View Full Version : How to convert vet DE into new models:

10-07-2010, 08:41 AM
Step 1: find space marine player
Step 2: table said space marine player with old dark eldar army
Step 3: space marine player buys dark eldar net list
Step 4: space marine player gets tabled by bolters
Step 5: space marine player sells net list on ebay
Step 6: buy said army for 1/2 the $$

Well that is my strat at least, lets hear how other true dark eldar generals will use devious techniques to obtain that which you desire.

10-07-2010, 09:41 AM
Step 1: find space marine player
Step 2: table said space marine player with old dark eldar army
Step 3: space marine player buys dark eldar net list
Step 4: space marine player gets tabled by bolters
Step 5: space marine player sells net list on ebay
Step 6: buy said army for 1/2 the $$

Well that is my strat at least, lets hear how other true dark eldar generals will use devious techniques to obtain that which you desire.


I am just going to buy the models when they come out... I've been waiting 6 years for this codex, and I can't wait any longer for the new models.... Even though what you said is spot on.

10-07-2010, 12:25 PM
Get job at FLGS and get items at employee discount :-)

10-07-2010, 12:30 PM
1) Seduce an old lady
2) Discover you can eat bacon together for every meal
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Then spend the profit on DE.

Drew da Destroya
10-07-2010, 02:52 PM
1. Find a LGS or LGW with conveniently-nearby orphanage, school, or convent
2. Light fire to said orphanage, school, or convent. Make sure the doors are chained shut!
3. When the customers and staff of the LGS or LGW run out, make sure they run directly through the net of monomolecular filament wire you previously strung up, in a direct line between their store and the most convenient "viewing area" of the burning orphanage/school/convent.
4. Chuckle as the customers and staff are cleanly sliced into meaty chunks, spraying their vital fluids all over the parking lot
5. Stroll into the now-vacant LGS or LGW, take what you want, and burn the rest
6. Profit!

10-07-2010, 04:13 PM
1. Find a LGS or LGW with conveniently-nearby orphanage, school, or convent
2. Light fire to said orphanage, school, or convent. Make sure the doors are chained shut!
3. When the customers and staff of the LGS or LGW run out, make sure they run directly through the net of monomolecular filament wire you previously strung up, in a direct line between their store and the most convenient "viewing area" of the burning orphanage/school/convent.
4. Chuckle as the customers and staff are cleanly sliced into meaty chunks, spraying their vital fluids all over the parking lot
5. Stroll into the now-vacant LGS or LGW, take what you want, and burn the rest
6. Profit!

I have to admit, this does have a certain... Dark Kin feel to it.

10-07-2010, 06:34 PM
* Realise you're skint
* Sell your body to afford Incubi and Mandrakes
* Re-paint old Craftworld Eldar black/red/purple
* Glue a fin on the old Falcon
* Hope no one notices

Drew da Destroya
10-08-2010, 07:07 AM
I have to admit, this does have a certain... Dark Kin feel to it.

lol thank you. That's what I was aiming for!