View Full Version : Sisters of Battle Rumour Thread

09-15-2010, 07:40 PM
Pinched these from 40k online:

The Sisters of battle project was started a fairly soon after the Grey Knights.
Not right after .... a little while after.
- Harry

While new SoB models are coming...see my other posts...my best guess based on how far apart GK and SoB were is 6-8 Mo. If non-game rumors are to be believed, the SoB molds have been problematic. - Stickmonkey

Sisters of Battle plastics HAVE been made BUT there has been problems with the little cloth arm things not being molded or whatever correctly. -qwertycg

Sisters of Battle are being done. (Including plastic sisters .... obviously!)
I first heard the project was started over 12 months ago.
If that is correct they are more than 12 months into the project.
Given lead times of 18 months on the plastics by now most of the sculpting for the plastics should be done (not just the sisters) and the first kits will already be finished.
When they make plastics they make a few which come back to the sculptors to be 'checked' and given the OK before they start making gazillions (I can't think exactly what they call this off the top of my head). But they are looking for any little bits and bobs that need sharpening up, stuff they are not happy with or didn't come out exactly as they should have ... so they can go back and fiddle things a bit. (to ensure we get the best possible final version).
So this has almost certainly happened with some of the plastics for sisters by now.
But the existence (or not) of a little something the sculptor wants to change or tidy up a bit is not a problem. it is just a normal part of the design process. (a normal part of producing the world best toy soldiers).
It is no more an issue than correcting a spelling mistake or changing a word to increase clarity when proof reading a book.

"Delays" are often NOT delays. Things get made then sit around the studio for months sometimes years. (If you look back at the rumours articles in the Watchman from a couple of years ago I was talking about the completed Clan rats that have only recently seen release). Stuff is not delayed it is waiting. Waiting for more stuff to be made to go with them to make a decent release, sometimes waiting for a release window when they will not be competing for sales with too much other stuff. So not delayed just not released yet.

The point is that just because something exists and isn't released (sometimes for a while) does not mean there is a problem with it.
- Harry (found this one on Warseer, 12th of September)

In my opinion, and this is speculation, if GK come early next year we might see Necrons (or Tau) then SoB followed by Tau (or Necrons).

09-15-2010, 07:58 PM
Yep, that goes along with everything that we've heard thus far.

09-15-2010, 10:30 PM
Right, after Necrons the next strongest contender I'm seeing is the SoB. Then, from what it sounds like, Tau might be next. The real question is, will GW try and sneak in another SM chapter in there somewhere...

09-16-2010, 03:42 AM
The trend over the past two years for true info based rumours (not whislist) has been filtered, within the release year (if not sooner) llike it happened to SH, (it was 18 months).

Right now, GK, Sisters, Tau and Necron are in the making in a way or other, of course, this no mean in anyway, to be release as soon thery are done,but there's not additional info on BT or DA, so in my opinion there will be release on 2012, along with Eldar.

Back to Sisters..
A few days ago, I pointed out about Black Library, for releasing the novel Firedrake which is about Salamaders/Dark Eldar, and to be released in Nov 2010 (along with GW DE). Althought FFG will release a book about full Sisters background coverage in Spring 2010, BL have published a new about the novel Hammer & Anvil (http://www.blacklibrary.com/all-products/Hammer-and-Anvil.html) a book fully centered on Sisters due to SEP 2011.

May be is a tip (again)????

09-16-2010, 06:07 AM
Either way, GW's secrecy certainly is more annoying than hyping.

09-16-2010, 06:53 AM
Understandable though, from their perspective, given how people were whinging about over-hyped products a few years ago and I've heard (anecdotally I admit) that it was hurting their sales with people knowing what was coming twelve months in advance, saving and making less impulse purchases.
Someone pointed out on another forum that it also let the companies that make GW compatible kits have their bits and pieces ready to go almost as fast as GW could get theirs into the stores.

Having said that, you would think there would be some kind of happy medium.

Either way, GW's secrecy certainly is more annoying than hyping.

09-16-2010, 07:00 AM
Yeah, rather than two months in advice, they could at least do six months. Gradually showing us models for the new codex, snippets of rules, etc in white dwarf.

Hey, I might actually purchase White Dwarf if they did that (rather than advertising for models that have already been released).

09-16-2010, 07:36 AM
Yeah, rather than two months in advice, they could at least do six months. Gradually showing us models for the new codex, snippets of rules, etc in white dwarf.

Hey, I might actually purchase White Dwarf if they did that (rather than advertising for models that have already been released).This is one of the things I love about how Privateer Press does their marketing, which gets people interested and clamoring about new things long before they come out.

I wish we could get a few sneak-peaks 4-5 months out. Pretty please?
*crosses fingers for plastic sisters*
*crosses toes that there are enough helmets for all of them*

09-16-2010, 05:47 PM
Personally I have no issues with the two month window, realistically those of us online (i.e. you lot) know in advance of that what is coming out, leaks of races, rules rumours and models all sneak out regardless. Even now we have a rough idea for the next 12 months that will be refined over time.
I have been wanting to collect Sisters of Battle for ages, but refuse to buy a metal army, so all I can say is woo, go plastic sisters. Tau can wait, they have a perfectly good codex at the moment, get the third edition races sorted, then let the fourths have their fun, only fair.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
09-16-2010, 09:32 PM
I agree, 4th ed dont need a upgrade yet, Tau are more than competitive already, really GW needs as we all know, need to update the last of the good armies: Necrons, SoB, Gk's DE before a new round of Tau or any current armies again.

If only GW would confirm that they are actually working on these armies for some insight for us to hope with.

09-17-2010, 12:47 AM
Many people don't like metal models, and I understand why. But I have been a fan of the Sisters models, for years, and have built a nice collection from various sorces, and have a very nice army to finish building after my current project ( Takes me forever, sometimes, so by the time the new codex is out, I should be ready with my army). I'm sure I'll add new stuff, but there is something about an all metal army that is appealing to me. Maybe it's nostalgia, but I like the feel of moving metal around on the table sometimes(not hills and falling off buildings or on the floor, though). I also love the aesthetiics of the army, the religious aspect is real creepy, faith points are awesome, hope they keep that aspect! I've become a fan of heroic women in comics and movies lately, Sisiters of Battle will probably be my main army for a while.

09-17-2010, 01:16 AM
You think the religious aspect is really creepy? Wow. I would have thought the murder of billions by chaos on an almost weekly basis, Nid's eating entire planets, DE sadistic slavery, or the relentless, souless Necrons advance would be creepy. I guess some people can not handle religion well.

09-17-2010, 03:00 AM
The reason the religious aspect could be considered creepy is that the things you mentioned aren't real(well sadistic slavery is in small amounts). Whereas religious extremism is a very real thing that is affecting peoples lives right now. For some people that may make it hit a little too close to home

Unzuul the Lascivious
09-17-2010, 03:17 AM
The religious aspect was the reason I collected Sisters of Battle in the first place - I like the thought of a Militant Chamber of the Church going to battle against the evil doer (however messed up that is!). They're Space Nuns and Space Monks, and that pretty much rocks for me! If you're not into religion and see it as creepy? Okay, that's cool! Religious extremeism has been around since man has, it has affected people's lives since forever. Only we're able to see more of it thanks to the modern media, and even then only selectively. Anyway, this isn't a religious debate! Well, I guess the Sisters would beg to differ!

09-17-2010, 03:22 AM
I like SoB because they just ordinary women, not superhuman, and the religious iconography and whatnot is pretty nifty also. If only because it is fantasy religious fanaticism.:)

09-17-2010, 05:23 AM
exactly eldargal, I have always really liked the models too, the armour style, details, weapons, all awesome. Well proportioned too, from the days where GW made lots of good female models, like the Escher gangers too, the sisters of battle look kick *** without looking exaggerated

09-17-2010, 05:51 AM
Around the time the first SoB was discontinued (2000 I think), my buddy from high school bought heavily into them (at reduced prices) because of the whole religious Nuns With Guns idea, and they were his main army for the longest time. I never got into them myself, save for buying the WH Inquisitor, sisters repentia and the Exorcist, all for use in Apoc of late, mainly because of the lack of diverse models (and that hair). WIth my main focus on Imperium in general, I think that plastics would be a good way for me to finally flesh out the army I do have, and the thought of a plastic Inquisitor/preist hood leaves a lot of room for great unique conversions that we've yet to see the like of.

John M>

09-17-2010, 10:23 AM
Yes, I find religion creepy, so? I hope people are offended because I'm offended by their stinking pile of crap imaginary, divisive, hypocritical,holier than though pretentiousness. Keep your whiny, wishful thinking praying and worship to yourself. I believe in logic and reason, and can't believe we're barely out of the stone age with our primitive beliefs in gods. Having said that, I love the fanatical devotion to the god emperorthe sisters embody. To me that is more evil, than chaos. With chaos, we know what we're getting. With the sisters, it is a more sisnister vibe for me in the guise of rightousness. I like the twisted take on catholisism, and the confliicts of morality. To me the sisters are beautiful, a shining beacon in very dark, wartorn,grim fantasy universe of the future. I love their genuine purity, as they are manipulated by the forces around them, using their devotion to the emperor agaist them in some cases. I'm very interested in the concept of myths and religion and the gothic look to the old model range. The models are chock full of character. I'm getting excited about the possibilites of the forthcoming rules and new, units. One thing, I'd love to see expanded on, in the S.O.B. codex is the charcterful nemesis army list. An excellent opportunity for individual armies, modelling and conversions, that could stand on it's own in 40K. So two army lists, a full on expnded sisters list, with some interesting new options and units, and a "evil cardinal" list that could be built using models from several different ranges. This is not going to happen, you can be sure of that.

09-17-2010, 11:40 AM
I don't like the models. WEll, to be fair, I like parts of them. I like the bolters (especially the ones with scopes), I like arms, robes, legs, backpack, and helmet.

I don't like the faces and the chest/abdomen regions. The latter is the most eggregious (can always add helmets).

Wearing underwear over one's clothes isn't my idea of a good military uniform, nevermind that it does not match the "Crusader Knights" appeal of Sisters.

