View Full Version : Eldar and Tau Question

09-30-2010, 10:34 PM
With Blade Storm, do you need to declare you are using it before you messure?

And with the Tau book. Im just hopeing here but was the point restriction on the speical characters annulled with an errata or something like that?

09-30-2010, 11:27 PM
That's a tough question as it's pretty vague in the description of Bladestorm and the FAQ doesn't cover it. The only operative word to go by is that they may choose to fire one more shot, so I would be inclined to say that you do that at the time that you decide to fire. This means that you commit to it before checking range. There is no way I can back it up with anything concrete from the rulebook or eldar codex, just how I'm interpreting their choice.

With that being said, I can see the counter-argument of that they choose to fire the extra shot when they've determined that they are able to fire. Unless someone else has a suggestion, I think both could be right, so I'd suggest talking with your gaming group and determining which you all feel is best, or just throw a die. :)

As I understand it, unless the Errata changed it, I assume that point limitations still apply when choosing special characters from old codexes. I checked the Tau codex and it didn't say you would ignore those. I also checked the Withhunters errata for posterity and they didn't mention ignoring the point limitations either.

10-01-2010, 12:24 AM
I would expect that you have to declare Bladestorm at the same time you declare your shooting choices (what guns, at what target, etc), just as Sternguard would have to declare which special ammo they were using before checking range.

Old books don't get any breaks on the "in games of 1500 or larger" sections on characters, sorry. Maybe if you ask your opponent super-nice they'll let you.

10-01-2010, 12:38 AM
I agree with AbusePuppy.

10-01-2010, 04:31 AM
you declare all shooting before you measure range. bottom of p. 16

10-01-2010, 04:25 PM
I would also agree that you declare you're going to bladestorm before you measure.

To do otherwise would be like saying "I'm going to use a psychic power" and then decide which one you were trying to use after the roll...