View Full Version : Black Legion Obliterators

09-19-2010, 06:10 PM
Hey everyone,

This is my latest commission work. Sadly, the pics are rubbish, but I didn't have time to go to my semi pro-setup place/victim. None of the blending shows and highlights appear harsher than they really are... Hopefully, the client will lend them to me in the future for a proper photo session.

Painting-wise, I wish I had more time to spend on the skin and armor, but sadly I was on a schedule...

I hope you like them, and as always C&C is more than welcome!

Cheers, Miljan




09-20-2010, 12:14 AM

i actually thought those highlights were glossy armour till i looked back about 10 times :P

09-20-2010, 02:48 AM
I dunno, might just be the pics, but the black looks a little faded to me, almost chalky. I'll admit I'm no expert when it comes to highlighting black but I think you may have gone a little too bright and bold on the grey.

Your silver metals also look a little flat (again quite possibly the pics, please correct me if I'm wrong)

Other than that, I really like the flesh, golds and lenses, not to mention the glowy green in the melta-bit of the first obliterator :)

09-23-2010, 01:10 PM
Well I think they look great. The skin looks a good colour, the gold trim looks suitably worn, black is highlighted very nicely. My only suggestion, drill the barrels!


09-29-2010, 08:46 PM
Very nice, I like the grey highlights I like the flesh look, did you use washes to get the depth?

10-05-2010, 07:48 AM
Very nice, I like the grey highlights I like the flesh look, did you use washes to get the depth?

Here's how I did the skin: White primer, Tallaran Flesh coat, then dab it randomly with watered down Dwarf Flesh, highlight with Bleached Bone, then wash with watered down Ogryn Flesh. Repeat the wash and then edge-highlight with thinned Bleached Bone. You cuold stop here, but I also randomly dabbed Gryphone Sepia to give some parts a worn look, especially where flesh meets metal. Hope this helps...

Cheers, Miljan