View Full Version : Wave Serpent Loadout

09-28-2010, 02:42 PM
Having recently picked up Eldar (mech) due to a series of trades and buying used, I'm interested to get some tips. The big variable in my list is the vehicles and their loadouts. I have 3 Wave Serpents and 2 Falcons.

For the Wave Serpents, I've more or less narrowed it down to either the TL Scatter Laser with Spirit Stones, or an Eldar ML with Shuriken Cannon and Spirit Stones.

The EML gives me another str 8 shot, while still having some str 6. However, I've found the 24" cannon makes it tougher to kite the enemy. On the other hand, the TL Scatter laser is more accurate and doesn't have the range limitation, but also has trouble with heavy armor.

On my Falcons I just use a Scatter Laster, Holofields, Spirit Stones and Star Engines. I haven't really tried out any different loadouts with them.

Any thoughts from more experienced players?

For reference, here's a rough list of the rest of my army, currently:
3 Warlocks
2x 6 Fire Dragon
6 Howling Banshees
6 Striking Scorpions
10 Dire Avengers (I use as a large squad with Bladestorm to target isolated infantry units)
10 Storm Guardians with flamers
3 Vypers (hey, I like the models)

09-28-2010, 10:57 PM
Personally, I love the EML's. A high str blast template that can cause multiple pinning tests can be real annoying against enemy infantry. Added to that, the versatility of being able to drop a TL Str 8 at the side of an enemy tank/transport in a pinch.

As far as the cannon, most of the eldar weaponry is also short ranged, so I find that you'll probably be in range to shoot it more often than not

I've played a list of Eldar that focused heavily on EMLs (Wave Serpents and Vypers) and the amount of pinning tests they can force you to take is staggering sometimes

09-29-2010, 12:30 AM
whos transporting who

for DA id say EML or BL (pop tank> shhot insides)
HB or warlocks use EML or scatter lazer
FD id use scatter laser + shuriken cannon (seriously anti infantry fire station tank!!

09-29-2010, 12:35 AM
It depends what the Wave Serpents will be doing. If I am using one to carry my Banshee and Farseer, I will give it an EML or Bright Lance on the off chance it needs to crack something a bit tougher. Of course if you are taking Fire Dragons and Banshees together to support each other, then you could drop the extra anti-armour and go for EML or Lasers. The Wave Serpent that carries my Fire Dragons get a Scatter Laser and whatnot to help mow down any nasties which might get too close.

09-29-2010, 09:35 AM
I used to take brightlances on most of my Serpents and also twin-linked shuri cannons. I found lances are only affective against heavy armour, which is the Dragons job, against normal armour the EML can do the same job for 15 points less.

Currently I use twin-linked EML and underslug shuri cannon on all my Wave Serpents, if you move 12" you should have the shuri cannon in range plus you can fire the EML as a S4 defensive weapon ;)

Archon Charybdis
09-29-2010, 09:50 AM
I think Mercer's got the right of it. For the price of a single TL-lance on a wave serpent, I know I'd much rather have (just shy of) 3 Fire Dragons. Bright Lances are overpriced and not nearly as dangerous as everyone with AV14 worries.

I usually take Scatter Lasers on my Serpents to save on the points (and on average they'll perform better than a krak missile against AV10 and 11), and leave the heavy AV popping to my two squads of 5 fire dragons. That said, the EML Shuricannon combo is very nasty, it's just a bigger chunk of points than I can usually spare in my 2000pt list.

09-29-2010, 10:21 AM
The Dire Avengers and Guardians both obviously go in Serpents. They both are hit and run squads. I fly up, jump out, Bladestorm/triple flamer something, then try and run away. I think an EML and Shuriken Cannon would work for them, as I'd be able to reach out and touch something if the opportunity arose, but I should still be close enough to something to use the Cannon.

The Banshees and Fire Dragons are more of a deterrent, really. They sit back, ready to pounce on anything my opponent puts a little too close. Keeping them relatively safe and out of range is a bit more important, so I think a Cannon would be a bit too short ranged for them. I think Scatter Lasers on the third Serpent and the two Falcons would be a bit more appropriate here.

I'm a little hesitant on anything other than a Scatter Laser on the Vypers. If I don't have points, I can cut down to a Cannon, but the only other real option for them is the EML, I think. The problem with that is the BS 3. A single BS3 str 8 shot on such a fragile platform isn't very intimidating. Nor is a str 4 small blast, typically. The Scatter laser is a bit cheaper, plus I can use the vypers as disposable flankers, turboboosting around to get shots on rear armor.

On a side note, I've noticed that the vypers mostly get ignored. All the real anti-tank fire goes at the Serpents and Falcons. The vypers have only been shot at when they were the only target available for something else. Having a Scatter Laser also allows me to keep the vypers out of range of most small arms fire, and since they get ignored by the anti-tank shooting they're actually more survivable than I'd've thought, so far at least.

I used to take brightlances on most of my Serpents and also twin-linked shuri cannons. I found lances are only affective against heavy armour, which is the Dragons job, against normal armour the EML can do the same job for 15 points less.

I definately agree with this. Two squads of Fire Dragons should be plenty to deal with any Land Raiders I'll face. I also plan on converting an Autarch and giving him a meltagun as well.