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View Full Version : Phoenix Lords

Inquisitor Malaclypse
08-20-2009, 11:49 AM
to the point:

can a Phoenix Lord join a non-Aspect unit, and have the unit gain the benefit of the Phoenix Lord?

it's obvious that Phoenix Lord cannot join a different Aspect Warrior unit; i.e. Asurmen cannot join Howling Banshees, for example.

but could Asurmen join a unit of Guardians and have them benefit from his power, or have Karandhras join a unit of Wraithguard, for example.

this debate started in another forum i frequent, but i wanted to get more input on this.

thanks in advance for the help.:confused:

08-20-2009, 12:18 PM
I beileve it stated it in the Eldar codex that only there aspect warriors benfield from there special rules, but they can join other units, but that unit will not benefit firm there special rules, it should state this in the codex.

08-20-2009, 01:02 PM
I don't see why not. From page 54:

Disciples: Phoenix Lords typically lead their brethren into battle. If the Phoenix Lord is leading a squad of their Aspect, then the whole squad becomes Fearless. Phoenix Lords cannot join Aspect Warrior squads that are not of their Aspect. Note that if a squad has two of the same Exarch power, they are not cumulative.

Nothing says that a Phoenix Lord can't join a non-Aspect unit such as guardians or wraithguard. And the exarch powers that a Phoenix Lord has are separate from the Disciples rule, so they would still apply by their terms, and they specify squads, not "Dire Avengers" or "Fire Dragons," etc.

The only exarch power I can think of that wouldn't necessarily apply to a non-Aspect squad is Bladestorm. Bladestorm specifically mentions shuriken weapons, so Asurmen couldn't give it to wraithguard. I'd be kind of irritated if somebody used Baharroth to give Skyleap to a non-Aspect unit, but I don't see anything prohibiting it.

Crotch Lictor
08-20-2009, 01:04 PM
Per the Codex:

"Phoenix Lords cannot join Aspect Warrior Squads that are not of their Aspect"

Not sure if that means they can join units that are non-Aspect, but I guess they could since the codex states that they are Independant Characters.

Edit: DOH, beaten to it.

08-20-2009, 01:44 PM
I believe they can join guardians or wraithguards, but there disciples rule swould not effect them, only there aspect warriors can use them, so guardians would not get bladestorm or anything along those lines.

08-20-2009, 01:51 PM
there disciples rule swould not effect them, only there aspect warriors can use them, so guardians would not get bladestorm or anything along those lines.

Re-read the Disciples rule. Bladestorm and other exarch powers aren't part of it.

08-20-2009, 05:14 PM
its in the FAQ... but i will save you the time... no they can't grant their power...

but just in case Link (http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m1610177_Eldar_FAQ_2008-05_Edition.pdf) & Quote

Q. As Phoenix Lords are not Exarchs, but independent characters, do their exarch powers (Shadowstrike, Skyleap, etc.) affect units other then Aspect Warriors?

A. Their Powers only affect units of Aspect Warriors.

08-20-2009, 05:22 PM
Sigh. So embarrassing to miss stuff like that. Thanks Dan-e!

08-20-2009, 05:49 PM
Sigh. So embarrassing to miss stuff like that. Thanks Dan-e!

NP i only knew about it because i was just reading that the other day while i was talking to my friend about using an Phoenix Lord in his army.

Inquisitor Malaclypse
08-20-2009, 08:30 PM
good call...

funny, i managed to get through to GW customer service today and they ruled the other way on it, but they even mentioned that their rulings are overriden by the FAQ. that sucks :rolleyes:

thanks Dan-e.

08-21-2009, 02:06 AM
shame really because wraithlords would be so much better if they could benefit from exarch type powers