09-17-2010, 01:36 PM
I never understood the garters on the models, either:rolleyes:.

Keep your whiny, wishful thinking praying and worship to yourself.

Do the same yourself. This isn't the place to start ranting about how you think all religious people are stupid.

09-17-2010, 04:48 PM
Girlz with Gunz/Babes with Bolters! What's not to like?

What other game system has an entire army of women? Props to GW for that at least.

Most everything in the 40K universe is dark and creepy, even the supposed good guys, that's what's great about it...

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
09-23-2010, 12:06 AM
Aside from the lack of different poses, how hard they are to convert, bad hair, and sometimes i do agree chest/bust area need remodelling, i have to say they to me are one of the best visually appealing armies in the whole game.

Whats not to like about them from that point? Lets see SM's all look the same, doesnt matter if there Tactical, Devestator or Assault (aside from the jump packs), there all the same.
Yet here the SoB, same armore yes, same hair (yes i agree it looks stupid) but with all the icons, banners, there resplendant Excorsists, the Penitant Engines look great (hard to build) and scantly clad Repentia's who have had there armour removed in disgrace or choice look iconic.

St.Celestine looks amazing as a model, inspirational to everything she is representing. Seraphin look great with twin weapon, dropping from the sky with lighter jump packs like wings, and finally the Cannoness looks like a real leader ( just like some other HQ choices of various armies are).
I find that was the first reason i collected them when they just came out, was the appeal of how cool they looked compared to other armies then.

I agree they look generic and the same, thats only the lack of creative developers who obviously didnt know how to sculpt female forms properly. But seriously when painted up, compared to most other armies they really stand out.
Lets not turn this into a religous debate ok, people have the right to be religious if they choose to, i think there's also a time and a place for it, lets not get carried away with comparing them to current thoughts and beliefs. I didnt start the SoB army because of Religious beliefs, though i see the similarity there, i just like them as they look great and i enjoyed there rules and style since.

09-23-2010, 06:55 AM
Whats not to like about them from that point? Lets see SM's all look the same, doesnt matter if there Tactical, Devestator or Assault (aside from the jump packs), there all the same.

As compared to Sisters? Who use the exact same models for Celestians, Battle Sisters, Dominions, and Retributors?

As for repentia, you're going to have to agree to disagree with me on that, because I think it looks kinda stupid really... it's so overly sexualized (hell, they made it even MORE blatant by the position of the chainsword and how she's holding it...) that I cannot take them seriously (combined with the fact that they're a serious runner for the top five worst units in the game... beaten by only the space pope).

09-23-2010, 07:36 AM
Oh, someone on Warseer pointed out that if the current rumoured authors of the Tau, Grey Knight and Necron codices are correct (I forget who is doing GK and Tau) then the only current codex writer free to do a SoB codex is Phil Kelly, who writes a fantastic codex in my opinion.

Also, if the Deathwatch rpg by FFG is getting a SoB supplement, does this mean SoB are being inducted into the Deathwatch?

Edit: Found the quote, its a bit more speculative than I remembered, oh well:

Hmm. Phil doing Deldar sounds good, Cruddace doung GKs is awesome, and Ward doing Necrons seems ok. Lets him give the other side of the BA/Necron/Nid war story, and Crons are a nice way to step him away from MEQs gently :D

After Crons, maybe Phil doing sisters, Cruddace with Tau, Ward with Templars?

09-23-2010, 07:50 AM
Also, if the Deathwatch rpg by FFG is getting a SoB supplement, does this mean SoB are being inducted into the Deathwatch?

Where did you hear that? Though I'd love to see one. And I wouldn't so much see Sisters as being Inducted as maybe some kind of joint operation between the Ordos Xenos and Ordos Hereticus.

09-23-2010, 07:56 AM
Scroll down, it is 'Blood of Martyrs':

Where did you hear that? Though I'd love to see one. And I wouldn't so much see Sisters as being Inducted as maybe some kind of joint operation between the Ordos Xenos and Ordos Hereticus.

09-23-2010, 09:18 AM
Scroll down, it is 'Blood of Martyrs':

Looks like a Dark Heresy supliment to me, not a Deathwatch one.
(granted, it's almost all the same system, and Sisters would be about the only way to get to play a female character in the Deathwatch RPG)

09-23-2010, 09:49 AM
Yes, as it says "Dark Heresy: Blood of Martyrs." Still, as gwensdad said, it's easy enough to run a Sister in Deathwatch as it's the same system. Just the sister would be kindof weak compared to the space marines, but other than that all you'd need is a good story reason.

09-23-2010, 04:17 PM
Sisters might have lower T and S stats and no genetic implants, but they'd have more skills, talents, and higher WP and Fel stats, along with the Pure Faith mechanics to make up for it.

09-27-2010, 02:04 PM
From Dakka Dakka

Any hints on next year's stuff? GK/Necs/Sisters/Tau?
Based on a few things Jes said at Games Day, I have a theory that Jes is already working on the Sisters of Battle.

Exhibit A:

Also, whilst talking to Jes, I overhears someone ask him If he was going to do The Eldar next... He said (roughly remembered) that barring the rest of this range he was "All Eldar'd out" and that he had another project on the go.. and then smiled mischeviously.
Exhibits B and C:

Funny thing when I mentioned to Jes that GW should produce more female models and then he said that women have no place in fighting battles and war, and suggested that I wanted to see more female models only because of some crazy miniature kink :cries:
He had his serious face on (maybe tired face) when he was accusing me of having some weird kink for more female models, but I could hear Phil laughing in the background when he made the remark, so yeah just joshing around....I hope!

Hard to believe from someone who did such beautiful female sculpts, the best female heads in ages!
Seeing as he was at an official event to talk about his work, I think it's safe to say he wouldn't commit such a serious PR blunder as to genuinely insult people in this way, at least without some lackey apologising to Dio on behalf of the company, and his work on the Bretonnians, Eschers, Sisters of Battle and Dark Eldar suggests he doesn't hold these opinions anyway.

Therefore, I think he was covering for the nature of the other project, in a way that strongly suggests that women fighting in battles and war is a vital component: Sisters of Battle.

Drew da Destroya
09-27-2010, 04:45 PM
Not really solid, there... he could just as easily be referring to the female Dark Eldar sculpts he worked on, where women are clearly represented on the battlefield as pretty fierce warriors.

09-27-2010, 05:26 PM
That there were no more eldar in his schedule says otherwise. The other possibilities are Imperial Guard and Sisters. I doubt they'll do the former yet, despite how profitable it'd be.

09-27-2010, 08:12 PM
It is quite speculative but it also quite suggestive, I hope he is working on SoB. Also, rumour has it Phil Kelly might be doing the SoB codex, given that the other active codex writers are booked up (Ward with Necrons, Cruddace with Tauafter Grey Knights). So maybe some bright spark at GW HQ has decided continuing to allow the Phil and Jes partnership to bestride the hobby like a collossus is a good idea.:)

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
09-27-2010, 09:23 PM
We can only hope that the new SoB codex will be inspiring and full of "ooh's and ahh's" for all us loyal SoB players.

09-27-2010, 10:00 PM
Considering the relative quality of the new codices to the old ones, I think we'll probably be satisfied.

09-28-2010, 05:00 PM
I have been waiting for plastic sisters since I started playing 40k. I love the idea, the look, I even proxied a whole army one time just to try the rules. Fantastic!

But I just can't find the love with the metals, the pipe organ of doom, UGH; some of the stuff is just terrible.

But I will plunge in as soon as we get some cook plastics. And given the current level of the codices that have come out lately it should be a doozy

Brass Scorpion
09-28-2010, 10:07 PM
Hmm, the latest rumor I heard on Witch Hunters is not to expect them any time soon, unlike Grey Knights which one should expect quite soon.

09-28-2010, 10:24 PM
Heh, we've expected that for a while. A few months ago when the rumormongerers settled on November for the DE then the GKs fell into early next year. And Sisters have been expected sometime after that (except for by those poor fools gullible enough to actually believe the combined Inquisition codex rumors:p).

Brass Scorpion
09-28-2010, 10:42 PM
Not really too worried about that getting bad info once in a while. When I've had "real" info from GW the past few years I couldn't share it and that's been often enough to be quite fun and way better than having possible info from outside that can be shared. In the past 2 or 3 years I've owned and built one GW kit three months before it's release, painted models for Games Day twice, had my work on the GW website four times, and seen many models in person weeks before their release. Tracking rumors on the Internet, correct or not, is just a bit of extra fun and was not and is not exactly that important to me, not when you've had the hobby group and sources I've had the past few years. :D

09-29-2010, 12:19 AM
Well atleast Jervis Johnson confirmed that neither Gey Knights or Sisters of Battle would be being dropped, though he said not to expect either immediately. He said something about not doing one without the other, which people are interpreting as meaning a combined codex, which is stupid.:rolleyes:

09-29-2010, 01:05 AM
SoB plastics ranges and Codex due to summer (post-summer) 2011... you'll see ;-)

09-29-2010, 10:09 AM
Yes, that IS what I've been saying :P

09-29-2010, 10:32 AM
i'm glad they'll be getting some focused attention. man next year is packed with 40K releases...

09-29-2010, 10:35 AM
Mn. At least three anyway. Grey Knights, Necrons, and Sisters. Possibly Tau afterwards, but Tau might be pushed back to the year after.

09-29-2010, 10:38 AM
oh yeah, i was thinking DE dropped in Jan...haven't finished my coffee...there are some waves of accompanying models though that beef up the releases. i'm just surprised with 8th WHFB so much focus is going to 40K

09-29-2010, 10:40 AM
Mn. At least three anyway. Grey Knights, Necrons, and Sisters. Possibly Tau afterwards, but Tau might be pushed back to the year after.

oh and hey Mel do you have pics of your sisters i could use for the blog i write for? puhleeeez:D

09-30-2010, 03:10 PM
oh yeah, i was thinking DE dropped in Jan...haven't finished my coffee...there are some waves of accompanying models though that beef up the releases. i'm just surprised with 8th WHFB so much focus is going to 40K
With the big release from WHFB this year, I think it's left many 40K fans starved for the last half year. So it's no surprise (here at least) that there has been plenty of talk going on surrounding this release. Finally a huge release to the game after several months! ;)

Asymmetrical Xeno
10-01-2010, 04:30 AM
Grey knights, necrons and sisters would make the best 40k year ever for me...and I expect they'd be more DE too so perfect! the four "good races" all in one year :p cant wait to see the Sisters plastics..if the new DE are anything to go by they should be awesome but heres hoping they have more than one style of hair-cut.

