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View Full Version : Afriel Strain WIP

08-19-2009, 06:41 PM
Its about 0430 here at the moment. Yeah I know, thats early. Its actually late for me. Don't ask. :p

Afriel Strain. Bad @$$ Albino clone warrior things. First covered in WD #304's Abhuman Doctrines. Featured in "The Last Chancers", and recently shown as a cool IG conversion in Astroman vol 4.
Being a recent convert to 40k I had no exposure to the Afriel Strain prior to the Astromag article, however that article had me sold on them. Since reading "Legion", the IG have been a growing interest of me. Yes the SM are ultra bad @$$, but the IG are human! I can relate to them, especially considering I'm a Marine myself.
So, here is the humble beginnings of my IG; the renegade Tleilaxu Immolators.
Dune inspired fluff, lovely. Fitting too considering how much Dune has inspired 40k.
Anyways, on with some pictures! :D

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_sTv7H55XnBc/SoyXA63Qt7I/AAAAAAAAADE/CFm4IRir3tg/s320/afrielstrain2 (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_sTv7H55XnBc/SoyXA63Qt7I/AAAAAAAAADE/CFm4IRir3tg/s1600-h/afrielstrain2)
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_sTv7H55XnBc/SoyXODYr8fI/AAAAAAAAADM/4FvB8y-f4ZE/s320/twins (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_sTv7H55XnBc/SoyXODYr8fI/AAAAAAAAADM/4FvB8y-f4ZE/s1600-h/twins)

The first is a bit blurry. Sorry, crap camera. The second is better and is of the "twins".


08-19-2009, 06:46 PM
You sir, officially get +15 awesome points for a Dune Themed army. And yes, Dune did influence 40K a lot, as well as just about every other major sci-fi or fantasy story GW could think of. The ideas of needing special, abhuman "Navigators" for FTL travel and having a God-Emperor are very blatant rip offs, though. (/Dune Fanboy's fluff rant)

A bit dificult to see the models in detail, but so far they look pretty good. I'd love to see them painted. I will be watching your progress very carefully, believe me.

08-20-2009, 04:52 AM
I figured if I'm going to make an army of gene enhanced IG, then why not base the fluff around the Tleilaxu who specialized in gene manipulation and such. Sadly, the Dune reference pretty much stops with the name....
Aside for my "Counts as Marbo" Facedancer. ;)
Need to decide what would be a good way to model that though.

08-20-2009, 05:26 AM
Afriels are damn cool indeed add some Dune influences and you have a garanteed success ;)

08-20-2009, 07:51 AM
Worked on another Vet today. He's about halfway done... waiting for the glue to solidify before I stick his back pack on.
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_sTv7H55XnBc/So1Rf09iz8I/AAAAAAAAADc/ftTDL5_QmcM/s320/wip1 (http://http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_sTv7H55XnBc/So1Rf09iz8I/AAAAAAAAADc/ftTDL5_QmcM/s1600-h/wip1)
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_sTv7H55XnBc/So1RgRnlA5I/AAAAAAAAADk/qbZavKrQySc/s320/wip2 (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_sTv7H55XnBc/So1RgRnlA5I/AAAAAAAAADk/qbZavKrQySc/s1600-h/wip2)

He's aiming down range! Darn well needs to with BS3!

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_sTv7H55XnBc/So1RfnY883I/AAAAAAAAADU/UNLGOHuaHAI/s320/twinsbacks (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_sTv7H55XnBc/So1RfnY883I/AAAAAAAAADU/UNLGOHuaHAI/s1600-h/twinsbacks)

Slipped my mind yesterday to include a shot of the backpacks.

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_sTv7H55XnBc/So1RgoU40FI/AAAAAAAAADs/qlXbl0DboLI/s320/bits (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_sTv7H55XnBc/So1RgoU40FI/AAAAAAAAADs/qlXbl0DboLI/s1600-h/bits)

And here you have a layout of the various bits I'm using. All the chopping and sanding and greenstuffing is making this a timely process!

As always, C/C are welcome.

08-21-2009, 08:15 AM
Started on a Harker conversion today to act as my Vet Sgt. Turns out I had some real nifty bits that just suit him perfectly! A Ork Ammo back pack from AoBR, a CSM Heavy Bolter and some trim off the head piece on a CSM Terminator to make a shoulder guard!
Still WIP at the moment, but I'll have some finished pics up soon enough.

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_sTv7H55XnBc/So6nxgTk7rI/AAAAAAAAAEg/grPX9gRUwq4/s320/harkerWIP2 (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_sTv7H55XnBc/So6nxgTk7rI/AAAAAAAAAEg/grPX9gRUwq4/s1600-h/harkerWIP2)
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_sTv7H55XnBc/So6nxQLYz1I/AAAAAAAAAEY/3tteAdcQuCg/s320/harkerWIP1 (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_sTv7H55XnBc/So6nxQLYz1I/AAAAAAAAAEY/3tteAdcQuCg/s1600-h/harkerWIP1)

08-22-2009, 10:52 AM
Managed to wrap up the last of this IG Vets squad today with the addition of my Demolitions Expert. Took a lot of digging through my bits box to decide what would be a proper demo charge. I decided to go along with a 'satchel' look rather than the 'coffe mug' look I've seen featured by other players.
That rounds the squad off at five men... WAIT! Five men? Yes... I'm short on parts to build any more. Gotta order another SM Scout squad before I can continue. Think I'll order a Catachan Command Squad as well.
My squad has Harker, the Demo Expert (shotgun strapped to back), one Lasgun vet, and two Shotgun vets. I regret not converting that one lasgun into a shotgun. If I had I could easily use this as a SM Scout squad as well.

Harker looks simply bad ***.
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_sTv7H55XnBc/SpAhDMYLsLI/AAAAAAAAAEw/vc34mcH5x-A/s320/IMG_0986_1.JPG (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_sTv7H55XnBc/SpAhDMYLsLI/AAAAAAAAAEw/vc34mcH5x-A/s1600-h/IMG_0986_1.JPG)http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_sTv7H55XnBc/SpAhCqj6GrI/AAAAAAAAAEo/yda14RM9niw/s320/IMG_0985_1.JPG (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_sTv7H55XnBc/SpAhCqj6GrI/AAAAAAAAAEo/yda14RM9niw/s1600-h/IMG_0985_1.JPG)

The demo expert's head is a SM sergeant head. It has several service studs on the forehead that I'm going to represent successful missions/detonations in the characters career.


08-22-2009, 12:34 PM
I don't play an imp army but your converts are very well done from what I can see anyway.
Respects, Emperorsaxe

08-24-2009, 01:32 AM
The codex to play may be Imperial, but my intentions are anything but. *Evil Laugh*

08-24-2009, 10:31 AM
Those guys look pretty hardcore, lovely work so far!

09-09-2009, 05:25 PM
Got some treats in the mail today! A new box of SM Scouts and a Catachan Command Squad! Whooo!
Gonna start working on the second half of my Afrield Straing squad sometime tomorrow afternoon. More pics to come.

El Scotcho
09-10-2009, 01:40 AM
Good conversions, but the proof is in the painting. I will eagerly await a painted mini to pass my judgement.

09-12-2009, 12:20 PM
Squad member number 8 is up and ready for action.

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_sTv7H55XnBc/SqvacfEzLAI/AAAAAAAAAKA/lHjbzCy0_Q0/s1600/IMG_1127_1.JPG (http://www.hotschnitzel.blogspot.com)

Two more guys left to round off the Veterans squad.
At this rate I might have a playable guard army in a year...
A painted guard army... thats a whole 'nother question. :eek: