View Full Version : Craftworld Arithym

09-14-2010, 03:56 PM
I have decided to build my Eldar as a new Craftworld. It is named Arithym!

I have chosen Bone coloured armour with Black helms. The inner mask and weaponry shall be Bronze. Eye pieces and sashes shall be Green and Purple for the Guardians and support/Heavy Weapon platforms. I am thinking to add this here and there on the Aspects to tie them to the Craftworld. Does anyone have additional suggestions regarding useful colours which would work for further Squad sashes?

Firstly, I would ask of anyone viewing this Blog to offer any other colours which might be added to my scheme.

Secondly, I'd like you to tell me what you think of my scheme as it stands.

My army at present stands as such:

Two Farseers,
Five Warlocks,
Two Avatars (One GW metal & one Forgeworld Spear caster),

Six Warp Spiders,
Twenty Four Scorpions,
Eighteen Banshees,
Forty Avengers,
Six Scouts,
All Phoenix Lords,
Thirteen Reapers,
Roughly Fifteen Hawks,
21 Guardians plus weapon platform,
One Bonesinger (Which will be used as my forces Spirit Seer),
Five Wraithguard,
Five War Walkers,
Three Wraithlords,
Three Jetbikes,
Three Vypers,
Four Falcons,
Five Wave Serpents,
A Death Spinner (Forgeworld),
A Fire Prism (new version),
A Fire Storm (Forgeworld),
A Mk II Scorpion,
Two Revenants
& One Armourcast Phantom Titan!

I intend to play as a Swordwind Army with elements of a Dead Host. I have stripped all of my old models down using Tesco Multi Purpose cleaner. My old Avatar shall be my training ground so that I do the Forgeworld version justice.

At this time, it's approximately 19,688 points worth of Eldar.

09-14-2010, 03:59 PM
Second Guardian Squad. These have purple sashes.




09-14-2010, 04:00 PM
The Wave Serpent.



The Falcon.



Both the Falcon and Serpent now have grey bases. The old style GW Green Bases are a thing of the past. The first Guardian Squad still has the green ones. Fresh pictures of them shall be shot once I have repainted them Grey.

09-14-2010, 05:59 PM
very nice. they look almost steam punk

why Arithym?

09-15-2010, 01:41 AM
Very pretty, and I agree with Grailkeeper, rather steampunk.

09-15-2010, 02:41 AM
very nice. they look almost steam punk

why Arithym?

Thank you! I'm rather pleased with the colour scheme.

Arithym was simply me trying to rack my brains to come up with a suitably Eldar sounding name. I tried look at various sources for Eldar words but none of them helped much. In the end, this is simply one of many names I tried. None of them felt as 'right' as Arithym.

I designed the colour scheme using the original Dawn of Wars army painter software on the Guardian.

09-16-2010, 02:12 AM
Update on the Seer Council.


09-17-2010, 12:35 PM
Really impressed with the bronze on the weapons. Looks really rich

09-17-2010, 04:25 PM
Thank you! It is Tin Bitz, followed by a dry brush of Dwarven Bronze, then a drybrush of Shining Gold. This is finally given a wash of Chestnut Ink. Because that fantastic ink was discontinued, I had to find a replacement. Thanks to the Internet community, I found Liquitex Transparent Burnt Sienna. It is identical. I got 6 30ml bottles for 15 quid.

Seers are nearly done.

Thought y'all might wanna see what is next.




Two Fire Prisms. And twenty Dire Avengers.

Decided that the clear crystals will work well as coloured clear. Bought a jar of Tamiya Clear green which I'll paint over the crystals before gluing them in place.

09-20-2010, 04:29 AM
I like the bone colour, I nearly did something similar with my own Eldar before deciding on pure white instead.

So are Eldar from your Craftworld known as Arithymetics?:p

09-20-2010, 07:18 AM
I like the bone colour, I nearly did something similar with my own Eldar before deciding on pure white instead.

Thank you! I am quite proud of the results! Do you have a Plog for your Eldar? I've found myself following a huge number of Eldar plogs at the mo. My interest has really been rekindled thanks to reading Path of the Warrior!

So are Eldar from your Craftworld known as Arithymetics?:p

*Ba-Dum Tish*

That was awful! I approve! :D

Will try to get the Seers Council finished tonight and get pics up. Then, Fire Prisms and a Serpent. All are based in black and bone where appropriate.

09-20-2010, 07:43 AM
Sadly no plog, if only because I would have to go back and photograph the 1200+ Eldar I've assembled over the past fifteen years, and I just don't have the time. Also I have issued with cameras. Its a real shame as I'd love to show them off.

I love bad jokes and puns.:) Look forward to seeing the Seer Council.

Edit: I do have a few background articles and a census in my BolS blog.

09-20-2010, 03:17 PM
Seer Council, complete!



That has the Army set as the following :

2 Farseers and 5 Warlocks.

A 12 man Squad of Guardians plus Support Platform. All weapon options painted.

A 10 man Squad of Guardians plus Support Platform. All weapon options painted.

