View Full Version : Ice World Bases

09-15-2010, 10:26 PM
In preparation for IA11 and the Eldar vs Imperial on an ice world I've decided to rebase some of my Eldar army with an Ice World theme. I want it to be very icy indeed,not just a bit of snowfall but fullblown snowdrifts and whatnot. So I will be making a snow-goo out of GW snow flock and pva glue, no problems there.
My question is, will this on its own be too stark or flat, should I still put down a base of modelling sand? I do want it to be a little stark, as I said, huge expanses of snowdrift and whatnot. I want to avoid using things like rocks and battle debris and whatnot excessively, as it would get covered by snow rapidly. But I don't want to to be dull.

09-16-2010, 01:21 AM
When I was on my snow themed army kick I found that the pva/snow goop seemed kinda...flat...like it didnt seem as dynamic as the models that went on it. I tried putting a small layer of pva/snow down and washing it with an extremely watered down Ice Blue (oddly enough) then putting down a few layers of straight snow. Gave it a nice shadowed look (a few foot prints behind the models made the effect even cooler)

09-16-2010, 04:17 AM
you could always have a few ice bolders and the like, or the odd bit of exposed rock where the snow has drifted against one side, leaving the other exposed, suggesting a predominent wind direction

09-16-2010, 04:21 AM
A nice big melted patch around the avatar.

Night System
09-16-2010, 06:21 AM
Aaah, something i might be able to help with =]
My Doom Legion army has been painted and based with snow drifts.
I make mine by sanding base, then painting black, glueing small amounts of scattered grass.

I then mix Bicarbinate of Soda and pva Glue and a small amount of White Paint into one big mass, pick up and place it onto base, then i pick the whole base up and drop it into the pot of Biocarbinate, pull it out, let it dry.

heres a few pictures to show you how it turns out.


09-16-2010, 06:42 AM
Funnily enough I am seriously considering having a large round base covered by melted snow and slush with the end of a Wailing Doom sticking out.:p Thats the sort of ice world I want to reflect, Hoth as opposed to, say, Siberia. Snow and ice, no vegetation. Poor avatar melts his way down to the compacted ice which is a little more sturdy.:rolleyes:

Thanks Night System, thats a nifty technique. I'll give it a try when I start experimenting, see which I prefer.

A nice big melted patch around the avatar.

09-16-2010, 08:06 AM
Take a look at BushidoRedPanda's snow basing tutorial from the frontpage. He did his entire Christmas Black Templars army pretty quickly using this technique.


09-16-2010, 08:20 AM
Thanks Bigred, that is a nifty guide and much more economical than buying GW snow stuff. I assume Elmers school glue is your run of the mill PVA? (Do we have Elmers in Britain, hm) Would Skull white do as well for the white paint, I have loads of skull white.
Might see how an ice blue base looks rather than grey, to make it look like snow on ice rather than snow on rock.

09-16-2010, 10:09 AM
You could use broken up Iceberg mints as Giant lumps of ice, if you wanted to capture the Polar iceworld feel. they might get sticky in the heat tho.

If you wanted to create an Ice Floe feel you could take one of the lava base tutorials and change colours. If you tightened up the gaps behind the rocks, it would look less like melting ice and more like thick cracked polar ice.

09-16-2010, 10:50 AM

how about something liek that !

im going to say that was done with either

water effects or clear resin!!

i havent worked with either but if it flows over the bas eyou could use a reaper/ wrd style base paint it light blue and water effects with a touch of white?

just my 0.02 PENCE


09-16-2010, 10:58 AM
That is very nifty, not sure I'm up to casting my own resin bases to replicate ice though.:(

09-16-2010, 05:31 PM
Hey there.

These are what I have used for Ice World bases.


Don't show well but I'll see if I can dig out a few of my Space Wolves.

These are the Runic Mountain bases by Secret Weapon Minis.

These bases. (http://www.secretweaponminiatures.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=3_17)

09-17-2010, 12:28 PM
I remembered something on GW's site a little while back, so dug it out of their search feature...

First of all lots of different snow bases designs and how to's...from Ice patch and slush to thick uneven snow;

Then how to fit snow to your scenery;

How to paint a battle board in snow;

And finally a snowy scenario mission;

Remember there being something else for weather effects in the snow, with blizzards and th elike but can't remember where from. Anyway hope some of this might be useful!

09-18-2010, 12:41 AM
The first thing I did was check the GW website an I managed to miss every one of those articles.:o The 'Flat Cover' type in the first link is exactly what I was looking for, thick, even snow cove (a la Hoth) and I don't think it looks too stark.

09-22-2010, 04:24 AM
Well I based up fifty or so Eldar in the new Ice World fashion (all the cool kids are doing it), using pva/skull white mix topped with modelling snow. I did some experimentation before hand and found that this approach works best for bases (in my opinion) while the baking soda sludge was a good way of laying it down thick quickly on the snow table my brothers and I are preparing.
I'm also working on an alternate snow base for my Farseerette, no pictures of any of it I'm afraid.:( Really ought to do something about that. It just dawned on me as I was about to start basing them that the white of my Craftworld scheme and the snow bases might not look so good. Fortunately, it actually complemented it rather well.

09-22-2010, 05:24 AM
I'm building some thunderwolves at the moment and am using the SM dreadnought bases which I'm going to paint as large chunks of ice rather than rock. Might work if you have any Wraithlords or war walkers that need monster sized bases.