture quality isn't very good, but you get the idea...

10-10-2010, 02:40 PM
I like that a lot! It does break it up a bit more being glossy

I would like to see what you do with the vehicles.


Ps: I tottally dig the avatar, I use that Same one on other forums.

10-11-2010, 02:01 PM
next up a nice vindicare assassin. the one aiming his rifle. but I've chopped off the stupid skull he's leaning on. and put bits of slate there instead. any hints??

10-11-2010, 03:43 PM
Love them :d

10-13-2010, 06:05 PM
Killzone as in the video game? Gotta say...nice-looking Helghast-Guard!! :D seriously foreboding and AWESOME

10-14-2010, 10:14 AM
have only just noticed that I put the same link up several times instead of a link per picture. balls.

thanks for the comments guys. does anyone have any tips on green stuff? never used it before but want to make a swishy cloak for my vindicare...

10-14-2010, 10:41 AM
For green stuff:
1.get a clay sculpting tool from a hobby store. Mine has several interchangeable heads on it. To do different functions.

2.if using gw greenstuff don't use the parts that touch the bluff sand yells together, they are partially cured which can make your gs job look really bad.

3. It is easier to make more and trim back than it is to add more...usually


10-16-2010, 11:40 PM
Wow, I really like the gloss look. I think it makes the armor look a bit more believable...

If you want a bit more color, I might consider painting more of a bone colored base? Or perhaps, if you are feeling more adventurous, make torn up metal girders, road signs, and other assorted once-civilization for them to be fighting over.

12-19-2010, 11:34 AM
it's taken more than two months, as I never seem to have any time to myself. I read Nemesis while on holiday and decided to finish my Vindicare.

Next up will be Torquemada Coteaz and an Interrogator to hang around with him...


Coments welcome!

12-21-2010, 03:31 AM
Looks like a nice bunch of models you've got going on. Sadly the photo's are woefully dark. I'd give them more light but block the direct source with just a sheet op white paper. Be sure to activate the macro function on the camera and play with the shutter time if needed.

02-05-2011, 12:09 PM

finally finished Torquemada Coteaz, and here are some piccies. He's looking good, and I've never really painted anything this involved since 1996 when I quit the hobby.

the demon hammer didn't come out like I hoped so I may re-paint it.

Comments welcome...

04-03-2011, 04:31 AM
i did re-paint Coteaz's demon hammer again, inspired by the 'stone' job that was done on the 'Eavy Metal version that they have redone for the GK codex.

also finished his two interregator / crusader / henchmen type chaps.

i have have realised a couple of things from these photos. 1 i need more practice blending (the cloaks aren't as smooth as the 20 on thin layers should have made them). 2 i need to thin down the paints more so that the gold etc. don't look so 'blobby'.

any other tips before I finish the rest of his warband? (two weapon servitors, arco-flagellants, savants, medic lady...)


04-04-2011, 01:49 AM
I like it. The pale skin really pops in a "Dont mess with me unless you want to die" way

04-04-2011, 06:13 AM
You are starting with a really dark grey to hightlight up to white for the crusader cloaks. Too dark I think to get any sort of smooth blending going with feathering.

If you are unhappy about the white, maybe it's worth experimenting with a grey glaze to bind it more together. Good looking whites are only highlighted on the very edges with skull white anyway, so don't worry about dulling it down a bit with a grey glaze. You can always hightlight up again from there on. Also, glaze should be incredibly thin, so it shouldn't make it any more "blobby".

If you have it, a drop of vallejo glaze medium and a few drops of water should make a good glaze.

As far as the golds are concerned. I always mix a bit of small amount of scorched brown into my basecoat for the golds. It's a rather dull effect, but you'll be highlighting it with a minimum of metallic pigments from that point on, so it will shine and "pop" after highlighting with gold/ a gold/silver mix. Also, slightly diluted brown ink can revive some of it's depth.

04-04-2011, 11:17 AM
Just saw your model on GW homepage heres a link http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/blogPost.jsp?aId=16100015a

05-01-2011, 04:29 AM
thanks for the comments, hints and tips guys. much appreciated. I was, I have to admit quite chuffed to see that my Coteaz made it onto GW's daily blog.

accept that I shouldn't have started with black for the crusader cloaks!! won't be doing that again. I've also bought a wet pallet since which has been brilliant to use and helped me with the following servitors and savants for my Inquisitor...



I kept the robes quite dull because I wanted the faces (or flames) to be the first thing you look at.

now I need by new Grey Knights to turn up in the post so that I can upgrade my old metal ones, and in the mean time I have some Kasrkin to paint up as Coteaz's personal guard (I know I can't play them as Stormtroopers but ho hum).

Any comments welcome!

05-10-2011, 07:31 AM
New henchman for my retinue, first attempt at a blue glowing effect on the plasma pistol, and am not thoroughly convinced!

Have just created a squad 10 Grey Knights out of 5 old metals and 5 new plastics, and they look pretty decent considering some have smaller heads than others.. but I wanted to test the glowy blue thing first.

any comments welcome.


05-10-2011, 09:41 AM
Thoroughly dig the henchmen. I think your lighting effect is really nice; its subdued but certainly gives the impression that it is glowing.

07-21-2011, 01:45 PM
Help please!!

I've now built 15 Grey Knights mixing old metals and new plastics, Captain Stern (who's been raised up a little so he don't appear so much a short-arse) and a Dread. I wanted a dark metallic almost like slate or granite, can't get the shade I want, any recommendations?

Next question, how to I stop the whites going chalky on the shoulder pads, proper pain in the arse now I know why I like my minis painted dark.

Final question, how do you put the big pics up of your mini's? I can only seem to attach thumbnails. I am rubbish with computers. (and paints it would seem).

Any and all responses welcome!!!

03-22-2012, 09:55 PM
Definitely a wicked-looking squad!