View Full Version : Comp Command Sqd vs Melta Vets

10-05-2010, 08:24 PM
Evening gents,
Recently I've become involved in an escalation of sorts campaign with my IG. We've started at 1K and are slowly working our way up.

Currently, I am fielding:

1X Primaris Psyker
2X Vets w/3 GL + Carapace in Chimera
2X Vets w/3 Melta +Carapace in Chimera
Demolisher w/ LC

I've been considering dropping the 2X Vets w/ Melta and the Primaris and taking 2 Company Command Sqds w/4X melta and Comp Commander in Carapace. Now I understand that I'm getting 1 more meltagun and the potential to use bring it down each turn but my question is:

Is it worth it?

I've never fielded CCS and worry about the lack of ablative wounds that a vet squad has.


10-05-2010, 08:39 PM
I would change out the grenade launchers on one squad for Flamers. Then you have a nice mix of weapons- can handle hordes n' hvy armor.

You could go with the Command Squads, but you are losing 2 Scoring units. The Vets are probably a better choice at this point value.

10-05-2010, 08:58 PM
I don't see the need to go all or nothing with the command squad.
Drop the Psyker and a vet squad and take a single command squad.

I'm with Tynskel with the weapon choices for the Vets:
One with grenade launchers, one with flamers and one with melta (and a melta command squad).

You might even want to drop the body-armour on the troops; that way you could also pop in a Hydra Flak-tank, or some out-flanking scout Sentinel's.

10-05-2010, 09:08 PM
Let me caveat this with I usually play at 1750 to 2000pts so if this is effective I might swap over to CCS...
I play against a lot of power armor hippies so I question the usefulness of driving up a tank of flamers for one round of shooting then getting probably knocked out of the tank and killed in CC.

10-06-2010, 05:58 AM
I tend not to run melta CCS. I leave that to the vet squads and run my CCS one of two ways:

Close range killy: 3 plasma guns, Cap w/plasma pistol, carapace armor and a medic. Drastically reduces the "gets hot" issue and puts out 7 str 7 ap2 shots @ 12".

Static CCS: 1 LC, 2 sniper, Master of Ordinance for putting the long range hurt on targets.