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View Full Version : BA 1600 Allcomers list (long post)

10-08-2010, 05:01 AM
Hi BOLSers,

I have a 40k tournament next month and have to give in my Army list by the 23rd October. The point limit will be 1600 points. I have some lists here which I thought of taking for that tournament, all of them similar to each other. But I don't know if they are good enough. That is why I post them here. I'm open to comments and critics.


Librarian with Storm Bolter and Jump Pack

Reclusiarch with Terminator Armour (Storm Bolter)

Honour Guard with Blood Champion, Chapter Banner, 3 Storm Bolters and 3 Power Swords, Jump Packs


Furioso Dreadnought with Blood Talons

Assault Terminators (5) with TH/SS

Sanguinary Priest with Terminator Armour


Tactical Squad (10) with a Missile Launcher, Power Weapon (Sgt.) Rhino

Assault Squad (10) with 2 Infernus Pistols, Power Weapon (Sgt.)


Devastator (5) with 4 Missile Launchers

The Librarian will go with the Honour Guard and Deep Strike, the Reclusiarch and the Sang. Priest with the Assault Terminators. I will use the Devastator Squad as an home objective sitter while the tactical squad will drive to the enemy's objective, take and defend it. The Assault Squad will support the Honour Guard with the Librarian



Librarian with a Storm Bolter

Honour Guard with a Blood Champion, Chapter Banner, 3 Storm Bolter and Power Weapons, Rhino


Chaplain in Terminator Armour (Storm Bolter)

Assault Terminators (5) with SS/TH

Priest in Terminator Armour


Tactical Squad (10) with Missile Launcher and Power Weapon (Sgt)

Tactical Squad (10) with Missile Launcher

Assault Squad (10) with a Infernus Pistol and a Power Weapon (Sgt)


Devastator Squad (10) with 4 Missile Launchers

This list differs a little to the other one. The Honour Guard with the Libbi will go into the Rhino and quickly drive over the board to get into cc in the first two turns. The Assault Squad will try to support them. The Devastator and Tactical squads should first deal with Tanks and than try to capture objectives. The Whole Elite choice (one squad) will deep strike.

I hope you have read through this very long post and if you did i firstly thank you for this. Secondly i will thank you for every Comment or Critic you give me.

Thank YOU!!


10-08-2010, 10:48 AM
I like the second list, but here are my suggestions:

1) drop the storm bolters on the command squad and use points to get a meltagun or infernus pistol. The squad is for assault, so shouldn't be shooting much except to pop open transports. I'd also suggest giving the Librarian the sword and shield powers.

2) Put a flamer in the tac squad and upgrade the assault srgt to a powerfist. I'd drop devastators to get the points. The extra bodies are nice for protecting your missile launchers, but 10 is overkill for that purpose. Plus the devastators aren't a troop choice so they can't hold an objective, they can only contest. You might consider combat squadding the tac squad, putting the sgt and the flamer into a razorback for forward objective grabbing, and then let the Missile Launcher and 4 bolters sit on a home objective. Again, dropping bodies on the devastators can find points for that.

3) I'd swap some of those thunderhammer/storm shields out for lightning claws. It's nice to have 2 or 3 shields for the saves, but you've got a priest in that squad giving them furious charge, so you want to take advantage of str 5, initiative 5 attacks on lightning claw termies.

As you expand your selection I'd look into swapping out your devastators for some baal preds and/or fast vindicators. BA get a discount on the devastators but it's not really playing to the speed strength of the codex.

As for the furioso dred, if you're taking a non-librarian one with jumppack power, it needs a drop pod.

10-08-2010, 12:20 PM
If you give the librarian sanguine sword, you probably don't want to give him a storm bolter. The extra attack from force weapon/bolt pistol is more valuable than the longer ranged shooting. The same goes for the honor guard - if you're paying for power swords, keep the extra attack from your pistol.

10-11-2010, 02:44 AM
Thanks for the advices guys and sorry for me replying so late. I will considre and think about the advice you gave me.