A Wave Serpent. TL Missile Launchers.

A Falcon with Scatter Laser.

On the painting Table : 2 Fire Prisms, a Wave Serpent (probably with Bright Lances) and 20 Dire Avengers!


The Eldar shall rise again and sweep all lesser races before them!

Eldargal. Will check out yer blog!

09-20-2010, 11:21 PM
Hey wanted to post sooner but I've been sidetracked with my own eldar, but I am impressed with what I am seeing, the bone, black, bronze work well together. your question about color for sashes, well as you have used green and purple as well have you considered using colors between them like blues/ turquoise. to keep each unit sepearate but unified as a whole.

cant wait to see more and i need to update my own progress here also :)

09-22-2010, 02:03 PM
Blue and Turquoise? I'll try that on the next groups of Guardians. Probably on the Jet Bikers.

A friend got a box of Guardians from the old days which has 16 of them. They will be used the bring the Biker Guardians up-to-date. Hate the all the pilots wearing jackets, whether they be Tank Pilots or Bikers.

Anyway, rant over (Where did that come from?) Got the Fire Prisms and the Wave Serpent drybrushed in bone. Gonna sort the black hulls next, then the coppery weapons and whatnot. This Serpent will be armed with Bright Lances.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
09-23-2010, 12:14 AM
Love the colour scheme you chose, bold and distinctive great work.

09-23-2010, 05:05 PM
The tanks proceed at a pace! The under side of the hulls are done, the metallics are inked, the upper hulls just require the black paneling (except the Serpent. That one's done!) All three are close to done!

Pics soon!

09-24-2010, 03:10 PM
The second Serpent is complete.



Fire Prisms incoming!

09-24-2010, 07:02 PM
This battle calls for massive firepower!

Fire Prism 1



Fire Prism 2



Next, 20 Dire Avengers!

09-28-2010, 01:37 PM
Well the 20 Dire Avengers are coming along nicely. They should be ready in a couple of days!

Also building two Objective markers which I hope you all like!

10-06-2010, 06:00 PM
Well, the Dire Avengers are taking a bit longer than I thought. Soldiering on with them.

Also build a 10 man squad of Scorpions, my Autarch, 5 Wraithguard and a Bonesinger (who will be a Spiritseer). They have all been primed in Skeleton Bone.

Also built 11 Fire Dragons. They have been primed Dragon Red.

Hope to have all 20 Avengers completed by Friday with washes going to the Scorpions and Dragons by that time too. Hope to have both Objectives at least washed too. They are primed with Skelly Bone too.

10-09-2010, 06:08 PM
Well! Craftworld Arithym went to war today!

As I expected of my first foray into Eldar armies in 10+ years, I lost. This was a good thing though! I saw a lot of things I'd done wrong, things I'd have to watch for in the future and what I shall soon add to my forces.

First up, Fire Prisms really are a bit crap thanks to 5th Ed blast rules. (Those rules are serious crap!)

Second, Guardians are a bit crap. They certainly have uses but I think I'll replace them with Jetbikes.

Third, I like Dire Avengers. Bladestorm is sick.

Fire Dragons ought to be in a Falcon. Get them where they need to be, then shoot off and make trouble.

Scorpions : I ought to learn their Infiltration abilities better. Plus, run when you are out of range. Don't let yourself spend an extra turn moving because you forgot to run.

The painting was not complete. However, since coming home, I've completed one of the two Avenger Squads. Here they are :


The flash has made the colours a touch brighter than they are in this pic.

The second squad is nearly ready. Hope to have them done by Monday. The yellow helms are interesting to work with. But I'm getting there.

10-10-2010, 05:17 PM
Your force is comming along nicley shame about losing the battle though but there will be more.

hehe I wil disagree with prism tanks, need to take 2 a tleast the blast can be a bit of a bummer at times however it is -4 to the scater roll due to a decent BS unlike say a falcon with a BS of 3, and the range of 60
keeps you save to pop those longfangs with ML.

Scorpions in a wave serpent with infiltrate = outflank, given how fast a wave serpent can move its mattters not which side you come in from.

One question with you DA, are they going to have a colour on them that ties them in with your craftworld
or not? some people do some people stick with shrine colours, I'm just curious.

10-11-2010, 05:53 AM
Your force is comming along nicley shame about losing the battle though but there will be more.

We are not defeated yet! The Monkeigh have not seen the last of Arithym! While I knew I was facing Marines, I did not expect Bikers.

hehe I wil disagree with prism tanks, need to take 2 a tleast the blast can be a bit of a bummer at times however it is -4 to the scater roll due to a decent BS unlike say a falcon with a BS of 3, and the range of 60
keeps you save to pop those longfangs with ML.

Might try them both again but I can afford to play around with the force composition.

Scorpions in a wave serpent with infiltrate = outflank, given how fast a wave serpent can move its mattters not which side you come in from.

I like the sound of that. On foot, they just ain't fast enough.

