View Full Version : from kroot to predator

10-03-2010, 08:29 AM
So I've been wanting to make a kroot look more like a Predator with a helmet, the blades on the arm, and the gun on the shoulder. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

10-03-2010, 09:08 AM
Sounds cool, here are my suggestions:

Green stuff the mask, this isn't easy but the predator's mask is fairly smooth so shouldn't be too hard. Remember to add three tiny holes (use a pin?) that you can paint red dots for the targeter.
The kroot dreadlocks already kind of work but using two heads you could cut them off and reposition so they hang down more like the predator's hairstyle.
The rifle should be able to be cut off and reassembled so that it goes on the shoulder pad already in place.
The blades from the front and back of the rifle could be used to make the wrist blades.
It's the hands that are going to give you the most problem IMHO as they're currently holding the rifle. Genestealer or ghoul hands might work here if you can lay your hands on some.

If you can find a way to do the spear and discus weapons, that would be even better, but nothing immediately springs to mind.

The Madman
10-03-2010, 09:40 AM
i would say make the tech Tauish and fluff wise say that the tau are developing tech for the kroots to use, i would name them Kroot Stalkers. fire warrior torso may work along with dark eldar warrior blades for the wrist blades.

Lord Anubis
10-05-2010, 01:45 AM
When I built mine I used the skull-shoulder pad from the Chaos Marauders set. Just trim off the raised ridge on the back and file down the teeth. It even sits nice on the Kroot head.

I used three Kroot shoulderpads to create the segmented armor, and then a Kroot rifle to make the shoulder cannon. Rather than wrist blades, I used rifle-spikes to give him the oversized throwing star weapon.

I use him as an alternate Guardsmen Marbo with my Catachans. :)