3) I'd swap some of those thunderhammer/storm shields out for lightning claws. It's nice to have 2 or 3 shields for the saves, but you've got a priest in that squad giving them furious charge, so you want to take advantage of str 5, initiative 5 attacks on lightning claw termies.

As you expand your selection I'd look into swapping out your devastators for some baal preds and/or fast vindicators. BA get a discount on the devastators but it's not really playing to the speed strength of the codex.

Maybe i should have mentioned befor that the Assault Termies are just converted normal ones. I just gave them some Hammers and Shields I found lying around my friends house.

And I dont have any other tanks except this one rhino/ razorback, maybe ill get the Land Raider from a friend of my brother.

I havent thought about the extra attack of the priest/ libby and the honour guard. Thanks for telling me again. Ill will change this as soon as I can.

I also posted this list on dakkadakka and got the advice to take out the tactical squads and add another assault squad on foot in the rhino. Any comments on that. My only thought about this is that I dont have the models for that and in our tournament you lose points if you dont have WYSIWYG.


10-11-2010, 09:17 AM
Yeah, I would've advised more assault squads but I saw you didn't have the models, and I didn't realize about the assault termies. Personally I'd just keep your assault squads with jump packs.

a) Lots of people are taking armies with lots of anti-armor capacity. If you don't have transports but can still get your highly mobile jump troops wherever you need them, then you are making your opponent pay points for anti-transport ability he won't need.

b) BA are the only army right now (I think) with troops that have jump packs, I'd want to take advantage of it. You already get Descent of Angels and you will be more maneuverable in rounds after disembarking.

Also going forward, I would look at getting some lightning claw termies. You could always run two assault term squads later on with a mix of claw and hammers (each one with a sang priest).

10-20-2010, 09:22 AM
Now that I got two new Landraiders (one I want to convert into a crusador) I thought of a new list. I also found some Jump Packs and Chainswords lying around so that I could convert some tactical marines into assault marine.

Anyway...heres the list

Librarian no upgrades (dont know which powers yet suggestions welcome)

Honour Guard with a Chapter Banner and 4 Power Weapons , in the Land Raider
(these are grey knight models..Any suggestion how to make the Storm Bolter look like a boltpistol?)

Assault Terminators (normal terminators on which I want to put thunder hammers), with SS/TH,
in the Land Raider Crusader (with Storm Bolter and Extra Armour to give the highes punch before assaulting)

Tactical Squad (10) with Missile Launcher

Assault Squad (5) on foot with Power Weapon (Sgt), in Razorback ( with TL-Lascannons)

Assault Squad (10) with Power Weapon (Sgt)


Again I want to say thank you for the help you all gave me and that I now have (technicly) 7 Additional Assault Marines which I can use in the list (i already put 5 in without jump packs)

And an Upgrade to list two:


Librarian with a Storm Bolter

Honour Guard with a Chapter Banner and 4 Power Weapons, Rhino


Chaplain in Terminator Armour (Storm Bolter)

Assault Terminators (5) with SS/TH

Priest in Terminator Armour


Tactical Squad (10) with Missile Launcher

Tactical Squad (10) with Missile Launcher

Assault Squad (10) with a Power Weapon (Sgt)

Land Raider Crusader (for the Elite choice)


10-20-2010, 09:44 AM
I think the best combo for a base librarian is Sword and Shield. The sword will let you hit like a truck in combat at initiative, and the shield will give the squad he's with (and nearby vehicles) a cover save.

The best thing about the shield power is it states it's used in your opponent's shooting phase. If you read the psyker section of the BRB it states that a lvl 1 librarian can only use one power per PLAYER turn. So without the epistolary upgrade you can still cast both powers in the same game turn by casting Sword in your turn and then cast either sword or shield again in your opponent's turn.

10-22-2010, 04:59 AM
Would it be advisable to exchange the assault Terminators to normal Terminators with Chain Fists and to exchange the honour guard for a 5-7 men strong DC with Thunder Hammers (well at least 5 of them) and put these in a land raider then?