One question with you DA, are they going to have a colour on them that ties them in with your craftworld
or not? some people do some people stick with shrine colours, I'm just curious.

The Avengers will each have a different colour Helm for each Squad but all of the Squads will have bone coloured sashes on the back of their belts.

10-13-2010, 04:57 PM
So. Finally!

Dire Avenger Squad two.

Squads three and four will be White & Black helms.

Army Shots incoming!

10-13-2010, 05:01 PM
Craftworld Arithyms forces thus far!




Looking to add Bikers since Guardians are a bit poo. Scorpions are next, then Dragons. Jetbikes then I'll be looking at Wraithlords!

10-17-2010, 05:48 PM
New updates!

Had my second battle. This time against Chaos Daemons. It was a hard battle. I Doomed a Bloodthirster, the a squad of Dire Avengers Bladestormed it and assualted, killing it with aDiresword. Allround of combat. My Avatar was bested in combat by a Daemon Prince, my Prisms did bugger all again and it was still a tight battle.

I still lost. Yet again, I believe I came away with some useful experiances and even more importantly, it was a fun game. Lots of good-natured banter.

Since me last post, the Scorpions have come on and I finished my first two special Objectives!

Scorpion WIP first!



My new Objectives are in the next post!

10-17-2010, 05:51 PM
Next, my Objectives!

An automated drone and a Statue to Khaine!




Hope you like em!

10-18-2010, 09:33 PM
Nice use of the old 1st Ed Avatar! (Yes, he is RT era, just towards the end of it. You know, back when the Avatar had (grr) random stats...)

I might actually dig mine out some time and do something similar!

I love my FW Avatar too much (even with the added height) to use any other representation...

10-28-2010, 04:37 PM
Well. Painting is going slow. Work is bearing down a bit but been working on the Scorpions and a Wraithlord (my next two tournie games are against Marines. I reckon a starcannon and scatter laser will do me well.) but look what arrived in the mail today!


Another Super Heavy to add to the Army in waiting. Super Heavy total = 1 Scorpion Mk II, 1 Towering Destroyer, 2 Revenant Titans and a Phantom Titan. I have a HUGE amount yet to paint but it does not actually intimidate me like the backlog of Space Wolves do. I WANT to get Arithym on the table.

Will get the Scorpions done soon. The Wraithlord will be faster. I have discovered why so many love that kit! The next one is gonna be scorpion themed I reckon. Have ideas as to what to do.

11-04-2010, 08:23 PM
Still working on the Scorpions, but my third Tourny fight was again against Marines. Prisms out. A Falcon and a Wraithlord in.

The Falcon you've seen.

May I present the first of my Ghost Warriors!



He kicked a fair amount of butt with shooting but I kept saying 2+ and rolling 1s in close combat. The Seers helped out there though.

I am seriously considering Wraithwall with Jetbikes. We shall see.

11-09-2010, 12:53 PM
Well. Fourth game, again against Marines. I see a pattern!

Anyway, I lost! Again, I see things I do wrong. Like disembark the turn a transport moves instead of spending that turn in the safety of the transport before storming out and giving the bad guys a severe seeing to! Some real silly mistakes. Gotta get a grip!

Scorpions are slowly coming along. But I soon have five whole days to myself. No work, no buggering about, just trying to get the Scorpions and then the Dragons done.

After they are sorted, I want to look at getting 6 Jetbikes and 3 Vypers. Maybe.

11-09-2010, 04:36 PM
wraithlords are looking good there,
It is also good your are learning the pitfalls that can befall a Eldar commander in a game. How i so wish
Wave Serpents were assult vehicles. Given the age of the codex in comparison to most out there we are pushing the poo uphill most of the time, however it makes the victories more rewarding.

11-09-2010, 06:24 PM
Cheers Mate. The Wraithlord rapidly became my fave Eldar model to build and fiddle with. Already planning what to do next time. Other things come first though.

I knew going in that Eldar would be a hell of an army to try to get to grips with. Really enjoying my games thus far so that's good. Would not say no to a new Codex but I am having my head turned by those lovely, lovely Hornets!

Don't know about those victories but the draw I managed last week was fantastic! The fact it was a super fun game helped!

11-25-2010, 10:30 AM
very nice a simple and quick unique eldar army, that classic ?exodite? towering destroyer is such a classic i cant wait to see it finished!! (btw are the 5+6limbs horns or added limbs?)

11-25-2010, 11:30 AM
I love the old Epic models for Eldar and Titan in general. The Towering Destroyer is one of my faves and with the Phantom. I wanna get one of them painted but I gotta get the vast majority of the force painted first!

Thanks for the comments on the colour scheme! I'm rather pleased with it!

12-14-2010, 04:54 PM
Well. Hit a painting slump. Still gaming. Still losing. But get a feel for the force. Getting there.

The Scorpions are getting there.



They are nearly ready.

Then on to the Dragons.

Then the Wraithguard.

After that, WAR WALKERS!

