View Full Version : Deciding on a Speeder loadout, Typhoon or Tornado?

09-27-2010, 08:27 PM
I've recently fallen in love with Speeders and have added three to my 1500 list. I have two in a squadron as Typhoons but I can't decide what to do with my third one. Here is my list:

(Outflanking as one unit)
10 man Assault Squad with Thunderhammer Sergeant


2x 10 man Tactical Squad (Meltagun/Lascannon) with TL Lascannon Razorback
2x Whirlwind
Rifleman Dread (2x TL Autocannon)
2x Land Speeder Typhoon (HB/ML) in squadron
Land Speeder (either HB/ML or HB/AsltC)

Now most of this list is set in stone with the Rifleman Dread and this lone speeder possibly being swapped for a Telion sniper squad and a Thunderfire but that decision depends on who I'm playing. If I keep the lone speeder, which loadout would be best? Having it be another Typhoon would give me those 2 more missiles but with such a static gunline, it leaves the task of pressuring the enemy up to Shrike and his outflanking Assault Squad. If the speeder is a Tornado (HB/AsltC) then I would boost it up a flank to pressure the enemy and, if it survives, support Shrike's unit.

What do you guys think?

09-27-2010, 09:49 PM
The Land Speeder with Assault Cannon betrays your gunline approach, I think. Minus the bolters/meltagun, everything is pretty long range. For you to take advantage of the Assault Cannon on the speeder, it'll have to be within bolter range itself. I don't think that's too comforting, personally, with an AV10 vehicle running around. :)

My vote: Typhoon.

As another aside, the Typhoon is solid at just about everything. MEQ with AP3, Vehicle-hunting with Heavy2, STR8, and hordes with Heavy2, Frag missiles. Plus, with the ability to move 12" and still fire the frag missiles and your heavy bolter, I just think there's more utility to the Typhoon speeders. Whenever I design a list now, it'll always have Typhoons in it. :)

Mike X
09-27-2010, 11:59 PM
My vote: Typhoon.

Typhoon > Tornado

09-28-2010, 11:24 AM
I too am all for Typhoons.

The range and versatility more than make up for the points it costs IMO.

09-28-2010, 11:49 AM
The ability to fire either 2 str:8 shots or 3 str:5 and two defensive blasts is always better then just using an assault cannon.

The only way you need a tornado is if you require a throw-away, one-shot kill unit; either the melta-flamer or dual-melta. For taking out a linchpin tank or infantry in heavy cover.

09-28-2010, 12:49 PM
I've been asking around elsewhere as well and people have suggested taking a bare MM Speeder instead of a Tornado or a third Typhoon. Their reasoning being that nothing in this list except for the tac's meltaguns can really pose much of a threat to a Land Raider should a LR spam list appear. Seems reasonable enough but 60 points for a one-shot suicide speeder while I could pay 90 for another Typhoon seems a bit steep.

Of course, the MM Speeder poses a threat to things far more expensive but I'm a notoriously bad single-die roller; this is why I take TL Lascannons on the Razorbacks instead of the more flexible Las/Plas.

I like how a MM Speeder can lock down 24" around it for everything, 36" for light vehicles/un-attached ICs but is it worth the risk of missing?