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View Full Version : 1000 pts. IG for Teams

10-06-2010, 03:43 PM

I've got a team tournament coming up and I've decided this is the perfect time for me to begin what I've always wanted, an IG army. Start low and learn my way up. Well, the team tourney is 2000 with 1000 a side and our meta is extremely competitive. My partner is vanilla marines although he has not completely figured how he will build it exactly.

We each take 1 HQ, 1-3 troop, 0-1 elite, 0-1 FA, and 0-1 HS. Then each partner may take either an additional elite, FA or HS. My partner largely hates FA, as its not in his playstyle, so I'll take an extra FA to make it easier on him because the IG have some really good FA choices.

To keep from this going on any longer here is the list.

Master of Ordnance, Plasma, Lascannon

3 Plasma
Chimera-HF for HB

3 Meltas
Chimera-HF for HB

3 Flamers, Demolitions
(rides in Vendetta)


2 Hellhounds (or Bane Wolfs)-260

I new to IG, so be gentle. The list is designed to be very aggressive, so I hope it is. Thanks in advance!

10-07-2010, 12:26 AM

I've got a team tournament coming up and I've decided this is the perfect time for me to begin what I've always wanted, an IG army. Start low and learn my way up. Well, the team tourney is 2000 with 1000 a side and our meta is extremely competitive. My partner is vanilla marines although he has not completely figured how he will build it exactly.

We each take 1 HQ, 1-3 troop, 0-1 elite, 0-1 FA, and 0-1 HS. Then each partner may take either an additional elite, FA or HS. My partner largely hates FA, as its not in his playstyle, so I'll take an extra FA to make it easier on him because the IG have some really good FA choices.

To keep from this going on any longer here is the list.

Master of Ordnance, Plasma, Lascannon

3 Plasma
Chimera-HF for HB

3 Meltas
Chimera-HF for HB

3 Flamers, Demolitions
(rides in Vendetta)


2 Hellhounds (or Bane Wolfs)-260

I new to IG, so be gentle. The list is designed to be very aggressive, so I hope it is. Thanks in advance!

Not bad, but I'd like to see a Russ in there. Don't really need 2 hellhounds, though, I'd opt for a second Vendetta or some more troops. If you do decide to take them, mount a hull multi-melta just for some diversity.

The CCS is the bigger problem as you suddenly have a very static unit in a very mobile army list. Dump everything on them and just take 4 meltas (seeing how you already have 3 plasma on vets).

Other than that looks solid even without the heavier tanks.

10-12-2010, 01:15 PM
If you swapped out the plasma guns in one of the vet squads for melta and dropped the plasma from the CCS, and dropped a Hellhound, I think you might just be able to squeeze in a Demolisher or standard Leman Russ (I'd go for the standard). Hellhounds are good, but not great.

Alternatively, you could switch a hellhound for a Valkyrie or 2nd Vendetta, put a vet squad in it, drop their chimera, do a little shuffling and squeeze in a Hydra or (my favorite) a Griffon.

Either way, I agree, drop a hellhound and try to get something a little heavier in there.

You also might want to consider putting flamer vets in a Chimera (you can move 6", fire the hull heavy flamer and ALL three regular flamers out the hatch as S4 defensive weapons - it rules). Swap the flamer vets for melta vets in the valkyrie.

I like your command squad. This is a team game and they can just hang out with your buddy's firebase using the Master of Ordanance to drop bombs every turn. I think he's a great addition for this sort of restricted force-org type game as he's basically another artillery piece.