12-14-2010, 11:40 PM
Very nice Scorpions.:) I'm off the opinion that Striking Scorpions look better in any colour other than GWs green scheme.:rolleyes:

12-18-2010, 03:24 PM
Thanks Eldargal! I want most of my Aspects to be different from the usual with the exception of the Avengers. I like the blue look. All my Aspects will have some tie to the Craftworld. The Scorpions are very similar while the Avengers only have bone coloured loincloths. The Dragons will have Arithym accents on their helms and guns while the Red armour will be very dark.

Well, had two 1500 point battles at the club today. Guess what? I actually won both! I wiped out a Blood Angels force completely, losing only three Wraithguard and moved on to a Soul Drinker force with a Kantor leader. Much harder fight but won 11 to 4. It was rather wonderful. I think I have finally started to get the hang of my Eldar!

On the painting table, the scorps are nearly complete and then it's Dragon time.

12-19-2010, 07:40 AM
Congratulation on the victories, BigGrim, its good to hear of the Arithymatics winning at last.:)

I paint my Aspect Warriors in my Craftworld colours as well, if I haven't mentioned it before. Always nice to see another person doing the same.

12-20-2010, 08:17 AM
Great looking Wraithlord! Love the pose and colors. Look forward to seeing more as they come along.. Especially the Knight Titan!

12-20-2010, 05:10 PM
Thanks mate. I have another two Wraithlords to build. Gonna try something a touch more adventurous with the next one. But I gotta get the other few squads done first.

12-21-2010, 11:54 AM
What are your plans for the Knight? Are you going to repose or leave as is. I picked one up about a year ago from a friend and am debating what I want to do with it, as far as where I want to go with reposing/modifying with some of the newer plastic bitz to make it blend w/ my eldar better. It's a bit of a static pose otherwise.

12-21-2010, 07:29 PM
Not sure what I want to do with the Knight. I do want to bend the sword and pulsar arms forward a bit but not sure if I want to tinker with its legs or not.

12-27-2010, 01:12 PM
Hey everyone.

Hope y'all have had a crackin' Christmas. I've been trying to relax but have had a lot of work to do too. I'm up a visiting my folks in Orkney and just taking it easy.

However, I have used this opportunity to get another lesson in wood-turning from my Dad. As such, I decided I could get some good ol' hand crafted bases for my Revenant Titans. I figured that being such fantastic models, they should be as much display as gaming. I thought having bases crafted by myself would be a nice touch. Did a base today and will sort the second tomorrow.

This is the first base. It is Oak with an oiled finish. The top has an un-oil depression which is where the glue and sand for the detailing will go!

Top :


Bottom :


I'll be giving the Oak a second oiling in the morning. I shall also be turning the second base. That one will be Ash with a waxed finish. This is the blank :


This is a knackered piece of work but it does show what Waxed Ash will look like once completed :


What do you reckon? I think they will be rather nice. The Revenants will not be built for a while yet as I want to get more of the core Army completed first and reward myself with these for getting that far.

12-28-2010, 12:46 PM
I am really quite pleased with the army thus far. Still got loads to go with a rough estiamte of 12,750 points worth of Eldar in my cupboard still to paint!

Well, after an hour and a half in the workshop, the blank from above is now this :





With this base, I tried to shape its curve in the rough curves of the Falcons. I am really quite pleased with the results. This is Ash with a pale wax finish. The light refracts off of the wood rather splendidly!

01-09-2011, 01:10 PM
Hey Everyone.

Hope you all had a good holiday season! I'm back home now, and already looking to continue my Eldar. Gotta do the last work to the Scorpions, get the Dragons sorted and on top of that, the guys at the club wanna run an Apoc game!

As such, I am looking to sort out a few tank Datasheets for Arithym as I can get three tanks done in a bout three evenings of solid painting. So. I will be looking at two more Falcons and a third Prism. Command tanks will have purple gems, as I am not shelling out cash for the Command sprue.

Also bringing two new toys out. Was cleaning them this evening.


A Forgeworld Nightspinner (which I still prefer the look of) and a Fire Storm. Love these models and can't wait to see what they'll look like in my scheme!

01-09-2011, 01:16 PM
I really like the firestorm model, even if it did take an age to get all the scatter lasers lined up properly...

01-09-2011, 01:18 PM
Yeah, that oughta be a laugh riot!

Saying that, it should be worth it. I love the design of the turret on it! Really fantastic and sorta elegant.

01-09-2011, 02:26 PM
Love the eldar, and i think your seer concil are brillant =D.

01-10-2011, 07:12 AM
hey grim its been a while for me but you still goin stron lovin the work you done so far

01-10-2011, 11:25 AM
Yeah, still working at it! Saw your purple Storm Guardians. They do look fantastic! How usefull are they though? Never tried them and my ordinary Guardian tend to be a meat shield for the Warlock and Weapon Platform.

(Will post this question in your own thread too. Answer in either or both! :D)

01-10-2011, 06:33 PM
Well then.

Remember that Apocalype battle I mentioned? I am preparing some extra firepower in addition to the Firestorm and Night Spinner.


