View Full Version : Assaulting/Shooting/Running out of a vehicle

09-24-2010, 04:12 PM
OK, so on a Casetus Assault Ram you can assault out of it. We have established that you can only do so if you move 12", as you cannot assault out of an assault vehicle that has moved more than 12".

So, can you shoot or run after you have disembarked if you move 12" of less? Meaning you move 12" in the vehicle, disembark 2", run D6" and then assault 6".

I assume so but figured I would ask you guys.


09-24-2010, 04:51 PM
Depends. Normally if you run you can't assault. If you have the special rule 'fleet' you can. Some units have fleet normally. Some are triggered by a special rule like an Ork WAAAAGH!!

Secondly, there are a couple things that would let you move a vehicle more than 12" and still assault. A road lets a vehicle move an additional 6" at cruising speed. An Ork vehicle with a red paintjob can move an extra 1" with no penalty. So an Ork Trukk painted red and moving on a road could move 19" and then assault. If the same Trukk decided to move 'flat out' (p70) it could move 25" on the road, but its passengers could not disembark (before or after the Trukk's movement).

09-24-2010, 06:17 PM
If the vehicle moves flat out passengers can't disembark.

You can always disembark from a vehicle before the vehicle moves as long as there is no special rule (none that I'm aware of, but better safe than sorry) or obstacles to prevent it.

You could drop a squad out of a vehicle and then move the vehicle normally (or flat out). If you do this then both the squad and the vehicle can move/run/non-heavy weaponshoot/assault as per their rules.

Assault vehicles mean you can move less than flat out, drop the squad, and they count as moving. They can still shoot (or run) and assault as per their rules. If you don't have fleet and want to assault then you better not run and be within charge range. I assume you're playing marines so the majority of the time you won't be able to run and assault unless you have a special character that gives your army fleet.

09-24-2010, 07:11 PM
If the vehicle moves flat out passengers can't disembark.

You can always disembark from a vehicle before the vehicle moves as long as there is no special rule (none that I'm aware of, but better safe than sorry) or obstacles to prevent it.

You could drop a squad out of a vehicle and then move the vehicle normally (or flat out). If you do this then both the squad and the vehicle can move/run/non-heavy weaponshoot/assault as per their rules.

Page 70 of the BRB under Fast Transport Vehicles states, "Passengers may not embark onto or disembark from a fast vehicle if it has moved (or is going to move) flat out in that Movement phase".

Fluff-wise I guess the Orks don't wanna jump out as the driver is gettin ready to drop the clutch and peel out.

09-24-2010, 08:40 PM
If you can disembark then you can shoot/run, the only carry over out of the movement phase is that you count as having moved when it comes to shooting, but that is fairly obvious :)

09-24-2010, 10:34 PM
If I don't move "Flat Out" I can disembark and assault. I count as moving. Why can I not shoot/run?

Getting conflicting answers here boys. My interpretation is the same as AirHorse. If I can shoot, I can run instead. I can assault because it is an assault vehicle.


09-24-2010, 10:48 PM
If I don't move "Flat Out" I can disembark and assault. I count as moving. Why can I not shoot/run?

Getting conflicting answers here boys. My interpretation is the same as AirHorse. If I can shoot, I can run instead. I can assault because it is an assault vehicle.


The answers are not conflicting. You can never run AND assault unless you have fleet. The vehicle has nothing to do with it. Read page 33 under disallowed assaults.

The fact that it is an assault vehicle means that you can disembark after vehicle movement and still assault. Normally this is not allowed. Read page 67 under disembarking.

09-25-2010, 07:41 AM
The answers are not conflicting. You can never run AND assault unless you have fleet. The vehicle has nothing to do with it. Read page 33 under disallowed assaults.

The fact that it is an assault vehicle means that you can disembark after vehicle movement and still assault. Normally this is not allowed. Read page 67 under disembarking.

Ahhh, copy that. THANKS!


10-03-2010, 11:18 PM
You can move 12" and disembark. The difference is that there are transports that are classified as "Fast Vehicles" (pg 70) and there are vehicles that are just, vehicles (or tanks).

NON-fast vehicles can't move flat out anyway, its a third level of speed. They can move their max (12") and the passengers can disembark tho.

FAST vehicles cannot move 18" and have their passengers disembark. But they could move 12" since that isn't flat out for them.