View Full Version : Gargantuan squiggoth...

Big mek
10-02-2010, 11:01 AM
Hey BoLS'ers

Ive been looking around for something to use as base for a large squiggoth for my deep little green pests, but..

Ive come up with a rhino model (kid toy) that i was thinking of using, but im unsure of the size of such a creature, what i got is Height 5,5 inches, will be taller with "fortress" added ofc, length 10" and 4" wide, will be adding some armours to the side too ofc, so thatll increase size too...

So help me out, would that go as "gargantuan"?


And would i have to mount it on a base, and if yes, what size?

10-02-2010, 10:13 PM
I think that should be adequate. But only if tou promise to post pictures when done.

10-03-2010, 04:05 AM
that's is about the right size. As for the base... Gargantuan Creatures don't need to have one, but you may find once you have the Howda and armour plates and orks that it is a little unstable and could benefit from one. If you do I doubt the exact size would matter but I'd suggest an oval that doesn't extend much more than an inch than the feet. should look balanced, even if the head (and tail if you're having one) go over the edge of the base. just try to keep it in proportion to GW models and their bases

10-03-2010, 05:51 AM
Trying to guage the Forgeworld one from the pictures i'd say your model won't be far off the same size.

seconded on the showing of pics when you're done

10-03-2010, 07:08 AM
It'll actually look a little small if you put it next to the Forgeworld version; which comes in a 14" long, 6" and 8" tall (height of the howdah).

Of course, they come in all different sizes and ages. Yours could just be a younger version, and the forgeworld one is an ancient battle-scared veteran.

Big mek
10-03-2010, 08:04 AM
Well, kinda betrayed you all, as ive started working on a stompa instead, till now, bodywork, base and feet are done/dryin in the garage, and i kinda have to have it done till next weekend where apocalypse is coming ;)

But i will indeed come back to this project as Squiggoths are very very cool ;)

Will upload stompa pics in 10 mins, need toilet lol

Big mek
10-03-2010, 08:26 AM
As promised


^^First off, wip of the feet, took me quite a while to decide how to make them, but in the end, the simplest way worked best!


^^Belly Gun/cannon, wasnt sure of the size, but think itll do


^^Started on the fun stuff, armor plating, i mean, how long can it take??


^^ OMG, forget i said that... 2.5 hours later lol

Well, dont want to do more today, ill let it all dry up and the start working on head and arms tomorrow..

Big mek
10-03-2010, 08:29 AM
Oh, and just as a teaser, this is how my Squiggoth (not gargantuan) started out:


And heres one of the work so far on the rider/drummer


This will, ofc, allso have to be all done till next weekend... except painting maybe, just a friendly game hehe

10-03-2010, 08:38 PM
So far they're looking very very orky.
Respects, Emperorsaxe

George Labour
10-03-2010, 10:07 PM
Just a thought, but might the Mumak model from the Lord of the Rings provide some inspiration if not parts for the beast and the Howdah?

It's always struck me as a base for a squiggoth for those of us lacking in talent. Just sculpt on scales and add ork gubbins.

Big mek
10-04-2010, 12:09 AM
Just a thought, but might the Mumak model from the Lord of the Rings provide some inspiration if not parts for the beast and the Howdah?

It's always struck me as a base for a squiggoth for those of us lacking in talent. Just sculpt on scales and add ork gubbins.

It might, but one of my first and most important issues is making it cheap too ;)

actually seen the mumak in a local gaming club tournament, it worked very well!