An additional Fire Prism and two more Falcons!


Nice, clean resin. Shall begin trimming tomorrow night after work. I intend on having all tanks built to the point that I shall start priming the Hulls and undersides as well as turrets in Bone and Black where appropriate. The Prism is already buit to my favored construction point.

01-11-2011, 08:10 PM
Well. On schedule!

Five Tanks built to my painting level :


The Prism and the second Falcon :


The Night Spinner and Fire Storm :


The fifth is my Command Falcon :


Base priming should be completed tomorrow!

01-11-2011, 09:13 PM

I"m really digging your command falcon concept. I may just have to steal that. :)

01-12-2011, 06:06 AM
Go right on ahead mate. The idea is based on the ancient Epic command Falcon.


Mine is nice and simple. Just the Wraithlords back wings/spines and a wee bit of green stuff.

01-12-2011, 08:57 AM

That purple is glorious. Any chance you'll share how you do it?

They do look fantastic! How usefull are they though? Never tried them and my ordinary Guardian tend to be a meat shield for the Warlock and Weapon Platform.

well I will cover the purple another time but as for the Storm guardians, they are your underestimated achievers. take the storm guard not regular guard, add a lock for enhance, pop them in a waveserpent and off you go. just chose your targets wisely and make sure you charge to deny bonus attacks to your opponant. having a seer nearby to Doom and fortune is icing on the cake. it comes down to dice favoring you the fact you go first with an average of 15 attacks with a lock wounding on 2s means that even marines will lose a few, dooming the enemy will ensure 15 of those hits make it to possible unsaved wounds.
to be fair though they are not the best CC units eldar have but you may be surprised what they can pull off
and all the better if your opponent scoffs at them before hand, only to have his greyhunter with wolfguard lose the combat, fail morale and get wiped out :)

anyhow back on topic.
Lovin the tanks man, handy they not like old IG tanks t build or the new DE raiders, just simple with few parts. I think the command tank was called an Eagle and was a psy-command tank though i cant remember i know some folks on the web have made one but i like your simple but effective conversion.
ever considered taking a sunstorm formation of 6 prisim tanks? evil snicker he he

01-13-2011, 06:24 PM
Tonight I managed to do a few things.

Inked the bone hulls :


Black under hulls and weapons :




01-13-2011, 06:25 PM
And while they were drying I washed this :


01-13-2011, 10:03 PM
Transformers! More than meets the eyes!

01-16-2011, 01:18 PM
Heh heh. I love me my Robots in Disguise. Used to actively collect and have approximately £8K of roboty goodness in the collection. It's packed away and I intend to sell the lions share on one fine day. The toons are good for background noise though! :D

01-20-2011, 08:00 AM
Tanks are coming along. Not as far as I'd hoped but I have been spending some quality time with my better half, so it's all good.

Progress is as follows :

Bone hulls have now been drybrushed. Black panel work begins tonight.

Black under hulls have been drybrushed. Metallics should be started tonight.

Weapon systems sprayed black. Drybrushing black tonight then applying the bone followed by metallics. If all goes well, I hope to have the lions share ready for the weekend.

Scorpion has been cleaned up. Just minor sanding, pinning and dry fitting before the base coat of Army Painter Skeleton Bone primer is applied.

The Apocalypse battle this is for is in approximately 3 weeks. I will have all of this done for then. I hope to have the Towering Destroyer ready too.

Crotch Lictor
01-20-2011, 09:40 AM
I've lurked around this thread for a while, but felt I should at least drop a note to say how awesome your Eldar are coming along. I'm currently doing the same thing, but my time is limited with two little ones running around. Your progress inspires me though!

01-20-2011, 12:22 PM
Thanks very much Mate! I appreciate the kind words! Have you a plog to show what you are up to?

Crotch Lictor
01-21-2011, 10:41 AM
There's a thread called "Eldar Vehicle Model Lines Question"s that shows a pic of one of my Waveserpents, but I don't want to thread jack you. It's on the 3rd or 4th page in the Painting and Modeling forum.

01-22-2011, 12:14 PM
Cool, I'll have to have a look!

Back from the gaming club I attend and am pleased to report two further victories for Arithym. Orks were fought to a standstilland I claimed a win against them. I wiped out the Black Templars I faced too. A bloomin' good time was had!

01-30-2011, 06:09 PM
I present two new additions to Arithyms tank fleet!

The Night Spinner :




01-30-2011, 06:10 PM
And the Fire Storm!




Still working on the final Prism and the two Falcons. They should be done in the next few days.

02-02-2011, 10:24 AM
Your paint scheme works so well on the tanks, look forward to seeing more. Especially the superheavy.;)

02-02-2011, 11:24 AM
Thanks Eldargal. I'm pretty pleased with them though the flash makes the grey on the panels really stand out. I'm tempted to give them a wash to darken them a bit. What do you think?

