View Full Version : Making a Chapter Master (rules and looks)

09-19-2010, 06:48 PM
Hey everyone out there! I'm new to the forums, but not new to 40k…. well I guess I'm new to 5th edition… but thats another story…

Anyways, after pulling my unassembled army out of storage from years ago, I wanted to make a unique Chapter Master for my new Space Marine army.

So, for awhile I've been gathering bitz I want to make him. I guess this post is to ask for advice both visually and game mechanically. (mostly visual, haha)

I'm open to suggestion on everything, but mostly the head and chest. I was going to take a head and green stuff long hair in (have some one else do it), but then I found this head… And as for the left arm, its both a rules and a 'looks' question.

Here's the list of bitz I have and want. The color scheme is a glossy white and gold accent.

Jump Pack (with scrolls cut off): http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_i2xOCRXZ9IE/THQPnPX1BYI/AAAAAAAAAeI/GEjN-6noRy0/s1600/IMG_0002.JPG

Right Arm: http://www.bitzbox.co.uk/images/blood_angels_sanguinary_guard_glaive_encarmine_2_l arge.jpg?osCsid=h9uo9jjjnojtcv4osu3r05ot60

Left Arm: ??

Shoulders: http://www.bitzbox.co.uk/images/blood_angels_sanguinary_guard_shoulder_pad_2_large .jpg?osCsid=h9uo9jjjnojtcv4osu3r05ot60

Back: http://www.bitzbox.co.uk/images/space_marine_commander_cape_large.jpg?osCsid=h9uo9 jjjnojtcv4osu3r05ot60

Chest (just one of them… and open to suggestion): http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Images/Product/DefaultFW/xlarge/sevrin-loth-with-hg.jpg

Head (maybe…. is it too small?): http://www.bitzbox.co.uk/images/eldar_guardiansbare_head_large.jpg?osCsid=h9uo9jjj nojtcv4osu3r05ot60

Legs: ???

Thanks everyone! And, in advance, nice meeting you!

09-19-2010, 08:05 PM
This is just me, but given the bits selected, I'd go with some Sang. Guard legs (as they'll go with the other BA bitz you are using. Depending on how you arm his other arm I'd actuall stick with Sang. Guard as well, you've got a plasma pistol there, anything else could be easily converted. If you elected to do a sheild the Combat Shield from the Assault Squad would work. The head my look a bit small (it's from the Guardian sprue right?) But I think it'd work. If it's too small, I'm sure you could either use something from SW or just have some green stuff something similar.

I see an issue. The model is primarily plastic other than the jump pack, which is both large and metal. You amy have some issues balancing.

09-20-2010, 12:22 AM
as for ruels PWS and storm shield are solid and make him ride with some assaulty marines and kill some stuff!

my only concern is that he should have a normal power pack so he can ride in a land raider/ drop pod/ razorback because 10 assaulty marines arnt really a good body guard and sticking him with vanguard isnt a good idea :confused:

also if you are using a jump pack id use mestiphosians or a regular one: your model with the flowing cape and hiar should have a seence of movement but the jump pack looks silly :o