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Admiral Kenaris
10-07-2010, 03:58 PM
Admiral Kenaris is now on the bridge. No honors are necessary. The Admiral has played 40k since 2nd edition (remember how fun the psyker phase was with those cards anyone) but took a break during early 3rd edition that lasted until about a year ago. IG is the only army I have ever played and I have amassed a collection of models that is approaching 10,000 points worth if you count the Baneblade. In particular I have a large collection of praetorian models. In fact all of my infantry are of the older pewter type, including the old school stormtroopers with the berets. I am finally starting to get that itch to start a new army. I might give Necrons a try when the codex gets redone.

Well, thats enough of an introduction I suppose. I look forward to mainly lurking and occaisonally posting.

Admiral Kenaris

10-08-2010, 08:55 AM
Hello and welcome Admiral Kenaris.