View Full Version : SM Chaplain/Librarian plastic kit

09-24-2010, 06:37 AM
Very nifty, if accurate. Makes a lot of sense, too. Instead of having to produce and stock a dozen different blisters they can produce one kit with all the options and sell them in vast quantities.

Another interesting rumor that I got back was a new SM kit has been started...similar to the sm captain plastic kit, a SM librarian/chaplain character box. This makes a lot of sense as the existing line of generic librarians/chaplains fail to encompass many of the wargear options in the marine codexes. I see this as a very real possibility, but its a very raw rumor, so it could be a long ways off yet. And instead of a 10 metal blister they can sell a 15-20 box of plastic.

09-24-2010, 06:53 AM
It would be a nice addition to their plastic range and it'd make a bunch of sense too. I wonder if they'd put the Terminator armour options in there too?

Erasmus of Baal
09-24-2010, 06:56 AM
Do want! BA army gonna look SO much cooler and be SO much badasser if this be true!

09-24-2010, 07:02 AM
Does the Space Marine Commander kit have terminator options? That would be an obvious precedent one way or the other.

It would be a nice addition to their plastic range and it'd make a bunch of sense too. I wonder if they'd put the Terminator armour options in there too?

09-24-2010, 07:46 AM
i hope you get the bike and PA options in it

both termi varients have sexy sculpts anyways !! (and please keep the jump chappy as well)

im thinkig the WHFB format with 1 mounted/bike general and 1 vanilla flavoured general

09-24-2010, 08:17 AM
It would be pretty easy to put in a generic termie and PA body (with bound scrolls, books, talberds, etc.; as the two type of chatacters actually look very similar) and price it like the platic Fantasy commanders sets (that have a mounted character and one on foot).

@Eldargal: Chaos have a plastic termie lord, but not the loyalists; and only the loyalists get a platic PA commander, Chaos only have metal leaders in power armour. Oddly.

09-24-2010, 09:22 AM
Yeah, when I went to do my commander in Terminator armor I pretty much just got the cape out of the Chaos Terminator Lord kit and slapped it on a Terminator. Ta da!

09-24-2010, 09:29 AM
Its a cool idea. The Chaos one is great, if a marines one sold as well (sure it would) I'd love to see an Eldar Autarch one...to get the model i want its 2 metal blisters and still some kitbashing

09-24-2010, 01:29 PM
Does the Space Marine Commander kit have terminator options? That would be an obvious precedent one way or the other.

The SM Commander does not contain any Terminator parts. BT and DA Chapter upgrades do. They may decide to put Terminators parts in this so you can convert your Libby / Chappy or even your SM Commander, however I suspect they will want you to purchase the Terminator box set and carry out some swapping / conversion using both kits.

09-24-2010, 11:43 PM
I would expect the Chaplain/ Librarian set to be Power Armor only.

An ideal set would be:
Full generic Chaplain and a generic librarian in power armor
variant heads
chapter specific and variant generic shoulder pads
weapon options
misc detail bits.
If they could include a few bits to convert a basic marine to an Apothecary it would be even better.

They also need a Terminator hero set.
A good balance between what we want and desired sales would be something like this:
Generic Officer, Chaplain and Librarian Torsos.
One set of "hero" legs. If done without knee pads or one leg they could do chapter/ chaplain/ Librarian bits to customize it.
Chaplain/ Librarian/ chapter specific shoulder pads
variant heads for each
weapon options
misc detail bits

This would allow building one complete figure but by using generic or chapter specific legs you could build the other two termie heros. Left over bits could also be used for derailing other termies.

09-25-2010, 02:54 PM
I would expect the Chaplain/ Librarian set to be Power Armor only.

An ideal set would be:
Full generic Chaplain and a generic librarian in power armor
variant heads
chapter specific and variant generic shoulder pads
weapon options
misc detail bits.
If they could include a few bits to convert a basic marine to an Apothecary it would be even better.

They also need a Terminator hero set.
A good balance between what we want and desired sales would be something like this:
Generic Officer, Chaplain and Librarian Torsos.
One set of "hero" legs. If done without knee pads or one leg they could do chapter/ chaplain/ Librarian bits to customize it.
Chaplain/ Librarian/ chapter specific shoulder pads
variant heads for each
weapon options
misc detail bits

This would allow building one complete figure but by using generic or chapter specific legs you could build the other two termie heros. Left over bits could also be used for derailing other termies.

Lane I agree with you on the Terminator Hero kit - I have 4 of the Old Terminator Captains from around after Space Hulk (1st Release). The Terminator Captain had a Fist with a grenade launcher on - very nifty!

However it's possible to convert current plastic Termi's with the bling from BA Sang, DC and the DA / BT upgrades...

09-25-2010, 07:33 PM
An ideal set would be:
Full generic Chaplain and a generic librarian in power armor.

Personally, I see no point in having different Chappy bodies and different Librarian bodies.
Both are almost the same, covered in scrolls, books, parchment, etc.
It's pretty much just the paintjob, weapons and heads that make them different.

09-25-2010, 07:52 PM
The core body can easily be the same with helmets and shoulder pads adding more books or skulls or whatever you want to distinguish your chaplains or librarians. I would love this kit if it happened, especially if it was more flexible like this :).

09-26-2010, 09:50 AM
Ok if this is true I generaly cant wait....it would make life sooo much easyer and epic...:D