View Full Version : Creating a Furioso Dreadnought with a Sanguinary Guard theme. Suggestions appriciated

09-17-2010, 02:22 PM
I have an idea of making a Furioso Dreadnought with a Sanguinary Guard theme. Using a venerable body and painting it gold is as far as I got with it. I'm looking for creative and interesting ideas to make it pop. Any help would be appreciated.

09-17-2010, 02:32 PM
Make it a librarian furioso and give it wings (the new plastic Island of Blood griffon wings could work if you can find one on ebay) A sanguinary guard death mask represents the psychic hood, the storm bolter equals the angelus boltgun and the force weapon can be a larger version of the sanguinary guard's main weapon (I used an eldar wraithsword).

See my dark angels version and imagine it gold and red.


09-17-2010, 03:17 PM
Leave the chest panel off where it exposes the marine torso. Put a sang guard torso in that space instead,probably stick a death mask in as well. Would need a bit of cutting and filling but shouldnt be too hard

09-17-2010, 04:04 PM
Use the torso from the inquisitor model from the inquisitor range idk his name; he has an awesome power claw and great armor; then use the legs from one of the new plastic venerable dreds; I have seen that done on occasion and it works very well.

The other idea I have used is to get one of the dead terminator objectives from Space Hulk; and use the throne of judgment of the inquisitor lord special character from witchhunters. Carve the dead terminator down to where he fits on that throne.


09-19-2010, 11:00 AM
this may sound silly but id say sng dreads arnt so diffrent from regular dreads so my idea is

FW dread

left hand: HB mounted on ven hand (if possible a SOB veichal HB with a drum barrel!)
right hand: FW claws or FW claws and a large axe?

just my 2 pence

- fuzz