10-01-2010, 11:55 AM
Grey knights, necrons and sisters would make the best 40k year ever for me...and I expect they'd be more DE too so perfect! the four "good races" all in one year :p cant wait to see the Sisters plastics..if the new DE are anything to go by they should be awesome but heres hoping they have more than one style of hair-cut.

But. Lady Gaga has now popularized the bob! They can't lose it now!


10-01-2010, 01:27 PM
Mn. At least three anyway. Grey Knights, Necrons, and Sisters. Possibly Tau afterwards, but Tau might be pushed back to the year after.


The following can be expected over the next 2 to 3 years ...:

Nov/Q4 - DE
Jan/Q1 - GK (may be as late as March)
Late spring/Q2 - Necrons
Early Fall/Q3 - Witch hunters or Black Templar
Late Fall/Q4 - Tau
Early Spring/Q1 - Black Templar or Witch hunters
Late Spring/Summer/Q2 - 40k 6E
Early Fall/Q3 - 40k Box Set Eldar Vs ??? (plastic aspect warriors?)
Late Fall/Q4 - Eldar
Early Spring/Q1 - Dark Angels
Late Spring/Q2 - Chaos SM
Fall/Q3+ - vanilla SM

You will see that GW have some options open to them when certain dexes will be launched...particularly Tau, Necron, Witchhunters and BT.


10-01-2010, 01:39 PM
Black Templar
No, despite the screaming of a few very vocal Black Templar fans, there's been only a single, unreliable rumor about them.

Which was later proven false when DE came out instead.

10-01-2010, 01:48 PM
I don't think it's that much of a stretch to think Black Templar are on the horrizon some wear. GW's 40k releases have been SM, something eals, SM, something eals, ect.)

With Grey knights comeing up, and even with Sisters being the new power armoured codex after. That still looks good for a Black templar book being sandwiched some wear 5 books from now.

Thow that's nothing more then speculation at beast, Wish listing at worse.

10-01-2010, 02:49 PM
One can only hope...

10-01-2010, 03:43 PM
I'm sure it was posted in one of the news threads; PA Army, None PA army... This seems about right. Talk regarding both Grey Knights and the Sororitas has been mentioned by the usually relaible giggoers on Warseer for quite a while - these are the PA armies far into development. None of them mention the Black Templars. I have no doubts that WH will be within two releases of the DH, acting as a second wave if Inquisition units are included in the WH codex after all.

Of course if rumours of GKs receiving Artificier Armour as standard are true then would it technically be a PA codex?.. ;)

But. Lady Gaga has now popularized the bob! They can't lose it now
Inspired by a trip down to her local GW I'm sure. :p

EDIT 02/10/10 - Grammar.

10-01-2010, 07:14 PM
I'll believe Black Templar are anywhere before Sisters or Tau when I see that they have any actual credible rumors regarding them. (they don't)

10-02-2010, 01:15 AM
I'm not buying the BT talk either. I haven't heard a single rumor about them that didn't turn out to be about the Grey Knights or something like that. As far as I can tell, outside of pure speculation they're not a blip on the radar yet.

10-02-2010, 07:13 AM
Id rather see everything redone before the Black Templars tbh. It still annoys me that a second founding chapter gets its own rules before first founding chapters. Yes I know this is stupid but I still feel bad for White Scars ,Sallies , Iron Hands and Raven guard and even more so Imperial Fists player seeing their offspring get more love than themselves.

I see the Sisters as a bit like the DE. While new rules would be nice, most die hards were after new models more than new rules. Barring a couple of vehicles and characters, the Sisters should have been redone before the DE. Putting a more posititve spin on all this though, in the last couple of years we have seen the best looking models from any company replacing some old lines.

The Space Wolves astounded me , then the Blood angels made my jaw drop. The new Dark Eldar are even better than those 2 examples and are ,in my opinion at least, the best looking games figures I have seen. I am truly looking forward to the new Sisters , if these 3 armies are anything to go by, the sisters will be awesome. Im just lucky that I have the DE to keep me busy till the sisters come out. If all I was waiting for was the Sisters, Id be going mental by now.

10-02-2010, 07:45 AM
Cool, cool, cool.....let's continue with the hype and two month notice on releases, it really pique's my interest!

I wasn't really sure if they are going to be re-doing the SoB codex at all, as IMHO it works really well now! I believe the Tau needed it more.....but that's just my opinion.

Let's hope the Assassins are as predicted and that the girls are still the force to be reckoned with!:p

10-02-2010, 08:48 AM
Tau lists can still act competitively. Obviously there's room for improvement but I feel that gap is slightly bigger with the current Witchhunter codex, who have a more rigid selection of well performing units. On this front I don't see anyone but the most diehard marine fanatic (looking at Black Templars again) complaining about their own selections, or Witchhunters, Daemonhunters and Necrons going first. The later two are arguably the most dire performers in 5th edition. In comparison other marine players look really petty making complaints over the lack of an update.

If the above speculations on army releases are accurate (WH going before Tau and Black Templars) then I feel grateful that GW have got their priorities straight.

10-03-2010, 11:46 AM
Tau lists can still act competitively. Obviously there's room for improvement but I feel that gap is slightly bigger with the current Witchhunter codex.

And even more relevant, the WH codex is significantly older than the Tau codex.

10-04-2010, 07:30 AM
I just hope that their troop plastics don't have an 'option' for the "grenade-pin-pull with the teeth"- option. Yeesh I hate that model and I'm totalllllly going the replace the heck out that one.

10-04-2010, 07:38 AM
A little news:

Popped into my local on sunday and got talking to staffers there about the new dark eldar range. Apparently the guy who sculpted the new eldar (Jes Goodwin I believe? is going to be doing the new sisters. No word on when, what or any other major details, but interesting none-the-less

But also:

I had a go at sculpting one recentl and showed it to the design team heads at the games day.

Thought they were happy to talk about the Dark Eldar they had nothing to say about the sisters of battle, nothing about minis, plans or even that they couldn't comment. I doubt they're due any time soon.

Chances are Juan's probably a little sick of sculpting female heads and faces at the moment and who could blame him? ;)

I wouldn't mind that model so much if it didn't look like a man in a wig.

I just hope that their troop plastics don't have an 'option' for the "grenade-pin-pull with the teeth"- option. Yeesh I hate that model and I'm totalllllly going the replace the heck out that one.

10-04-2010, 08:13 AM
Anyone know how reliable the rumour that Sisters will only get a WD update is? Dice Like Thunder has mentioned it twice on their shows but I still find it strange GW would only do a WD update for them? From what the rumours say they have made the new plastic models for them so why would they do a WD update only? A PDF would make more sense unless they want to sell more WD, which they do, but still....

10-04-2010, 12:51 PM
The grenade one, however, is REALLY easy to convert to a Melta since the Bolter is so simple to shave off and replace with a stock SM upgrade melta. You can also mill out SB's, but thats way more a pain.

10-04-2010, 05:24 PM
Anyone know how reliable the rumour that Sisters will only get a WD update is?

I haven't heard it from any of the more traditional reliable sources, irrc. I don't know how reliable Dice Like Thunder is for rumors so I wouldn't count on it at this point, but I wouldn't fully discount it either.

10-04-2010, 08:50 PM
Doesn't a White dwarf update = A modleless update? Because we do know they are working on new modles.

10-05-2010, 05:37 AM
I sincerely doubt it'll be a white dwarf release. GW hasn't had success with those kinds of codices.

10-05-2010, 08:39 AM
AFAIK, is a full flavored codex, and platic ranges...due END Q3 2011

10-05-2010, 11:20 AM
Yes, that's exactly what JJ himself seemed to suggest last year, and given the rumors about Necrons and Grey Knights, and the lack of rumors for anyone else other htan Tau, That's the spot Sisters would fit in.

10-05-2010, 12:57 PM
AFAIK, is a full flavored codex, and platic ranges...due END Q3 2011

Talking to the local GW manager after Games Day here in Baltimore, I asked about Necrons getting the next update after Dark Eldar and he stated that he hadnt heard a thing about Necron updates, however the SoB would be getting the next update, early in 2011.

Take it with a grain of salt if ya like, but he has always been pretty honest with me as far as updates were concerned, and let me know about BA and DE before it was "official".

10-05-2010, 01:42 PM
Talking to the local GW manager after Games Day here in Baltimore, I asked about Necrons getting the next update after Dark Eldar and he stated that he hadnt heard a thing about Necron updates, however the SoB would be getting the next update, early in 2011.

Take it with a grain of salt if ya like, but he has always been pretty honest with me as far as updates were concerned, and let me know about BA and DE before it was "official".

Its more likley that the schedule will be Grey Knights followed by Necrons. After that I think we know less but it sounds like Sisters followed by Tau possibly given there have been rumors regarding the fish people.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
10-05-2010, 09:52 PM
If the new SoB miniatures and codex aren't as good sculptured like the new DE, im going to be pi@#ed.
They look like GW got there heads screwed on finally and made them look how they should have.

Just hope Jes is the one making the new SoB heads, and cannoness, then we know its going to look just as awe inspiring like all the new commanders of each army.

10-06-2010, 05:16 AM
I hope they do what they did with Lelith.

IE, boobs NOT larger than their heads.

Getting rid of the corsets and garter belts would also be nice.

10-06-2010, 07:10 AM
I hope they do what they did with Lelith.

IE, boobs NOT larger than their heads.

Getting rid of the corsets and garter belts would also be nice.

Im sure they wouldnt mind getting rid of the corsets and garter belts but whats left after that? Im sure the sisters new "armour" will be made purely out of purity seals, kinda like Sister Repentias.