02-02-2011, 01:20 PM
BigGrim, love the spinners you said they would be could and glad your gaming is going swell. Hope your last game against the mighty ORKs of the Brett man goes well. Finish on a high. Really looking forward to seeing the big tanks pone in the big one.:D

02-03-2011, 06:54 AM
Well I doubt it would do any harm, but its hard to see if it is strictly necessary from a photograph.:)

Thanks Eldargal. I'm pretty pleased with them though the flash makes the grey on the panels really stand out. I'm tempted to give them a wash to darken them a bit. What do you think?

02-03-2011, 05:37 PM
Well! More tanks completed!

Command Fire Prism :



Falcon 2 :



02-03-2011, 05:38 PM
Command Falcon :



02-03-2011, 05:41 PM
The entire Grav Tank fleet :




Now to get the Scorpion ready for painting!

02-03-2011, 05:42 PM
Yowzers! That's a scary grav tank fleet.

You should get some superheavies!

02-03-2011, 05:45 PM
Just got a wee bit of sanding and a Pulsar to straighten and I'll be starting on my Scorpion Mk II!

02-23-2011, 04:04 PM
Well! Been a bit busy. Real Life stuff and all that. In any event, I have managed some painting. Warwalker Squad is near completion but most importantly, I've pinned up the Scorpion and work continues apace! The Apoc fight is this Saturday so gotta get it done!

Pinned and ready for priming!

Main Hull.

Turret and parts.

I'm gonna leave the wash to dry and focus on the black pieces and Pulsars tonight. The Bone will be done tomorrow.

02-24-2011, 08:37 AM
Pulsars, engine blocks, Shuriken Cannon and Sensor Array were completed last night. Just need some Spirit Stones on the Pulsars I think.

Drybrushed bone onto the Turret, Yaw-Stabilisers and the Fins this morning while waiting for me Girlfriend to get ready. Will do the Hull tonight.

02-24-2011, 03:57 PM
Work continues apace!

Pulsars :


Hull :


Turret Top :


Turret Bottom :


Still so much work to do! Will be painting into the wee hours tomorrow night I think!

02-25-2011, 06:28 PM
Took me all night but here she is!

Craftworld Arithyms first Super Heavy Grav Tank!




She will be blooded tomorrow!

02-26-2011, 04:51 AM
the rate you build/paint your models puts the rest of us eldar players to shame :P

02-26-2011, 08:16 AM
So pretty, now you just need to get two more to form a proper squadron. :p

02-26-2011, 11:18 AM
So. Game not over yet but here's the pics so far.

My team :





02-26-2011, 11:20 AM




02-26-2011, 11:21 AM




02-26-2011, 11:24 AM

What I have remaining.


Scorpion started the destruction. with one shot, it completely destroyed an opposing Shadowsword. Didn't even have to resolve the second shot. It was a magical moment!

It attracted most of the firepower from the enemy forces and took two turns to finally destroy it. Want more! :D

Morgan Darkstar
02-26-2011, 02:08 PM
Nice colour scheme on the eldar. however i have reservations on the black paneling it looks a little scratchy i think due to a drybrush with grey, was this intentional? personaly i would have done a flat black and Line highlighted the edges with dark grey. but its a nice scheme overall.

02-26-2011, 02:39 PM
Nice colour scheme on the eldar. however i have reservations on the black paneling it looks a little scratchy i think due to a drybrush with grey, was this intentional? personaly i would have done a flat black and Line highlighted the edges with dark grey. but its a nice scheme overall.

Not to be the devils advocate or anything, but I think the scratchy paneling works really well with the boney colour of the hull, just my $0.02

02-26-2011, 03:36 PM
however i have reservations on the black paneling it looks a little scratchy i think due to a drybrush with grey, was this intentional?

Originally, no. It was something I tried because I've never got the hang of hard edging. It always looks wrong when I try. This result looked reasonably pleasing to my eye and all of my Clubmates rather like it too. I know I'll never hit GD and above standards but I'm pleased with it.:) I am tempted to go over the grey drybrush with a wash of Badab black though. We shall see.

Morgan Darkstar
02-26-2011, 04:41 PM
Yes Hard edging can be awkward it took a few attempts to get my XV9 to a point where I was happy with it.

another option instead of a black wash would be to paint the paneling black leaving the edges grey from the drybrush sort of reverse edge highlighting.

The scheme is good. the drybrush has probably just been intensified by the flash of the camera or lighting rig.

so if you are happy with it leave it as is

Happy Painting:)

Gandalf the ginger
03-03-2011, 05:12 AM
I've been scanning your plog for a few days now and I must say I'm really impressed, I think bone colours work really well with eldar. My eldar had a similar scheme but I got fed up with them, but this has inspired me to revisit them and sort out the scheme.


03-03-2011, 10:26 AM
Hey Gandalf. Thanks for the kind words! Glad the plog has inspired you. I will say that the Army Painter Skeleton Bone has helped my painting speed a lot. One coat of it and then ink wash of Gryphone sepia. Drybrush and done. Super fast and easy!

