View Full Version : Really really BIG Warboss Conversion

09-27-2010, 01:19 AM
Hey all,

I've been in the process of building a shiny new Orks army and am about ready to start on a warboss. Only problem is the current model range (AoBR, blisters, Ghaz) aren't big enough for my taste. I've been wanting to convert another model into a really huge warboss.

I looked into using fantasy ogres or giants which didn't have the right body type and I even considered using Krieger from Inquisitor until I found out he's BARELY taller than an AoBR warboss. So I am pretty much at my wits end here.

I'm hoping to make him look very orky, very muscular and roughly the size of a dread (maybe a bit smaller for purposes of fitting on his base). Right now the best idea I got is using Krieger with HEAVY greenstuffing to extend his height at the lower torso between the legs and chest pieces.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

09-27-2010, 02:26 AM
Ghaz is the biggest Ork around, so if hes not big enough, consider going along his lines. Don't have much Ork showing, build up a massive meka body (maybe out of a Dred) and plonk an Ork head and hands on it

09-27-2010, 04:40 AM
Agreed, a giant dread body would work fine, you can just have the head and bits of the shoulders showing.

If you really want a big monster body, I would recommend something like a fantasy Minotaur or river troll as a base but you're going to have to do some serious converting.

09-27-2010, 07:16 AM
Hrmmm...the dread isn't really what I was going for but it's getting to the right size so it's better than what I was doing :)

I like your suggestion isotope. I think the Minotaur looks like a good base; the converting/greenstuffing wouldn't be TERRIBLE it's the head that looks like it would be really difficult...

The other idea I had was using the new plastic daemon prince. One of the three bodies looks decent.

(http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat440167a&prodId=prod970014a&rootCatGameStyle=) 3rd picture on the slider.

I think with some work on a head, some greenstuff to make the muscles bigger and cover the chaos stuff he might work well.

Still not sure though


09-27-2010, 12:01 PM
The daemon prince torso and arms could work with the black reach or ghaz head (or the fantasy black ork helmet standard). The challenge will be the legs I think.

09-27-2010, 01:05 PM
Bigger is always better for the Orks. I'm looking to make a Warboss as well and this caught my eye for being a good jump-off point for a conversion.


It's for the Inquisitor game so its naturally going to be a bit bigger than its 40k comrades which is right up your alley (plus having two giant power klaws doesn't hurt either)

Eusebius Rex
09-27-2010, 01:27 PM
I haven't made an ork army yet, but was planning on making a super huge one for a warboss for when I do as they are always described as being so huge in the BL books.

I have an old Heroscape figure (Krug) that I was planning on using:

With some decent conversion with 40k bits he'd look the part, and is about the height of a dread.

09-27-2010, 02:09 PM

The above thread has an awesome warboss conversion from a few years back. Best one i have ever seen. I bought the very same troll for an Ogre Kingdoms gorger conversion (as i hate the current models) and it went together very very nicely.

09-27-2010, 02:12 PM
This wouldn't be GW store legal but what about using a Warjack from Warmachine? Maybe a Khador or Cygnar hulking monstrosity as a base?

09-27-2010, 05:24 PM
Can it get to big ?...what about a 60 mm base monster ?

Troll from the LOTR range
http://i745.photobucket.com/albums/xx91/cuthlas/m1251418_99061466020_ColLotRCaveTrollMain_445x319. jpg

My suggestion

there is a plastic version too, but it has more armour
http://i745.photobucket.com/albums/xx91/cuthlas/m1580094_99121466002_LotrMordorIsengardTrollMain5_ 445x319.jpg

The first is more of a clean slate to work from, has about the same build as a ork (bull neck, smallish legs compared to the rest, apeman long arms, pig nose and beady eyes)

09-27-2010, 10:47 PM
Whew. I looked into Krieger, but he's actually no bigger than the AoBR boss.

The LoTR models aren't bad, not sure if the body/musculature is orky enough.

Still feelin the DP, the legs are going to be the hardest part. I may steal the legs from another model. That troll ain't bad.

09-28-2010, 02:44 AM
The LotR troll is nice...and your idea would work

I'm just gonna leave this here....


09-28-2010, 11:36 PM
Whoa. That's friggin sweet...Mostly a defiler/soulgrinder...creative.