After taking a "long hard" look at the new female Dark Eldar I have high hopes the new sisters will be awesome.
I had a talk with the sculptors at games day and asked them why there were so few female models and the first response was that he did not know but later when I asked another one he said it might be cause female heads are so much harder to sculpt than males, atleast so that they look female.

With all the cool new toys in the DE codex I have a feeling the SoB codex will be really good. Heres for hoping Repentia becomes troops, get FNP, Scout and Infiltrate and the same for Penitent engines becoming MC and getting the same rules. They are the first to rush into battle after all :D

10-06-2010, 10:44 AM
Im sure the sisters new "armour" will be made purely out of purity seals, kinda like Sister Repentias.

GW: "Hmm, some people seem to think that using a corset as armor looks stupid... I know, let's just not bother even calling it armor. We can just say the Sisters are armored by their faith in the Emperor." :rolleyes:

Anyways, I hate painting purity seals. I hope the new GK models don't have as many seals as the current ones do.

10-06-2010, 10:49 AM
I had a talk with the sculptors at games day and asked them why there were so few female models and the first response was that he did not know but later when I asked another one he said it might be cause female heads are so much harder to sculpt than males, atleast so that they look female.

And that's why they sculpt the boobs as they do, so that noone looks at the mannish faces.

10-06-2010, 02:55 PM
I hope they do what they did with Lelith.

IE, boobs NOT larger than their heads.

Getting rid of the corsets and garter belts would also be nice.

I second your comments on boobs and garters, but I think the corsets will be keept. But if they (at last, please) are recognized officially, as not anymore part of the Inquisition, the "I" inquisition alike rossete pendant from belt, from Veteran Superiors, Battle Sisters & Seraphims will go away, as well.

10-06-2010, 04:20 PM
Personally I think it would be great if the new codices went under the Ecclesiarchy and Inquisition banners but I don't think GW will have the balls to do it. I've already witnessed current WitchHunter players complain at the notion of Inquisitors being out of the next codex. Strange to some mayhap, but they do have their followers. Personally I don't think calling the codex 'Ecclesiarchy' should necessarily mean Inquisitors are out, just sidelined, there to represent the cooperation between the two departments or for those older players of the WH codex who like the relevant fluff.

As for the Sororitas models, I sure hope GW manage to juggle between toning the softcore fantasies down without completely making them look like butch space marines in drag. They'll still need some defining character after all. Mr Goodwin has his work cut out.

10-07-2010, 09:47 AM
As for the Sororitas models, I sure hope GW manage to juggle between toning the softcore fantasies down without completely making them look like butch space marines in drag.

Wait, which image is GW's softcore fantasy?

10-07-2010, 10:43 AM
Getting rid of the corsets and garter belts would also be nice.

NO, NO, NO....corset-power armour is looking gorgeous and give them bit of feminine charm, I cannot resist.(love girls in gothic armours, prayer on lips and bolter aimed in my face....yes...its love:D)

10-07-2010, 11:17 AM
Wait, which image is GW's softcore fantasy?
Okay, the choice of words were exaggerated. Hope you don't feel too let down by that. Though the Repentia (especially on WH, page 13) aint far off.

EDIT 07/10/10 - Grammer

10-07-2010, 01:52 PM
Getting rid of the corsets and garter belts would also be nice.

Personally, I love the art version of the corset armor... specifically the picture in the 'current' codex that labels all the parts of the armor. I don't have my book with me so I can't identify the page number.

Of course, the figures currently only have a partial resemblance to that beautiful piece of art, but.... yeah.

The Cannoness is probably the closest to that artwork and of course she has different bits due to her station in the army. Also, her scar is much more noticeable and much nicer to 'deal with' (e.g. paint).

10-07-2010, 02:40 PM
As for what would be there if the corset's removed?

I don't know, how about a highly decorated gothic breastplate? Like this (http://i8.photobucket.com/download-albums/a28/melissiablackheart/titania.jpg) with appropriate symbolism changes, and a better protected but still flexible abdomen section?

10-07-2010, 05:26 PM
As for what would be there if the corset's removed?

I don't know, how about a highly decorated gothic breastplate? Like this (http://i8.photobucket.com/download-albums/a28/melissiablackheart/titania.jpg) with appropriate symbolism changes, and a better protected but still flexible abdomen section?

Id say that looks more like Artificer armour than power armour. Also that armour has the belly button problem where pretty much nothing from the chest down to the knees is protected.

10-07-2010, 08:22 PM
Personally, I love the art version of the corset armor... specifically the picture in the 'current' codex that labels all the parts of the armor. I don't have my book with me so I can't identify the page number.

Of course, the figures currently only have a partial resemblance to that beautiful piece of art, but.... yeah.

The Cannoness is probably the closest to that artwork and of course she has different bits due to her station in the army. Also, her scar is much more noticeable and much nicer to 'deal with' (e.g. paint).

I have to agree. I've always loved that bit of artwork too. If they made the minatures closer to that they will be jaw dropping.

10-08-2010, 12:24 PM
As for what would be there if the corset's removed?

I don't know, how about a highly decorated gothic breastplate? Like this (http://i8.photobucket.com/download-albums/a28/melissiablackheart/titania.jpg) with appropriate symbolism changes, and a better protected but still flexible abdomen section?

I will strongly disagree with that, its Japan-gothic...and we all know they have no clue how armour should look like to protect, and I like to hear what in your opinion is wrong with that http://yfrog.com/8dsobemperordougtherj armour.

10-08-2010, 03:16 PM
I have already made my opinion on that subject ABUNDANTLY clear.

Having someone wear their underwear outside of their armor is NOT my idea ofa miltiary outfit.

10-09-2010, 08:18 AM
I have already made my opinion on that subject ABUNDANTLY clear.

Having someone wear their underwear outside of their armor is NOT my idea ofa miltiary outfit.

Bla bla bla... heres truth about your underwear http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corset.

No one here though about http://www.wildbillbauer.com/images/MangaPanties2.jpg just you.

So yeah...corsets with boltgun approved.

(sorry for spelling)

10-09-2010, 09:05 AM
Ok how about this truth about the armour: IT WILL GET THEM KILLED.

Their chest plates are a shot trap. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shot_trap
The fact that these are normal humans (and not artificially augmented, with redundant organs), would cause a greater percentage of center mass hits in the upper torso (ie. heart and lungs)

If you want a feminine armour that is realistic, it would range from simply looking like slightly puffed out male armour to a more prominent form having a single dominant point over the sternum and tapers back and out (this 'leaves room' but deflects incoming hits away from the body).

What sisters of battle wear would be a fitted and molded type of ceremonial armour intended to look elaborate, but only for display reasons and no actual 'warrior' would be stupid enough to wear it on the battlefield.
Case in point: the major change from Mk.7 to Mk.8 for Space Marines was the addition of a Bevor neck piece; to stop shells from ricocheting off the chest or faceplate into the neck.

So, Space Marines are actively trying to reduce shot traps in their armour; but we just have to live with entire legions of female fighters that are dumb?
I could live with some High Ranking sisters fighting in ceremonial "corset" armour that was very lavish and elaborate; but the rank and file needs equipment that doesn't get them killed for no reason.

10-09-2010, 09:23 AM
Anyone know how reliable the rumour that Sisters will only get a WD update is? Dice Like Thunder has mentioned it twice on their shows but I still find it strange GW would only do a WD update for them? From what the rumours say they have made the new plastic models for them so why would they do a WD update only? A PDF would make more sense unless they want to sell more WD, which they do, but still....

Coincidently, out of all the rumour mongers, reliable and otherwise, Dice Like Thunder are the only ones who share this view.
And in their podcast just after the recent one where they state Sisters are a WD dex, they talk about how they will not provide their source as it isn't up to them to prove they are not just full of bovine scat.

10-09-2010, 09:47 PM

Fair point, but first of all we are talking about 41 millenium fantasy war....that alone change a lot.
Second since sisters arent super humans made to be hyper-killers there is fair number of them...and we all know how world "martyrdom" is temptaiting.

To be honest I dont realy have anything against little change in SoB armours but I will protect and stand before their helmets...wich I belive are one of best things in Imperium.

case closed.
(sorry for spelling)

10-09-2010, 10:48 PM
So instead of a silly breast plate with breast cups, There should just be a single "mono-boob" breast plate.

I personally like the look alot more in regards to female armour. It looks alot more realistic if that makes sence.

10-10-2010, 12:20 AM
After reading a few pages back about cruddence doing tau. please for the love of all that is good no. He writes a good imp guard codex and writes a poor nid codex, he clearly favours iimperium in my opinion. Get phil kelly, after the magic he's pulled on the DE codex thats what tau need. and Tau are anything but a competative codex where a decent list requires loads of £13.50 battlesuits.

10-10-2010, 12:51 AM
Cruddace is working on Grey Knights or Tau next year, I believe, and people are speculating that Phil Kelly may well get the Sisters codex.

After reading a few pages back about cruddence doing tau. please for the love of all that is good no. He rights a good imp guard codex and writes a poor nid codex, he clearly imperium in my opinion. Get phil kelly, after the magic he's pulled on the DE codex thats what tau need. and Tau are anything but a competative codex where a decent list requires loads of £13.50 battlesuits.

Well said.

Ok how about this truth about the armour: IT WILL GET THEM KILLED.

Their chest plates are a shot trap. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shot_trap
The fact that these are normal humans (and not artificially augmented, with redundant organs), would cause a greater percentage of center mass hits in the upper torso (ie. heart and lungs)

If you want a feminine armour that is realistic, it would range from simply looking like slightly puffed out male armour to a more prominent form having a single dominant point over the sternum and tapers back and out (this 'leaves room' but deflects incoming hits away from the body).

What sisters of battle wear would be a fitted and molded type of ceremonial armour intended to look elaborate, but only for display reasons and no actual 'warrior' would be stupid enough to wear it on the battlefield.
Case in point: the major change from Mk.7 to Mk.8 for Space Marines was the addition of a Bevor neck piece; to stop shells from ricocheting off the chest or faceplate into the neck.