03-08-2011, 12:44 PM
You tell them Grim your technique is sweet. Hope to have an Eldar ranger to show come Saturday. Finishing of that skeleton necrons too.:cool:

03-11-2011, 10:06 PM
Well. Real life is busy getting in the way again.

I'm not so annoyed though as I am moving in with my girlfriend.

Still managed to get some painting done though.

War Walkers are nearly complete!


Will get more done once the move is completed. (After April 1st).

07-22-2011, 04:06 AM
The move is all done. We're settled in nicely and enjoying living together. She gave me the spare room to be my Man Cave. I have all my minis and other geekery in there. Started painting and playing again.

Working on a squad of pathfinders and a squad of Banshees that will be part of the force I'm using for the Doubles Tourament at GW HQ in September. So I'll get pics of them soon and finish up the Striking Scorpions, War Walker Canopies and Fire Dragon. Got an Apoc coming up soon too and would like to get my Towering Destroyer ready for that.

All in all, life is good!:D

07-22-2011, 04:23 AM
Glad to hear you've moved in...wish I had a man cave in my flat...

Look forward to seeing more goodies!

07-24-2011, 02:48 AM
yeah man caves are essential these days, lovin the progress of your army and liking the war warlkers mate :)

08-02-2011, 05:00 PM
Yay! Update time!

First unit completed for the Doubles Tournament in a months time!


Hope ya like it!

Now, back to the Banshees!

08-03-2011, 03:36 AM
Ugh. Didn't notice how crappy that pic was last night. Here's a pair of fresh ones!



08-03-2011, 03:44 AM
Lovely as ever

08-03-2011, 03:56 AM
Lovely indeed!

08-03-2011, 08:43 AM
Thanks guys.

Gonna finish the Banshees next. Their base colour is complete. Cold blue to white. Blades and gun barrels are my typical weapon colour as is the Exarch crown.

The rest of the weapons, loincloths, hair, mouth and eyes will be black. Trying to make them nice and ghostly.

Gems will be purple, like the Serpents.

Pathfinder have had their base colour done but I'll focus on the girls first.

The War Walkers have had their weapons magnetised, as the pinning simply did not work. Still need to finish their canopies and bases.

I bought a large amount of Lost Empire (http://www.dragonforge.com/Painting%20service/for%20sale/base_sets/sci-fi/Lost%20Empires%20Series.htm) bases from Dragonforge. (http://www.dragonforge.com/) Also picked up the Autumn Basing Kit from Skullcrafts. (http://www.skullcrafts.com/) Both excellent, excellent companies!

Thinking that the bases will go for a pale, cold stone with dirt and grey trim. Will try to get images of the colour scheme soon.

08-03-2011, 08:59 AM
Look forward to seeing the Banshees. Every Eldar army needs more Banshees. Except mine, I have more than enough.:rolleyes: Very pretty Wave Serpent, I don't know about you but it is one of my favourite kits to paint.

08-04-2011, 03:10 AM
I rather like the Banshees, not really used them until now (Scorpions are my fav Aspect aesthetically) but figured that at a Tournie, there will be loads of marines and I wanna negate that damnedable save! The only really downside to the Banshees are the models are a bit of a pig to pin. New Fincast version ought to solve that though, if they are on the way.

I love all Eldar tanks but the Serpent is a joy to paint by itself, I agree. I now have 3 Serpents, 3 Falcons, 3 Prisms, a Spinner and a Firestorm as well as the Mk II Scorpion in my tank fleet. I have 3 Serpents and 4 or 5 Falcons still to paint. Plus I want to invest in some new Grav Tank goodies from FW when we go do to Nottingham for the Tournie. I would like a trio of Warp Hunters and a trio of Hornets. :D

08-04-2011, 04:54 AM
Finecast Banshees were on the list for the next wave, which was supposed to be August but there has been no more mention of it so who knows.

I'm waiting till IA11 comes out before I buy anymore FW goodies myself.

08-04-2011, 06:25 AM
Heh heh, I really want the Warp Hunters to bypass the shields on Gavs newest toys. :D Ever since I blew up his Banesword with a single Scorpion shot, we try to destroy each other in Apoc games. I msut say though, Book 11 can't come fast enough! Really looking forward to that!

08-11-2011, 03:05 PM
Hey all. Update time, such as it is.

Work continues on the Banshees.

Exarch :



The Squad (so far).


Decided I'd try for the Ghostly white with black eyes and hair look. Gems will be purple. Hope you like! Will continue workin' on them Only 4 weeks 'til the Tournie.

08-16-2011, 05:31 PM
Update time!



The Banshee Squad is complete! They just need basing. The photo has washed them out a touch. They are not so stark in person.

Speaking of which, here are the bases and their colour scheme I'll be using from here on out. Yet to add the autumn leaves but they are basically done too.


Hope you like!

08-17-2011, 02:15 PM
And now my Purity Seal has clouded my Banshees.


08-18-2011, 03:09 AM
Right then.

