View Full Version : Dark Eldar

10-05-2010, 09:42 PM
Okay before I say anymore I just want to start by saying I LOVE the new Dark Eldar. I got into 40k about a year ago, and I have an Eldar army, but if the DE models that are coming out right now were out then I would have picked DE hands down as my first army. Now that they are coming out and with a new codex, I feel like a complete person, and will finally have the evil, heartless, destructive 40k army I was always meant to have (really leaning towards a wych army).

Now that being said, I am only asking a simple question and am wondering if anyone else noticed it too. The new models once again look gorgeous, BUT why do the DE now look like a bunch of evil Gingers coming to steal your soul? Has anyone else noticed how they all have red hair? WTF why red; when I think of sadistic and cruel and soul stealing, Raggedy Anne and Andy don't pop into my head; maybe they should.

What do you guys think, or am I just color blind, and if so please correct me, and before anyone says it, yes I know the mandrakes aren't painted with red hair.

10-05-2010, 10:26 PM
Okay before I say anymore I just want to start by saying I LOVE the new Dark Eldar. I got into 40k about a year ago, and I have an Eldar army, but if the DE models that are coming out right now were out then I would have picked DE hands down as my first army. Now that they are coming out and with a new codex, I feel like a complete person, and will finally have the evil, heartless, destructive 40k army I was always meant to have (really leaning towards a wych army).

Now that being said, I am only asking a simple question and am wondering if anyone else noticed it too. The new models once again look gorgeous, BUT why do the DE now look like a bunch of evil Gingers coming to steal your soul? Has anyone else noticed how they all have red hair? WTF why red; when I think of sadistic and cruel and soul stealing, Raggedy Anne and Andy don't pop into my head; maybe they should.

What do you guys think, or am I just color blind, and if so please correct me, and before anyone says it, yes I know the mandrakes aren't painted with red hair.

Clearly, they dye their hair in the blood of their enemies.

10-05-2010, 11:15 PM
You could always paint your Dark Eldar hair a different color.

Anime Green or Purple perhaps?

10-06-2010, 04:26 AM
I think on the GW models it's mostly to provide a contrasting spot colour to the main scheme of primarilly greens and black, really drawing your attention to the face/head o fthe models as a focus point whilst providing a boldness that their pale skin lacks (which is important against such as heavy main colourscheme)

10-06-2010, 06:23 AM
Okay before I say anymore I just want to start by saying I LOVE the new Dark Eldar. I got into 40k about a year ago, and I have an Eldar army, but if the DE models that are coming out right now were out then I would have picked DE hands down as my first army. Now that they are coming out and with a new codex, I feel like a complete person, and will finally have the evil, heartless, destructive 40k army I was always meant to have (really leaning towards a wych army).

Now that being said, I am only asking a simple question and am wondering if anyone else noticed it too. The new models once again look gorgeous, BUT why do the DE now look like a bunch of evil Gingers coming to steal your soul? Has anyone else noticed how they all have red hair? WTF why red; when I think of sadistic and cruel and soul stealing, Raggedy Anne and Andy don't pop into my head; maybe they should.

What do you guys think, or am I just color blind, and if so please correct me, and before anyone says it, yes I know the mandrakes aren't painted with red hair.

First off, let me say, welcome to the Bandwagon! Glad to have you aboard!

Second, red hair is a painters choice. The models come unpainted, so you can paint their hair however you like.

10-06-2010, 06:59 AM
Perhaps they are the answer to a bumper sticker I saw in the US.

"I`m gonna slap you like a red headed step child"


10-06-2010, 08:56 AM
Glad to be aboard the band wagon, and I know that it is painters choice, and that they come unpainted and I can paint them whatever color my heart tells me too.

Alot of good suggestions have been stated. I like the blood of their victims, but it probably was to contrast color scheme of the overall darker tones going on, and the pastiness of their skin (I guess not alot of sunlight in the webway).

I just noticed it, and wondered if anyone else thought the same thing. :o

10-06-2010, 11:20 AM
Is there any particular paint shceme you like/want to do to the Dark Eldar models yourself?

10-06-2010, 11:41 AM
My DE are painted black/green with a turquoise highlight and pink with a white highlight, all the hair in my army is pink, skin is a dark tone however.

10-06-2010, 05:16 PM
I was thinking of black with red highlights. For hair probably black or maybe some purple. I'm not set on anything yet. I'll wait till the codex comes out and look through it for some ideas. How about you Buffo, what is your color scheme?

10-06-2010, 05:43 PM
Buffo just soaks his models in the blood of his enemies. No need for paint.

Drew da Destroya
10-06-2010, 06:59 PM
That's not entirely fair... he uses the rest of their viscera too!

10-06-2010, 07:11 PM
Buffo just soaks his models in the blood of his enemies. No need for paint.

Wow.... I don't think you know how close to the truth this is....

My Wyches are covered in blood and pieces of viscera... So yeah, my models are actually bathed in the blood of my enemies!

I was thinking of black with red highlights. For hair probably black or maybe some purple. I'm not set on anything yet. I'll wait till the codex comes out and look through it for some ideas. How about you Buffo, what is your color scheme?


I have been playing this game since 1988. I own 17 armies. Only one of which is fully painted....

lol... Even though I am an artist, for some reason, I just never paint figures much, if ever... Go figure!!!

But, BUT... I WILL be painting these new DE models... As for the color scheme, I like the one presented in the existing models as is, so I'll just be doing the scheme you currently see on all the new DE models...

10-07-2010, 02:37 AM
Wow someone who has been playing for longer than me... I started in 1992 myself... and only have 1 fully painted army also ;)

Imperial Fists oddly enough... and yes yellow is a serious pain in the preverbials to paint. Still im working through my DE atm, hoping to have them finished in 3-4 months (its not going to be a show army, just tabletop standard). I suppose it'd only take me a week or two to finish my death guard... if I ever get around to it.

The scheme the new DE are painted for photographing is a really nice scheme, a lot more contrast than they used to have, which is always a good thing... but im going with green and pink... just to be different.

10-07-2010, 03:56 AM
For Gamesday afew years ago my GW built a banelord (the khorne warlord titan). After the show it went on display in store. One day it fell off and split someones head open.

They weren't sure if they should clean it or leave it as a sacrifice for the blood god...

10-07-2010, 08:05 AM
The scheme the new DE are painted for photographing is a really nice scheme, a lot more contrast than they used to have, which is always a good thing... but im going with green and pink... just to be different.

Baaaahh hahahah!! :P

10-07-2010, 08:29 AM
Hehe thought you'd like that... still its an effective colour scheme, I finished my test mini last night, i'd get some pics taken but the army is packed up for game night... so pics tomorrow.

10-07-2010, 08:38 AM
I'm thinking of trying a dark green colour scheme. I really want to go paint my Kabal of the Enraged Sapphic Ho.:(

10-07-2010, 08:45 AM
I have always liked the 3 metallic blue models in the 'eavy metal showcase in the old codex (pic where middle warrior has power sword and base has skeleton) It is a very easy and fast way to paint the models, metallic blue then wash blue - ur done!

10-07-2010, 09:40 PM
The Monsters for the Lord's court and Beast masters sound like they could be very fun to modle.