So, Space Marines are actively trying to reduce shot traps in their armour; but we just have to live with entire legions of female fighters that are dumb?
I could live with some High Ranking sisters fighting in ceremonial "corset" armour that was very lavish and elaborate; but the rank and file needs equipment that doesn't get them killed for no reason.

10-25-2010, 07:59 AM
Just a couple of quick things regarding armor. As I recall reading many years ago, the MK 8 power armor gorget was added to protect the progenoid gland(s) located in the neck/upper chest region.

Also, the Sisters, if wearing more realistic armor would not wear a single slab plate to protect the breasts. This is the design of current body armor and it has been shown in testing that it is inadequate for women because of the way the chest armor rests on the upper thorax. What happens is that the additional tissue present from the mammary glands creates a void where an impact will deform the armor instead of spreading the impact evenly across the armor. This small deformation can cause a failure of the armor to absorb kinetic energy and allow an incoming projectile to penetrate armor that would otherwise not penetrate the armor. It is has also been shown that even without a penetrating impact this void can impede the armor's ability to dissipate kinetic energy across a larger surface and results in a potentially lethal impact against the chest cavity.

What I am saying is this, the additional tissues do not rest evenly across the torso. This means an incoming shot to the chest of conventional body armor worn by a woman can fail and result in either the projectile penetrating the armor more easily or, if the armor's structure maintains integrity, it can result in a blunt force impact of more force transferred to the body beneath the armor than if the body were more flat. One solution is that some manufacturers of body armor now offer custom-fit armor for women. Another possible solution would be to have armor inserts custom-fit for the wearer to remove or reduce the voids created by the shape of the body. This is not a problem with armor exclusive to women and could result from any body shape that alters from a fairly symmetrical, flat shape.

Anyway, it is a game and I like the way the Sisters look. I never thought of the power armor they wear as having an armored corset. I always thought the armor was beneath the "corset" and was the form fitting part covering the arms and legs. I always saw the corset-like section as being part of a robe worn over their armor which includes the skirt and the sleeves. I have also painted mine to reflect that, also. There is armor and there is a separate robe worn over the armor. Why the robe does not cover the upper chest and connect into the shoulder pauldrons when the robe seems to come out of the bottom of the pauldrons... I simply do not know.

Anyway, just my thoughts and a bit of information on current Kevlar body armor designs. Happy Halloween, everyone!

10-25-2010, 11:59 AM
No no no, I have a problem with it looking like a corset, period. Even you described it as such.

10-25-2010, 12:12 PM
Sisters of Battle need to keep their sexy armor. Maybe make the chests bigger. Deflects more bullets with more curves.

10-25-2010, 12:25 PM
Quit being a trolling douchebag Buffo, people were actually starting to like you! :P

10-25-2010, 06:27 PM
Sisters of Battle need to keep their sexy armor. Maybe make the chests bigger. Deflects more bullets with more curves.

I agree, the curves will help them more.

Look at marine armor--- it's curvy too!


10-25-2010, 07:13 PM
I've been debating whether to post this (unless I already have and forgot:rolleyes:), as I think it is made up but a while ago at a GW store a couple of staff were trying to impress me by saying how SoB are due July or August 2011. One said July the other August, both agreed it was 'Codex: Sisters of Battle'. Personally I think they just read the rumours circulating about already and decided to pretend to have insider knowledge.

10-25-2010, 08:49 PM
I've been debating whether to post this (unless I already have and forgot:rolleyes:), as I think it is made up but a while ago at a GW store a couple of staff were trying to impress me by saying how SoB are due July or August 2011. One said July the other August, both agreed it was 'Codex: Sisters of Battle'. Personally I think they just read the rumours circulating about already and decided to pretend to have insider knowledge.

Probably not worth making a big deal out of. GW stores are just too unreliable for long term rumors, not many people take them seriously.

10-25-2010, 08:58 PM
Probably not worth making a big deal out of. GW stores are just too unreliable for long term rumors, not many people take them seriously.


Forget rumors you hear at a GW store. Just wait for the leaked/controlled rumors to hit Warsewer.

10-25-2010, 09:12 PM
Oh, I know, never thought for a moment they actually had insider knowledge. Now if I could just honey-trap Phil Kelly or Jes Goodwin.:rolleyes:

10-25-2010, 11:18 PM
Oh, I know, never thought for a moment they actually had insider knowledge. Now if I could just honey-trap Phil Kelly or Jes Goodwin.:rolleyes:

That's a recurring fantasy of yours, isn't it;)

10-29-2010, 03:44 AM
unfortunately for us it seems that the tomb kings are next, 'cording to all the different GW employes, not that i mind tho, cos there ment to be immense, so im guessing a 2nd half next year at the earliest for the next 40k army update

10-29-2010, 03:46 AM
Oh, I know, never thought for a moment they actually had insider knowledge. Now if I could just honey-trap Phil Kelly or Jes Goodwin.:rolleyes:

go for it lol

10-29-2010, 07:03 AM
unfortunately for us it seems that the tomb kings are next, 'cording to all the different GW employes, not that i mind tho, cos there ment to be immense, so im guessing a 2nd half next year at the earliest for the next 40k army update

Uh, why would they wait until July to release a 40k codex just because they released a WFB codex at the tail end of this year / beginning of next year? That is a dumb thought. Also, it is dumb.

10-29-2010, 07:15 AM
Quite, WFB and 40k are on seperate timetables, and GW have indicated they want to beef up releases of both codices and army books. If we see Grey Knights in March or so we could easily see another 40k codex in July. Tomb Kings could be before or between.

Uh, why would they wait until July to release a 40k codex just because they released a WFB codex at the tail end of this year / beginning of next year? That is a dumb thought. Also, it is dumb.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
10-30-2010, 09:16 PM
Who knows with the way GW is at the moment, maybe they will surprise us, and with crossed fingers change what there going to bring out and when, can only hope though doubtful that SoB codex would be sooner.
Personally i agree, think SoB will be around july.

11-06-2010, 10:07 PM
SoB being worked, kind of, on by Jes Goodwin:

Not sure if this is the best place to post but the Dark Eldar rumours thread was closed and this seemed the next best place.

He is still trying to work out how best to tackle plastic Sisters of Battle but they are still being problematic.


Anyway, that's pretty much it, also wanted to say that Jes was a lovely guy, very approachable and it was nice to see how passionate he was about everything he does.

Cheers. :)

11-07-2010, 04:41 AM
Right, after Necrons the next strongest contender I'm seeing is the SoB. Then, from what it sounds like, Tau might be next. The real question is, will GW try and sneak in another SM chapter in there somewhere...
If they did, it would have to be Black Templars. The only SM Codex that is not up to date with 5th ed. Why would they make acompletely new codex for an SM army that has never had a codex of their own before? Salamanders, Whie Scars and Iron Hands are already covered in the Vanilla SM Marines Codex.

11-07-2010, 07:10 AM
They already have Grey Knights, they don't need to sneak another SM cahpter in next year. That fulfills their one a year quota.

If they did, it would have to be Black Templars. The only SM Codex that is not up to date with 5th ed.Dark Angels.

11-08-2010, 10:29 PM
A little titbit more:

The problem with the plastic Sisters of Battle is indeed the cloth robes on the sleeves as has been stated before, but also the hair strangely enough. One of the particularly tricky aspects of the Dark Eldar ws getting the hair on the Wyches right, as if you have hair flowing in one direction it makes posing more difficult, as everything needs to flow the same way. This suggests that any new SOB figures we see will be much more dynamic. He also said that shoulder pads had been giving them grief, as they want flowing script on them and that is presenting problems too.

11-08-2010, 11:04 PM
Yeah, sounds like Sisters are a bit further off than we thought.

On the other hand, Phil Kelly was asked about Grey Knights, and wouldn't answer any questions. He reportedly has a sly grin on his face, though:D.

11-09-2010, 06:20 AM
Not really... with Grey Knights in february, Sisters begun six months after them, I expect them only by the end of the year.

They always have problems with sculpting. They're GW.

11-09-2010, 12:39 PM
Someone is this latest batch of rumors pointed out that they didn't expect them next year at all. They pretty much said that there was indeed work on them, but it wasn't far enough along to get in next year.

11-09-2010, 01:14 PM
They always say that there's problems with the molds. There were problems with Dark Eldar and they still came out in October as expected. Having problems with the molds is standard and expected.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
11-09-2010, 09:55 PM
Knowing GW SoB will get a new codex right before 6th ed, then again we get a codex that becomes redundant like the DA's.

Hey anything is possible with them at the moment. I hope the rumours are just that, rumours. With the SoB coming early next year.

11-09-2010, 10:36 PM
I'm expecting mid/late next year.

11-10-2010, 07:09 AM
They always say that there's problems with the molds. There were problems with Dark Eldar and they still came out in October as expected. Having problems with the molds is standard and expected.

Yeah, but if I remember correctly, wasn't the new dark eldar line ready like 3-4 years ago, and it never got green lighted until recently?

11-10-2010, 07:31 AM
Nope, it was having problems up until summer this year.

It's why people kept thinking they were gonna get delayed again.

11-10-2010, 08:49 AM
Yes, I remember vaguely that Harry or one of the other reliable rumourmongers on Warseer posted that Dark Eldar had just gone into production earlier this year, perhaps May or June.

11-10-2010, 09:11 AM

I honestly don't think we will be seeing Sisters of Battle anytime next year if my chat with Jes was anything to go by.

However this is under the assumption that Jes would be sculpting them, it is of course possible that Juan Diaz may be taking up most of the work there but from some of the things Jes said I think he will be working on them.

The reason for this is he said that the way he has always worked up until now has been Space Marine, something else, Space Marine, something else etc.

That means that he would normally be working on Space Marines next, however he did say pretty categorically that he wouldn't be working on Space Marines next as he has passed them on to other designers now and wanted to do something else.

That would suggest that following form he would normally do a power armour release, but as he doesn't want to (or has been told not to) it wouldn't be Marines. On conjecture the only other power armour army in the game that Jes has been involved in are SOBs.

