View Full Version : Use of Units outside the FOC

09-20-2010, 08:57 PM
G'Day folks, just here with a quick question for you all.

Now there are a number of Units which do not take up a slot on the FOC for one reason or another, such as Warp Beast Packs or Ministorum Priests, yet they still count as Elites/Troops or HQ respectively.

So the question is, can you use these Units in games which don't allow or have 0 Slots for the FOC categories they come from? For example if playing a Kill Team scenario (where the FOC has 0 HQ Slots) can you field a Techpriest Enginseer?

My thought is, there is a difference between:
1. This Mission's FOC has a 0 HQ Slot allowance; and
2. No HQ Units may be used in this Mission.

In option 1, you merely lack a HQ Slot to purchase a standard HQ Unit and considering that the Unit in my example costs 0 HQ Slots to field, you should still be able to use it normally, just as it is in a normal mission where it would count as a (+1) HQ Unit. Ultimately in this situation there's no difference between 2(+1) HQ Units and 0(+1) HQ Units.

In option 2, it's clearly stated that the Mission prohibits the use of HQ Units altogether, so a Techpriest Enginseer in such a Mission would be an illegal Unit choice.

Thanks in advance for any ideas, official rulings or past examples.


09-21-2010, 03:38 AM
To the letter of the rules I believe that you would be able to take those units that don't count towards the FOC even where there are no FOC slots for them. However, generally where there are no FOC slots in a particular catagory its for a reason.

Looking at kill team, no HQ is partially fluff related (you dont often get an army commander leading a small squad on a dangerous mission behind enemy line; they are just too valuable) but also to stop people taking powerful characters that overbalance such a small and unusual game type.

I for one would love to see a techpriest enginseer leading a small squad of specialists to recover a downed vehicle or some lost artifact of the mechanicus. very fluffy.

I think the best answer would be to ask your opponant, or if this is for use in a tournament the organisers. Most people tend not to object too much to stuff like this if they know beforehand but are more likely to if something is sprung on them.

09-21-2010, 07:08 AM
Kill Team is a specialized game.

If you are playing at a tournament, I would contact the organizer--- if you are playing a pick-up game, explain to your opponent why you think your character should be in your game.

I have made kill team lists that have broken rules before, plenty of times. My opponents n' I agree to granting 10-20 points per rule broken (depending on how severe the rule was broken).

09-21-2010, 08:15 AM
I have made kill team lists that have broken rules before, plenty of times. My opponents n' I agree to granting 10-20 points per rule broken (depending on how severe the rule was broken).

The question is, or at least the one I'm looking into, does fielding these Units constitute a breaking of the rules if they're simply additional (free slot) Units outside of the allocation slots the mission normally grants?


Herald of Nurgle
09-21-2010, 02:22 PM
Technically? I'd say no, but that's only because my 0-1(no count as) HQ is the Greater Daemon :P

Always best to query before the games begin, to ease any possible problems.