View Full Version : Hello Again from Red Stick Studio

09-20-2010, 03:51 PM
Sorry for the long delay of anything new from me llately. I was working at the end of August on things, but couldn't quite seem to get my head out of the clouds with my mom suddenly becoming ill. This kind of came to a head when she suddenly passed away the day after my birthday. I have been working myself up to getting back on track, and picked up my brushes for the first time over the weekend since, roughly, the third week of August. I hope to have some new stuff up soon for everyone to see of both my Red Scorpions and some of the commissioned projects I have in store for the near future.

I had a blast figuring out how to make True Scale Space Marines from Lamenter's guide, and since figuring those out, I have had commission requests for them.

List of commissioned chapter TSM's requested (Most of these have been for a Captain/Marshal/Chapter Master/Librarian/Techmarine/Chaplain or a Heavy Weapons Mini)

Black Templar: Marshal and Emperor's Champion
World Eaters: Pre Heresy Kharn the Betrayer (as a Chaplain)
Blood Ravens: Heavy Bolter Mini
Blood Angel: Captain
Salamander: Librarian

Also, a few that are in limbo are the guys that are planning on playing the new Deathwatch RPG, as they haven't figured out what they are going to play yet. I've got an idea for mine, just need to figure out the particulars for making it, as I have decided on an Iron Snakes Librarian.

A few new articles in the future to be found as well. I have really been trying hard to get back involved in my painting studio side, so keep watch!

09-20-2010, 06:49 PM
Sorry to hear the bad news, I know what it's like to lose a parent.

Glad to see you seem up to some more great minis work, though.

09-20-2010, 07:47 PM
Sorry about your loss. I've also lost a parent, and it's a long, slow process to get back to "normal life". While I think it helps to stay busy and try to get back into a routine, don't beat yourself up about any bumps along the road. Just surviving those first few months is an accomplishment - anything else is a bonus. That said, I look forward to new pics, as always =)

09-21-2010, 10:28 AM
I´m very Sorry, little Scorpion Girl...

Hope we can lift up your brethen now!!

Welcome back

09-22-2010, 10:39 AM
Thanks for the good words everyone, I appreciate it :) . I sat down yesterday and "digi-penned" a new article for my blog, "Yellow is Yellow is Yellow, Imperial Fists!" Hoping to have some pics of the TS Marshal I've almost finished creating (he's getting a magnetized jump pack and regular backpack, so it's taking a bit more time than normal to work out) up soon for everyone's enjoyment. If you have time to check out the article I'd appreciate any C&C on it if you've got it.