View Full Version : GK Terminators

09-23-2010, 10:28 PM
Here's something from Stickmonkey on what might be in the new GKT box:

Some new bits.

according to a tiny bit I got overnight, GK TAs will have access to the standard marine upgrades, plus NFW, incinerators, psycannons, etc., of course. But he is saying the cyclone launcher for them will be arm mounted like their SBs. I'm very skeptical of this, but this source is close enough to know, so I thought I'd pass it along.

Supposed options for all will be on sprue. Plus NFW will NOT all be halberds. But the exact nature of them was not revealed to me.

If this pans out we could see a lot of weapon options in the sprue...a lot more than would be used. Assault Cannon, PsyCannon, Incinerator, SS, TH, NFWs, Cyclone launchers...seems like a lot to jam in, but if we look at SW and BA boxes those were loaded with bits.

since this is not confirmed anyhow, this is what I've been able to gather from various sources for the GK TA sprues:

5 legs
6 torsos
8 heads
6 nfw
5 SB
unknown # Special Weapons (includeing SS), but if above holds it could be 6+
GK TA back banner
6-8 shoulder shields
12 shoulder pads
~12 upgrade bits (books, scrolls, crux terminus, etc.)
8 arm sets (sounds like the arms have no hands, similar to sanguinary guard)
4 hands (right/left?)

source (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5001174&postcount=1029)

09-23-2010, 10:46 PM
would be nice to see them come with more options like SS/TH but as long as the SS and so forth, is Grey knight-ish and not standard ones.

Thanks for the info/rumors!:D

09-23-2010, 11:44 PM
would be nice to see them come with more options like SS/TH but as long as the SS and so forth, is Grey knight-ish and not standard ones.

I've actually converted a couple GKTs to have storm shields made of plasticard (so they're big fancy shields, not those wussy little square ones that come in the assault terminator kit). Cutting the storm bolters off sucks. Stupid metal models.

Thanks for the info/rumors!:D

No problem:). Since I play GKs as my main army, I have a vested interest in paying attention to rumors. And since I'm a college student who periodically needs to kill time not doing engineering stuff, I might as well post stuff here, too;).

09-24-2010, 06:34 AM
mmmmm can't wait for the new GK! I bet the detail on them will be amazing.

Lucian Kain
10-28-2010, 04:32 AM
The arm mounted cyclones wouldn't look stupid if they were made to look like the Space Crusade rocket launchers.

Hmmm a Grand Master with NFW,Assaultcannon,Iron Halo and the rest of the bits and bobs would make me very happy.-I'd just love the look.
I hope you can take at least two heavy weapons in a five man TA squad,plus what your Grand master can carry.

Three AssCans would be sexy as!,then three NFW's,then chainfist or eviserator/SS and TH/SS and NFW/SS on six good looking chapps with a pimped out ride SR.

12 S6 shots wouldnt be that over powered would it?HAHAHA

-maybe psycannons if they look cooler,why can't psycannons look like assault cannons with special amunition instead of big lumps of greenstuff smacked on an arm.

Please bring the force multiplyers like its raining special weapons.