However Jes did say that there is still a lot of work to do in order to get the Dark Eldar finished for release by June 2011 which suggests he will be concentrating on them until first quarter 2011.

He then said that he intends to take long break from any projects as he is exhausted and has been working on Dark Eldar solidly for four years now as well as other projects.

As well as a sculptor and figure designer Jes is also the head of plastics development and has a lot of involvement in all aspects of plastic design, and so is involved in countless other projects as well as his own and so needs a bit of a break for a bit by the sounds of it.

Sisters are also something that the design team have been working on for a while now but have had real problems with from a design point of view. Apparently they have learnt a lot whilst creating the Dark Eldar Wyches which will help with this but they are still a fair way off from a solution.

I suspect that Jes probably wouldn't start development on Sisters until late next year, which means a 2012 release at the earliest although this all depends on whether he will actually be involved in the process.

In terms of 2011 40k releases we have Grey Knights coming in quarter 1 and then at the end of the year my sources actually tell me Tau, which I know contradicts everyone else's rumour that it's Necrons, but I have been told the Necron Codex is still a way off.

We also may have the 40k flyer expansion next Summer if rumour's are correct (I have seen the concept sketches for a Tyranid flyer about 1 and a half years ago and there is apparently a plastic Tau Barracuda on the way so I suspect this is probably true) which means that it is unlikely, but not impossible that we will have another 40K release that year.

Of course this is mostly conjecture on my part based on what I heard at Warhammer World last week, and of course we know how sneaky GW are about keeping things under wraps and releasing them under our noses, but I do honestly believe we won't see Sisters until after next year.

Brass Scorpion
11-10-2010, 09:30 AM
The Sisters of battle project was started a fairly soon after the Grey Knights. Not right after .... a little while after. Could someone please be a little more vague? Hilarious.

wasn't the new dark eldar line ready like 3-4 years ago,Unlikely that far ahead, but not impossible. GW product in general is boxed and ready to go months before planned distribution. Island Of Blood was ready about a full year ahead of time.

11-10-2010, 11:17 AM
Sisters of BAttle were started six months after Grey Knights. I rather expect htem to be finished six to nine months after Grey Knights re finished.

11-11-2010, 12:53 AM
Which should be just in time for the end of the world...


11-11-2010, 02:01 AM
which I know contradicts everyone else's rumour that it's Necrons, but I have been told the Necron Codex is still a way off.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO say it aint so.

11-11-2010, 02:34 PM
Knowing GW SoB will get a new codex right before 6th ed, then again we get a codex that becomes redundant like the DA's.

Hey anything is possible with them at the moment. I hope the rumours are just that, rumours. With the SoB coming early next year.

I would actually love to see SoB being the first codex to come out after 6ed because that would mean it was relatively up to scratch. Then again we all know the SM codex is just plain **** compared to SW and BA...

11-11-2010, 02:38 PM
I would actually love to see SoB being the first codex to come out after 6ed because that would mean it was relatively up to scratch. Then again we all know the SM codex is just plain **** compared to SW and BA...

Only for incompetent players so ridiculously stupid that they couldn't win given 500 more points to use than their opponents.

11-19-2010, 06:00 AM
A teensy bit more info:


Yes the problem with the Sisters of Battle has been the cloth robe sleeves on the under side of their arms, their hair and also the script work on their shoulders.

The problem with the robes on their arms is that it can only be sculpted flowing in one direction, which means posing can be a problem.

This isn't such an issue with Sisters armed with Bolt Guns as the pose will be pretty much set, but when you get things like Seraphim or models armed with close combat weapons you would get a very limited number of poses. This is because if you had the arm held up high the robes may stick out in a gravity defying way, which would look very unnatural.

The hair is essentially the same thing. They want the new models to be much more dynamic, which would mean their hair would not be as static as the previous Sisters of Battle miniatures. This poses problems with posing as the hair and robes need to flow in the same direction, which again limits the amount of poses possible (sorry for the over use of the word pose there - couldn't think of another on! :)).

The bit I didn't quite get the gist of was the shoulder plates. He said they wanted embossed and rolling scriptwork on the shoulder plates, and the way it was curving around the plates was presenting problems. I'm not sure in all honesty what that meant but it may be similar to the problems mentioned above or it might be the way the model is cast. It might be the fact that you are very limited in undercuts on a tool when producing plastic miniatures ( by tool I mean mold, but plastic molds are known as tools).

He did stress that they really wanted to crack on with Sisters, but that they had been causing them technical difficulties for quite some time.

However he said that the process of creating the Dark Eldar has really pushed the limits of what they can do in plastic, and has taught them a huge amount.

Many of the problems mentioned above (hair, robes etc) were the same for the Dark Eldar, but they learnt how to manage it and would now like to take those lessons back to the Sisters.

Something else that was interesting was that he said the way he has always worked up until now was to alternate between Space Marines and something else.

For example Space Marines, Tyranids, Space Marines, Eldar, Space Marines, Dark Eldar etc.

However he said quite explicitly that he wouldn't be working on Space Marines after Dark Eldar. This was because he feels he has handed them on to other sculptors now and wanted to do something else, but of course it depended on what GW wanted him to do next.

He also categorically stated that he wouldn't be working on any Warhammer models from now on, although admittedly he hasn't done so for a long time.

So this is pure speculation on my part (so please don't take it as read as I am just thinking aloud - nothing was confirmed), but if he isn't working on Fantasy next then he will be working on something 40K.

It won't be Marines and Tyranids have been updated recently.

Speculatively that only really leaves CraftWorld Eldar or Sisters next.

He did say that working on Dark Eldar had reignited his enthusiasm for Craft World Eldar, and that he wanted to revisit the range so he could implement a lot of the lessons they learned with Dark Eldar and we know that he sculpted the Craft World Eldar Jetbikes and the Dark Eldar Reaver Jetbikes simultaneously so Eldar is a possibility.

But if his normal working process is Power Armour, Xenos, Power Armour, something else etc and he has just released Dark Eldar then it follows that Sisters ought to be next.

Now for the bad news. He told me that after working on Dark Eldar solidly for more than 4 years (as well as other projects) he was already exhausted. However there was still more work to do on the Dark Eldar Range and he would be working on them until June 2011 so that 90% of the range could be released by then.

He then said that he would be taking a long rest before starting any other projects. I am not sure how long a rest that would be but I would suspect at least a couple of months.

Jes isn't just a sculptor, he is also the head of the GW plastics department, and is involved in the training of staff and development of new tecnology.

It may be that when he takes a break from sculpting he concentrates on this area of his job.

Either way this means that he wouldn't be starting a new project until at the earliest July/August 2011.

It sounds like R and D has already begun on the Sisters, and if they have learnt a great deal during the Dark Eldar development and can put this into practice then they shouldn't take too long, but I would guess that we wouldn't see them at the very earliest until Quarter 1 2012, but more realistically later that year.

Again this is just my speculation based on the conversation I had with Jes.

They are most definitely working on Sisters, but it may be a while before we see them.

Edit: Sorry, I just realised I may have repeated a lot of this earlier in the thread, I had lost track of where I had posted. :)

11-19-2010, 07:30 AM
I think he might have already taken his break, after all he's working on the models or else he wouldn't have had problems with them to begin with, right?

11-19-2010, 07:50 AM

Well he told me that he would be working solidly on Dark Eldar until June 2011.

They have 4 plastic kits to release for Dark Eldar next year, as well as metal figures and then possibly some of the character models.

Obviously he won't be doing all the work on his own as Juan Diaz is also doing some of the models.

He did say that they are on the final push but still have a lot of things to do.

One of which was the Haemonculi passengers for the raider. The Wyches will be included with the Venom and can be used on the raider, but they didn't know yet how to do the Haemonculi. It wasn't so much a problem of creating them, just what to release them with. My guess would be with the Talos.

However he was confident he could take a break from June 2011 onwards as this is when they plan to stop work on the Dark Eldar.

The Sisters of battle have been in "design hell" since before the dark Eldar, so at least 4-5 years.

They have started the initial planning but it was the aspects mentioned earlier that had caused them to be put on hold.

The implication was that these problems may have now been resolved with the dark Eldar Wyches, as a lot of these problems were exactly the same for them.

However with next year's 40K schedule already full up and with Jes wanting a break from a new range I would say thay are at least a year off.

If rumours are correct we have Grey Knights Quarter 1, Flyers expansion Quarter 2 and Tau/Necrons (my money is on Tau as I know they have already completed many of the new plastics and that Necrons are getting the Dark Eldar treatment. In other words a rewrite which will take a while) in Quarter 4.

This doesn't rule out another 40K release next year, I just got the impression that it wouldn't be Sisters.

11-19-2010, 07:57 AM
Thanks for explaining it some more.

11-21-2010, 05:34 PM
If rumours are correct we have Grey Knights Quarter 1, Flyers expansion Quarter 2 and Tau/Necrons (my money is on Tau as I know they have already completed many of the new plastics and that Necrons are getting the Dark Eldar treatment. In other words a rewrite which will take a while) in Quarter 4.

All good news. While I love my Sisters, I don't think they NEED a codex that bad. I love the way they play now. And since I only play Apoc, they are a fun ally to my SM and IG armies.

Can't wait for the Grey Knight codex. Flyers! All good.

Necrons NEED it and Tau could use a face lift, so 2011 looks great!


Biggest Apocalypse Battle in History, January 22nd at all 4 US Bunkers (http://apocalypse40k.com/index.php?/forum/32-the-big-game-jan-22-2011/)

11-22-2010, 07:20 AM
He said necrons OR tau. So it's still probably Grey Knights, a xenos codex, and then Sisters afterwards.

11-22-2010, 07:29 AM
All good news. While I love my Sisters, I don't think they NEED a codex that bad. I love the way they play now. And since I only play Apoc, they are a fun ally to my SM and IG armies.

Can't wait for the Grey Knight codex. Flyers! All good.

Necrons NEED it and Tau could use a face lift, so 2011 looks great!


Biggest Apocalypse Battle in History, January 22nd at all 4 US Bunkers (http://apocalypse40k.com/index.php?/forum/32-the-big-game-jan-22-2011/)

Sisters need the models more than the rules in my opinion (although I'm sure they'd also benefit from a 5ed adjustment too). No plastic squads is a big drawback and the main reason I've never started an army.

