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View Full Version : Throgg, Troll King conversion

Brass Scorpion
09-28-2010, 10:15 PM
Not being that fond of the GW metal Chaos Troll models, I got rid of the few of those I had and used the gains to get two boxes of the plastic River Trolls. I kit-bashed a few Chaos bits onto them, but spent the most conversion time turning a basic River Troll model into Throgg, The Troll King through the following conversions:
- Giving him a large axe similar to the one in the picture in the Warriors of Chaos Army Book.
- Making the left leg stand upright. This required some repositioning, cutting and sculpting using Apoxie Sculpt. A sculpted rock was then placed under the right foot. This adds about 0.5" in height to the model so that he literally stands above the other five models in the unit.
- Adding small trophies to his right shoulder and belly.
- Giving him a mouth belly as suggested by the illustration in the army book. Instead of a long, wide slit like the one in the illustration, I opted for a rounded maw like the one I used on my Chaos Giant (http://www.dakkadakka.com/core/gallery-viewimage.jsp?i=125433&m=2&w=800)conversion. This creates some visual unity between those two conversions.

http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2010/9/29/143419-Chaos%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Troll%2C%20Warhammer%20 Fantasy%2C%20Warriors%20Of%20Chaos.jpg (http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/143419-Throgg%2C%20Troll%20King%2C%20WIP.html?m=2)

09-29-2010, 12:51 AM
He looks very menacing.

09-29-2010, 04:55 PM
So that's the king of the trolls eh? Funny, I thought he'd look more like a fat guy in a basement... ZING
Awesome model, looks very aggressive and in-your-face.

09-30-2010, 03:52 AM
Fat guys in basements can still be trolls, just look at Warseer.

So that's the king of the trolls eh? Funny, I thought he'd look more like a fat guy in a basement... ZING
Awesome model, looks very aggressive and in-your-face.

09-30-2010, 01:29 PM
Needs to be a bit more chaos-ish...
Icons or something...
but a really good pose!

Brass Scorpion
10-06-2010, 10:24 PM
A look at the first painted Troll for the unit of six. Not showing, the small tail added to the rear end.

http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2010/10/6/145513-Chaos%2C%20Painting%2C%20Troll%2C%20Warriors%20Of% 20Chaos.jpg

Brass Scorpion
10-30-2010, 09:25 PM
These Warhammer Chaos Trolls were converted from plastic River Trolls. My unit of six is now complete. A few tails have been added and one troll has a tentacle arm. The Throgg conversion shown above in an unpainted state stands in the middle of the front rank.

http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2010/10/31/151514_sm-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Trolls%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Pai nting%2C%20Throgg%2C%20Troll%2C%20Warriors%20Of%20 Chaos.jpg

http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2010/10/31/151515_sm-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Trolls%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Pai nting%2C%20Throgg%2C%20Troll%2C%20Warriors%20Of%20 Chaos.jpg

Brass Scorpion
11-30-2010, 09:24 AM
I just got my 5th "kill", that is my fifth time having my hobby work featured on the Games Workshop website's What's New Today daily post since the first time in March of this year. Here's a link to the latest one showing my Chaos Trolls (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/blogPost.jsp?aId=14300089a), the same ones shown in this thread. If you go to that page, check out the Dark Angels and Terminator models there too, they are brilliantly painted.

12-21-2010, 12:11 PM
Your Throgg is top notch! For such a simple repose and a few adds you really came up with a stunning conversion!