View Full Version : Nids, Necrons, and ... TITANS OH S*&#

09-19-2010, 01:12 AM
Im buying myself a titan and was wondering which out of all of them you guys find more devastating/ intimidating on the table. From my local store i hear the biotitan is rediculous. I really dont want a revanant titan someone already has one soooo... Reaver, Bio, or Warhound? Which is the hardest assemply wise? and which has more killy stuff?

09-19-2010, 02:04 AM
I think you should buy the one that you think looks the coolest. Dropping that much dough on something, it seems like the best choice to be something you are absolutely in love with the look of.

The Madman
09-19-2010, 03:48 AM
Like FastEd its not really something for other people to decide on what you buy, exspecially forgeworld big kits. i would say buy one that will fit into your army, if you don't have a imperial, chaos or tyranid army then whichever is coolest to you.

09-19-2010, 07:43 AM
First question I have for you is.... What army do you play??
Once you've answered that the answer should be clear. Get the Titan that best fits your army! A Tyranid Hierophant will look silly towering over your UltraMarines.

But no matter which Titan you choose, it will look awesome!

09-19-2010, 08:07 AM
Assembly wise the Warhound is the worst to put together, the Reaver the best (thir methods have improved with time). However the Heirophant is a PITA to get staying up as it is nowhere near as solidly constructed as the Imperials, so having a base with a central support for the body is a good idea.

Destructiveness wise, if you play on a long table (4'+ seperating the armies, like an 8x6 table, or floor wars) the Reaver is killier due to massive amounts of StrD. On a short table (12x4' setups) the Heirodule is superior, as it can engage enemy superheaviies in assault, where it tears them to pieces.

09-19-2010, 08:54 AM
Wait three to six months and buy a Phantom Titan.:rolleyes:

09-19-2010, 09:42 AM
Wait three to six months and buy a Phantom Titan.:rolleyes:


I have a revenant and it is super killy (though not as much as a Reaver), It is also fun to pose but requires A LOT of pinning to stay in place... That is unless you want it to have the "A" shaped legs, then it becomes much easier to assemble.


09-19-2010, 09:54 AM
I agree with what has been said, that you should get the kit which you are most passionate about, and if you're split, to get the one for the army you play the most. BTW, what do Necrons have to do with this thread (i.e. why are they in the title)?

09-19-2010, 11:04 AM
buy a titan you like the look of and paint it! (nicely have a test model e.g. a 40k model to try colours and an epic scale one as well)

and as for game value: I hate it when people spend 300+ quid on a model so they can win at all costs then leave it unpainted

(coming from a painting addict :P)


09-19-2010, 02:35 PM
...and as for game value: I hate it when people spend 300+ quid on a model so they can win at all costs then leave it unpainted

It's a kick in the nuts to the model and an insult to 40k players everywhere to field an unpainted titan!

09-19-2010, 08:33 PM
It's a kick in the nuts to the model and an insult to 40k players everywhere to field an unpainted titan!

I take great pride in being able to field an unglued, unpainted Armorcast Reaver.

I did however base coat my Phantom for BoLS Con. That model will get striped and repainted to the level it deserves at some later time.

09-19-2010, 09:40 PM
We don't allow it in my group, we're ok with unpainted armies while you are in the process of painting them but titans is where we draw the line.

It's a kick in the nuts to the model and an insult to 40k players everywhere to field an unpainted titan!

09-20-2010, 04:16 AM
There are worse kicks....people who play an unpainted titan that is not at all related to their army (not suggesting anything at the OP).

Played against a Nids army which had a unpainted Reaver Titan as an "ally". It was the only imperial thing on their side

09-20-2010, 12:36 PM
In my case the Tiitan has been in it's unpainted state since I bought it new. It will remain unpainted until I feel that seam lines, pour sprues and pinhole bubbles have been completely cleaned up. Since this is a low priority in my limited hobby time this could take another ten years.

My phantom is a bit more likely to get a good paint job. The casting was much cleaner and what bubbles it had did not detract from casual inspection. It has a base color coat and some highlighting done so I could field it in the BoLS Con narrative games this year. When I get a bit more cash saved up I plan on striping the paint, finishing cleanup and having a local minis painter give it the paint job it deserves.

09-20-2010, 08:10 PM
I guess it all depends on what you consider apocalypse to be. For me and my friends, the idea is to put every model you own on the table and have a massive game. This means that you've got a lot of random models running around (a lot of us have only one model from a particular army, bought and painted because we loved the model). Lots of people bring ~11 Blood Angel terminators and ~20 genestealers in addition to whatever their primary army is (from the Space Hulk minis). It's completely casual and unfluffy, but it's a lot of fun. Painted or not, it's all about beer and shenanigans.

I'm assembling a knight titan for an apoc game next thursday but there is no way I'll have it painted in time. It's a scratch build, though, so it's not like it's a $200 model without a paint job. More like $10 of plasticard and putty. He's also leading a mixed force of Tau, Kroot Mercs, Chaos Daemons, and Chaos Space Marines. I think I'm allied with some Eldar and Imp Guard.

I've heard that some people take apocalypse very seriously, but I'm not sure you could beat the fun of lumping random models together into an army and throwing them at every model your buddy owns. Last game, a friend showed up with a stack of 9 codices and fielded models from all of them.

09-20-2010, 11:12 PM
I acually play Space Wolves but i REALLY like the chaso reaver with the teeth look. I play "13th company Wolves" so it could be that we salvaged a downed chaos titan? Seems plausiable. I plan on giving him one Badass base like him landing from orbit or something and hes got his power first O'doom on the ground or something else cool like that. Any advice on materials im gonna need to achieve the epic win im attempting to create here?

09-20-2010, 11:13 PM
I agree with what has been said, that you should get the kit which you are most passionate about, and if you're split, to get the one for the army you play the most. BTW, what do Necrons have to do with this thread (i.e. why are they in the title)?

Needed a catchy title so i thought wizard of oz goes 40k, Lol soooooo

09-21-2010, 11:24 PM
Yeah ive made a decision im gonna build / buy a emperor class imperator titan. If you guys know where i can find parts or things please let me know