Necrons need the models less as their basic plastic range is still strong (those horrendously overpriced metal immortals and pariahs need replacing though) but seem to be the army most affected by the 5ed rules. Tau also have a strong model range but the faster armies, more cover and requirement to sweep every model off an objective have hurt them badly.

11-22-2010, 07:55 AM
They need new rules too, without a shadow of a doubt.

We're stuck with basically one competitive unit per slot at the moment. Total of one HQ unit (the Canoness being an upgrade to the Palatine), three Elites units (and one non-slot choice in the Priest), one Troops choice, two Fast Attack choices, and three heavy supports choices (four if you really insist on including the Immolator, which is a transport).

11-22-2010, 09:37 AM
They need new rules too, without a shadow of a doubt.

We're stuck with basically one competitive unit per slot at the moment. Total of one HQ unit (the Canoness being an upgrade to the Palatine), three Elites units (and one non-slot choice in the Priest), one Troops choice, two Fast Attack choices, and three heavy supports choices (four if you really insist on including the Immolator, which is a transport).

I'm just thankful we have a couple competitive units currently... with all this mech running around, it's funny to see the surprise of an opponent when they see how many meltas you can have ;)

As far as Necrons goes, I thought all the rumors were putting them in line as the next 40k release (aside from wave 2 stuff), but if they're getting the Dark Eldar treatment, that'd put them way way out, wouldn't it? (I don't mean 10 years further out... still just late Q4 2011, minimum)

11-26-2010, 08:07 PM
White Dwarf Codex update looking better alll the time, till they resculpt the range.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
11-27-2010, 05:57 AM
Huh i think its very funny when you play against opponents that have never played against us rare SoB players.
They think there safe with there tanks, until you roll up your Immolator and pop out 4 melta's and a VSS with a combi-melta. Now do that with 3 Immolators, and its even funnier :D

Even better when you repeat said manuaver with Flamers against massed troops.

11-27-2010, 07:44 PM
Huh i think its very funny when you play against opponents that have never played against us rare SoB players.
They think there safe with there tanks, until you roll up your Immolator and pop out 4 melta's and a VSS with a combi-melta. Now do that with 3 Immolators, and its even funnier :D

Even better when you repeat said manuaver with Flamers against massed troops.

No its 3 Exorcists that are annoying. Especially for my all Valk/Vedetta Army.
I can handle sisters otherwise. Out maneuverer, shot and assault otherwise.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
11-27-2010, 07:59 PM
True that would spoil your day. Though im planning a very large Apoc battle against a DA/BA army soon, hope he doesnt know i have 7 Dominion squads and 4 Exorcists.

But with the current mould faults with the mounting plat for the organs, i hope they resolve this with plastic.

12-01-2010, 02:29 PM
Back from the Kendoka and Tim Huckelberry days, I miss the fact that my opponents dreaded the "Re-roll for executioner rounds" comment. Too bad we probably won't see something like that again. Just an addendum to the storm trooper entry.

12-02-2010, 09:35 AM
...the current mould faults with the mounting plat for the organs, i hope they resolve this with plastic.

No joke! I've had to bend sooooo many damned organ pieces back and use so much glue/greenstuff! >.<

Heck, I've contemplated getting the Forgeworld version for my 3rd gun, just so I avoid that damned molding!

12-02-2010, 12:39 PM
No joke! I've had to bend sooooo many damned organ pieces back and use so much glue/greenstuff! >.<

Heck, I've contemplated getting the Forgeworld version for my 3rd gun, just so I avoid that damned molding!

IIRC the Forgeworld version holds the dubious honor of being the only FW model cheaper than its GW counterpart.

12-02-2010, 01:07 PM
It may be sacrilege for a Sisters player, but I HATE the pip organ Exorcist. I bought some Hyperios Launchers and mounted them on Immolatr chassis.


The Biggest Apocalypse Battle in History - January 22nd, 2011 at all 4 US Battle Bunkers!

http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm106/Linnear1701/40K/ApocLogo.png (http://www.apocalypse40k.com/)

12-02-2010, 08:25 PM
It's hardly heresy, it's pretty common actually

12-02-2010, 08:55 PM
Yeah, the organ thing is pretty silly looking. I'd stick with a whirlwind missile launcher for modeling, or something similar.

12-02-2010, 10:50 PM
I like the organ as a sculpt, but I don't like it on the rhino chassis.

12-03-2010, 07:13 AM
Personally, I'm hoping it gets remodeled into something more serious while still being quite unique.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
12-03-2010, 09:27 AM
To date, as im on my fourth Excorsist, not counting mounting one on a Baneblade, ive only had trouble now with the latest mould i got. But it wasnt to much to fix really.
And i like the way it looks, very choir like, but i agree here, it should be stronger than a Rhino and higher Strength to damage AV14.

Bring a LR variant of the Excorsist now that would be awesome :)

12-03-2010, 01:27 PM
When i met Jes Goodwin on dark eldar launch we had a really cool conversation, and part of that was the problem with the sisters plastics. The sleeves on their robes mean they can't be posable models made from componets (ie. like space marine arms). if you posed the arm up, then the sleeve would hand straight down, and if you posed the arm down it would fall forward, etc. the only way past it would be plug & play style minis like those that came with black reach box set.
these problems had pretty much stalled plastic sisters and there was NO development underway at this time or the near future.

a new witch hunters codex is a long way off and he hinted at it being a very LONG way off

12-03-2010, 02:12 PM
To date, as im on my fourth Excorsist, not counting mounting one on a Baneblade, ive only had trouble now with the latest mould i got. But it wasnt to much to fix really.
And i like the way it looks, very choir like, but i agree here, it should be stronger than a Rhino and higher Strength to damage AV14.

Bring a LR variant of the Excorsist now that would be awesome :)

LR for sisters?? love that idea.... should it be called LR exorcist pattern? hull mouted combi melta, and hmm..huricane bolters/ heavy flamers on sponsons??:D

12-20-2010, 01:57 AM
LR for sisters?? love that idea.... should it be called LR exorcist pattern? hull mouted combi melta, and hmm..huricane bolters/ heavy flamers on sponsons??:D
Maybe something similar to a LR Helios. Holds 6 sisters only, and still has an assault ramp, mounts a hull mounted Twin Linked Heavy Flamer, 2 Side Mounted twin-linked multi meltas, that can be swapped for either Plasma cannon, twin linked heavy bolters with blessed ammo or Twin-linked Lascannon, Turret mounted Exorcist Launcher.

12-20-2010, 08:08 AM
What'st he point of only holding 6 Sisters in a 250+ point land raider?

Drew da Destroya
12-20-2010, 08:40 AM
I guess the idea is to use it as a battle tank, and not really a transport. The 6 sisters would sit inside their transport, safe and sound on an objective, while the LR blasted away.

I don't really like the idea myself, but I'm not a fan of MSU armies... or hiding in metal boxes. I prefer my transports to be made of soggy paper!

12-20-2010, 09:14 AM
I woudl prefer the LR forego all transport abilities for pure kickass abilities.

12-20-2010, 02:30 PM
I'd love to see Sisters-specific Lemun Russes. With a lower points cost, you could run more of them than land raiders, too.

You could make some pretty interesting Russes for Sisters. A Punisher with Blessed Ammo would be amazing (S5 AP-, Heavy 20).

12-21-2010, 04:51 PM
Lemon Russ for sisters:eek: hehehhehehe....good one. Inquisition takes only the best of...so no Leman Russ cuz its so common and LR is better, valkyria and vendetta more likley would be taken in.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
12-21-2010, 10:06 PM
A Punisher canon with Blessed Ammunition that ignores cover saves, yeah that would be nice, but doubtful to happen.

Well a LR varient with sponsor mounted Inferno cannons, and maybe a Excorsist launcher without transport capable. Inside would be taken up with extra fuel tanks and launcher systems i guess. Now if only the Inferno cannon would be able to use Holy Promethium too.

12-22-2010, 12:17 AM
Lemon Russ for sisters:eek: hehehhehehe....good one. Inquisition takes only the best ofNobody said anything about Inquisition. We're talking about Sisters of Battle, not Inquisition.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
12-22-2010, 12:40 AM
I still like the idea of a mobile Fortress Cathedral, not using the LR as a varient, a whole new super heavy maybe.
Lots of Laud Hailers, heavy bolters, a massive weapon and interesting rules that bring fear to your enemies.

Yeah Inquisition are not in the picture anymore, no one wants them in the new codex. Strictly Sisters of Battle, Ecclesiarchy and nothing more.
So i dont think Russ varients or Valkyries will fit in at all.

12-22-2010, 01:50 AM
...a whole new super heavy maybe.
Lots of Laud Hailers, heavy bolters, a massive weapon and interesting rules that bring fear to your enemies

This... with the apoc flame template :D

As for inquisition... I wouldn't mind having an inquisitor as an elite choice and the assassins would be fun (or just the assassins if it came down to it), but I don't want the sisters being led by the inquisitors. I've never like the 'Pope-dreadnought' character or model for the sisters... he made it seem that a full battalion of sisters were his retinue...

As for HQs: More saints? Return of priest HQs (e.g. Jacobson)? Straight up Cannoness heroines? Personally, taking the 1500pt restriction off Saint Celestine, giving her EW and calling her entry done... that would be nice imo.

12-22-2010, 03:26 AM
I would like to see Sisters get another tank that would work with the Exorcist to provide fire support. Something that would fill the massive gap in the current Witch Hunters army list, i.e. an artillery tank that has is strength 9 or highr, uses a blast or large blast template, and has a decent AP 0f 4, or maybe 3. Though AP 3 might be too powerful, and the IG would get jealous.

As to their basic APC transport. Give them another APC that has AV 12/12/10 and fire points similar to a Repressor for 50 points, and they might last out the game a bit longer.

