View Full Version : Greater Deamon

10-03-2010, 02:23 PM
Hi all, toying with idea of using greater deamon.

When is it best used?

What does it go well with?

What is best used to summon it?

What is its effect on game and gameplay?

Its fairly obvious that 100pts + naked champion is cheap for most of its stats but is it really usable?

10-04-2010, 12:28 AM
When i play-tested Black legion, i found it to be a bit useless as it's a generic Greater Daemon, and not something you can choose(ie. Bloodthirster,Great unclean one,etc..) if you want a daemonic HQ then use the DP, he will cause your opponent some serious pain if used right, and he can be customized to fit your army's theme/mark.

10-04-2010, 01:57 AM
It all depends on whay you want to use him for...

For pretty much any build I want wings, they are too useful to pass up.

If you want a tough momma thats able to absorb masses firepower then take nurgle, if you want a psycho that can dish out a truely insane amount of CC attacks then take khorne, if you want a lightning strike in CC then take slannesh... and if your weird take tzench.

If your doing a black legion list then you need to take a careful look at your list and figure out what your missing.

10-04-2010, 04:49 AM
When is it best used?

when you found a way/playstyle to work around his inate weakness (slow once out, kills of a unit champion).

What does it go well with?

A unit or army of units which do not depend on unit champions (choosen, havocs, normal csm which use the unit champion only to carry a combi-weapon).

What is best used to summon it?

A champion that already fired his combi-weapon and sits next to an expensive enemy unit.

What is its effect on game and gameplay?

it kills stuff. usually your oponent does not react to it before he comes out and then he avoids it because the greater deamon is slow.

a unit I like:
5csm, 1meltagun, upgrade to aspiring champion, combi-melta, rhino.

cheap as hell, drives forward, jumps out and kills a tank. with a bit of luck and good placement your champ survives and then deploys the deamon on one enemy flank while your army keeps him locked in place from the other side :) hammer and anvil

10-06-2010, 10:46 AM
When is it best used?

Any time you can!

What does it go well with?

Mech army, it’s slow so you need to take the sacrificial lamb and move him up as fast as possible.

What is best used to summon it?

Honestly the Champ that can get him in the best possible position to charge the turn he comes in to play.

To use the Greater Daemon to the best effect I really believe that you have to be prepared to toast ANY of your champs at any time.

The GD will do so much more damage than any champ so go ahead and sacrifice him!

Identify a couple of juicy targets and head a rhino for them. Then which ever one is in position when the GD comes is the champ you pop.

The GD comes on, charges for an extra 6” of movement, kills the target hopefully then consolidates another d6” so if you work it right he can get right up in the middle of the enemy lines.

What is its effect on game and game play?

Nothing sucks down heavy weapons fire like the GD; it can be a good distraction to get your other transports closer. And he makes scrap of any kind of vehicle and is tops at destroying walkers!

It’s fairly obvious that 100pts + naked champion is cheap for most of its stats but is it really usable?


Don’t get me wrong there will be times he comes in on your second turn and if he does there is a good chance that he will just get gunned down. With enough fire even small arms will take him down since he only has a 4+ save.

10-06-2010, 10:52 AM
I love using Gr Daemons. I have a Nurgle DP that I painted fairly well that I like to use as the model as my Bloodthirster is circa 1994 LOL.

I try to have a champion in every squad and will throw a gr daemon in any 1500+ army Im using. Great for mowing through troopers or bustin up some tanks. Everytime Ive used, Ive killed more than 150pts so a good investment for me.