As to theor Immolators, I think the front armour 12 is too low. Predators and vindicators have AV 13 on the front, IG Hellhounds have AV 12. Apart from the Exorcist, this is the only tank/vehicle the sisters have that mounts a heavy weapon. It should have more front armour than an APC. Atleast AV 12.

I had toyed with the idea of mounting sisters on bikes. It would be a good conversion, and if they were to add it to the new codex, I think it would shake up how many opponents view sisters. I think it would be really awesome and give them the flanking fast strikes used to capture/dent objectives that other armies like eldar/ dark eldar/ space marines, tau, chaos space marines and even necrons get.

As to the weapons available to the sisters infantry squads, I think the list should be expanded to include Missile Launchers (frag/krak), Plasma Cannons amd Plasma Guns. When I have played sisters in the past, having only melta guns, flamers and storm bolters for special weapons, and heavy bolters, multi-meltas, and heavy flamers for heavy weapons meant that you could not wipe out the enemys elite troops like terminators, or take out lots of power armoursed or equivelant 3+ save troops with blast templates. SM have them, and even IG get to use them a little, even if more commonly used on their tanks.

It seems like someone made their mnind up to limit the sisters to a short list of weapons, and no-one has bothered to change it over time. They need more power (Grunt Grunt) - pun on Tim the tool man there.

Some Sisters players might think it would make the sisters look like a melding of the IG and SM codexes, but I think it wouid make them stronger, and able to cope in the current trend of stronger and stronger codex rules (codex creep). You can still keep the rules for Faith points, and the traditional unit types. Remove the inquisitors from the HQ slot, and maybe keep them as Elite choices. Keep the Assassins though.

12-22-2010, 03:36 AM
What'st he point of only holding 6 Sisters in a 250+ point land raider?
A Celestine Squad/ bodyguard and Cannoness. Soften up the enemy with the exorcist and the heavy flamers, before dismounting and assaulting. Perhaps they could make up optoins to chang e the weapons Celestines carry, so they have a CCw and a pistol. Add in the usual options for repalcing the CCW with a bolter, and have special weapons as per the normal entry. It would solve some of the sisters problems with close combat, and with the sisters modified LR, it gives them a command transport for the cannoness.

You could also allow them to use the landraider crusader for elite Celestine squads, and for the Cannoness and her squad.

12-22-2010, 07:23 AM
The immo won't get higher AV, it's not a pred, it's razorback. It has a turrent and is a transport.

12-22-2010, 08:29 AM
The immo won't get higher AV, it's not a pred, it's razorback. It has a turrent and is a transport.

Yes but it was also listed as a heavy support option. Its one of the 3 that Sisters get in their current "codex". (4 if you count the Penitent engine) In fact its not listed under the transport section. Was the razorback ever listed as a heavy support option? Heavy Support is a joke for Sisters. The only real option is the Exorcist. Without the Exorcist there are no real good choices for long range shooting at all as the next 'best thing' is the heavy bolter toted by the Retributors.

12-22-2010, 08:57 AM
No offense, but Space Marines get the best equipment in the Imperium. If they don't have a 12/12/10 transport then noone does. You either get Rhinos or Chimeras.

12-22-2010, 09:29 AM
No offense, but Space Marines get the best equipment in the Imperium. If they don't have a 12/12/10 transport then noone does. You either get Rhinos or Chimeras.

While thats true in the fluff, I maintain that the best tanks are fielded by the Imperial Guard. Space Marine vehicles and Sisters alongside them are laughable almost compared to what IG get with the exception of the Land Raider. I'll take a LeMan Russ Demolisher over a Vindicator any day. Its better in every way unless you have Blood Angels technology.

That aside, there's nothing preventing them from changing the Immolator into an actual heavy tank. I hate that I pay 25 more points for what is the equivalent of Razorback. Make it actually Fast and I will shut up becuase then it will be worth its price tag.

12-22-2010, 09:41 AM
As said before, I would just be happy if Sororitas could use those Repressors the Arbites gave them. That would really make the new codex for me.

12-22-2010, 10:06 AM
In the fluff, the Immolator is not a Razorback. It is a completely separate STC.

Supposedly the Immolator is the STC the Hellhound is based off of.
No offense, but Space Marines get the best equipment in the Imperium. If they don't have a 12/12/10 transport then noone does. You either get Rhinos or Chimeras.

Nobody gives a damn. **** Space Marines.

Brass Scorpion
12-22-2010, 11:25 AM
The title of this thread is "Sisters of Battle Rumour Thread", but from what I've seen here and on other forums there are NO rumors about that model range at the moment of any substance whatsoever. So why is this topic 18 pages long and growing when there are no rumors, not even slight ones? All of the rumors these days are about Orcs, Grey Knights, Blood Angels, Skaven, Fantasy Battle for summer, fliers for summer, Necrons, Tau and Dark Eldar. There's not a scrap about SoB.

12-22-2010, 11:51 AM
The title of this thread is "Sisters of Battle Rumour Thread", but from what I've seen here and on other forums there are NO rumors about that model range at the moment of any substance whatsoever. So why is this topic 18 pages long and growing when there are no rumors, not even slight ones? All of the rumors these days are about Orcs, Grey Knights, Blood Angels, Skaven, Fantasy Battle for summer, fliers for summer, Necrons, Tau and Dark Eldar. There's not a scrap about SoB.

How about this then. The rumored Sisters audio book has a name. Its called Red and Black and there is some artwork to go with it. Check it out here (http://www.blacklibrary.com/Blog/Red-and-black-cover-art.html).

Its due out in October 2011 at this point. Oh and it looks like Hammer and Anvil, the book is now due out in Dec 2011. I seem to recall orginally it was Sept 2011.

12-22-2010, 12:15 PM
Its called Red and Black and there is some artwork to go with it. Check it out here (http://www.blacklibrary.com/Blog/Red-and-black-cover-art.html).

WOW! I love the artwork! She totally looks like she has a smirk of: "My faith in the Emperor will protect me... this won't kill me!" Love it!

12-22-2010, 12:39 PM
well she better hope her faith will protect her cause if she gets shot in the chest I really don't think her corset would stop even a laspistol.
Shot in the leg or arm she should be fine as she is actually wearing armour there.

12-22-2010, 01:32 PM
well she better hope her faith will protect her cause if she gets shot in the chest I really don't think her corset would stop even a laspistol.
Shot in the leg or arm she should be fine as she is actually wearing armour there.

Dont' start that old argument again. You know that corset could actually be over some real ceramite. Heaven forbid the troops of the Ecclesiarchy actually have more than one layer to their outift. The sleeves are probably attached to the corset which is worn over teh armor much like the Dark Angel veterans do.

12-22-2010, 01:46 PM
The title of this thread is "Sisters of Battle Rumour Thread", but from what I've seen here and on other forums there are NO rumors about that model range at the moment of any substance whatsoever. So why is this topic 18 pages long and growing when there are no rumors, not even slight ones? All of the rumors these days are about Orcs, Grey Knights, Blood Angels, Skaven, Fantasy Battle for summer, fliers for summer, Necrons, Tau and Dark Eldar. There's not a scrap about SoB.


I don't understand what there is to talk about really - other than some wishlisting.

12-22-2010, 03:07 PM

I don't understand what there is to talk about really - other than some wishlisting.

No one makes you read or participate in any way. I also just posted up some new information which is relevant. Not much of a rumro really, but I think its a good sign of things to come.

12-22-2010, 03:18 PM
at the very least its news about the Sisters. I would love to spend time with the audiobook if the fluff was as good as the stuff that got me interested enough in Sisters to want to make the hop from Fantasy over to 40k.
Been a bit miffed at the lack of anything other than wishlisting myself. Still watching this just in case.

I would love to know who the reader is as that person can make or break an audiobook.

12-22-2010, 03:26 PM
at the very least its news about the Sisters. I would love to spend time with the audiobook if the fluff was as good as the stuff that got me interested enough in Sisters to want to make the hop from Fantasy over to 40k.
Been a bit miffed at the lack of anything other than wishlisting myself. Still watching this just in case.

I would love to know who the reader is as that person can make or break an audiobook.

Good point, but its still pretty early to know I guess. Anybody reading this in the know on it? I think this is nothing short of stupendous, becuase we've had little to nothing in years and now we know of a book (Dec 2011), and an audio book (Oct 2011). I'm reaching here but I think its a good sign that maybe we might have our codex around this time too. Black Library is a GW company too so they might arrange some (I emphasize might and some here) products around a codex and new awesome plastics to help drum up some support for sales. I know Sisters have sold less than stellar and any little thing might help here. I'm probably grasping though but it does sit well with some earlier rumors that Sisters were behind Grey Knights by 6 months plus. (so October or November)

12-22-2010, 03:37 PM
No one makes you read or participate in any way. I also just posted up some new information which is relevant. Not much of a rumro really, but I think its a good sign of things to come.

You posted something about a black library book.

I don't know if that really constitutes "rumors" since these are usually about either new codex / miniature line releases or Forgeworld releases.

But sure, if a black library picture constitutes a rumor, then I have a lot of threads to start! :P

12-22-2010, 03:38 PM
I just hope that those six months behind GK/Demon Hunters doesn't turn out to be just the books, that would such giant rhino testicles.

The books do sound like good news to me as it further cements in my mind that they will be redone and not taken outside for a quite smoke against a convenient wall. Although I am not a fan of the current armour design I hope the cover means that they will keep the neo-gothic type image.

12-22-2010, 03:44 PM
You posted something about a black library book.

I don't know if that really constitutes "rumors" since these are usually about either new codex / miniature line releases or Forgeworld releases.

But sure, if a black library picture constitutes a rumor, then I have a lot of threads to start! :P

This is a news and rumors forum right? OK I'll stop I don't really want to parse anymore as then I will be trolling. If you don't like the vein of the thread then write to a mod and maybe it will stop. I thought my information was relevant. The trhead was largely dead until someone necro-posted I thought. Had this thread nto been at the top I woudl have started another and my little tid-bit tiny as it is does qualify as news.

12-22-2010, 05:04 PM
Dont' start that old argument again. You know that corset could actually be over some real ceramite.Still looks like cloth, and therefor stupid.

Stop being ***holes to eachother, that's my job.