A Badab wash has redeemed the Black sections, and Leviathan has repaired the purple. Chestnut did not work for the weapons. It looks dull. Tonight, after work, I shall repaint the weapons completely and then redo the gemstones. Then, they'll be finished (again.).

Won't be using Purity Seal again.

08-20-2011, 06:36 PM
So then! An update chock full of Banshee Goodness!

The Howling Banshee Squad is complete and based!



Also, the first of my Psychic Markers is complete and based.



The Wail of the Banshee signifies Doom in Eldar Lore. The new tomb banshee is an awesome model, so I wanted one for my Doom markers. I will have three total, but this is my test. I think it came out nicely.

I have the three Fortune markers painted but they need basing. Will be doing that tomorrow as well as building my Guide markers and remaining two tomb banshees. They ought to be fast enough to do.

Will also try to finish the War Walkers canopies and bases and rebase the Farseer I'll be taking to the Doubles next month.

08-21-2011, 04:46 AM
Really excellent idea for the Doom market, going to steal that.:p Also, I like the classic 2nd ed Banshees mixed in there.

08-22-2011, 03:42 AM
Cheers eldargal! Feel free to nick the idea. I like haviing a represntation for the powers on the table because I keep forgeting them.

I'll get the fortune Marker based tonight and post that one up too. My Guide markers are built and will be base coated tonight.

08-22-2011, 04:57 AM
I'm thinking I will use a spare Ranger painted blue as Guide. and perhaps a ghostly Warlock for Fortune.

You will need to post another army shot soon.:P

08-22-2011, 06:07 AM
Once I've got all my half painted bits completed, and everything rebased, I shall do just that eldargal! :)

I have three High Elf Mages with orbs for Fortune, painted green.

I have built three pointing High Elves from the Archer kit. I'll be painting them blue.

The other two Tomb Banshees are cleaning and will be primed tonight!

Bard of Twilight
08-22-2011, 07:04 AM
I really liked the doom marker idea!:)Also, the result of the main colour on your vehicles, is quiet striking.Really, how have you achieved it? What's your golden recipe?:D

08-22-2011, 07:52 AM
The bone for my armour is a primer coat of Army Painter skeleton bone followed by a liberal wash of Gryphonne Sepia. By liberal I mean I have to leave it to dry for a couple of hours. I then give the entire thing a drybrush with bleached bone and job's a good 'un.

08-22-2011, 03:29 PM
The promised Fortune Marker :


Hope everyone likes it!

Working on Guide now. Hope to have him ready for tomorrow!

Bard of Twilight
08-23-2011, 06:08 AM
The bone for my armour is a primer coat of Army Painter skeleton bone followed by a liberal wash of Gryphonne Sepia. By liberal I mean I have to leave it to dry for a couple of hours. I then give the entire thing a drybrush with bleached bone and job's a good 'un.


08-23-2011, 03:06 PM
Quite all right Mate!

Anyway, Guide :


And Group Shot :


Getting two more of each finished off while working on the War Walkers.

08-24-2011, 04:27 AM
Very pretty, and effective too, not going to miss them on the battlefield as visual reminders.

08-24-2011, 05:51 AM
Thanks eldargal. I'm glad you like them! I'm hoping that actually having the markers will help me actually remember to use the powers each turn. I'm pretty terrible for forgetting them until I've moved a squad. Not good!

08-26-2011, 07:26 PM
War Walkers are completed and based at long last.


New base for the Wave Serpent for the tournie is finished. The Farseer is rebased, as is my sensor drone Objective marker.

08-27-2011, 02:58 AM
Very nice, awfully fond of the scatter laser war walkers myself. Next time you play an Apocalypse game, try taking a bunch of them in the shadow stalker formation or whatever its called, much fun.

Army shot!:p Hehe.

08-29-2011, 04:56 PM
Heh heh. Scatter Laser War Walkers are excellent. The weapons are now magnetised so I can paint up every other weapon from the kits and swap them out to whatever I need. Tempted to get a trio of wasps.

The other six Psychic markers are now complete :


Group shot of all nine :


Now I have eleven Pathfinders on the table. The ink wash for their cloaks is drying now. Will continue to work on them tomorrow. Once the particaly painted squads are finished off, I'll get an Army shot sorted out!

08-29-2011, 05:19 PM
I like the bone colour, I nearly did something similar with my own Eldar before deciding on pure white instead.

So are Eldar from your Craftworld known as Arithymetics?:p

Late to the thread but wanted to say ms. Eldaral... Very puny and BOOOOOO. :)

..and great looking Eldar sir.


08-31-2011, 05:59 AM
Very lovely army :) its nice to see traditional Eldar getting some love!!


09-08-2011, 04:00 PM
Argh! Goin' to the Tournie tomorrow, and still finishing off the two Pathfinder squads. Nearly there though!

In the mean time, my groovy girlfriend has made me a graphic of Arithyms Craftworld rune!


And a smaller version for documents!


09-09-2011, 12:45 AM
Pathfinders complete!

Squad 1 :


Squad 2 :


Now! Time to head to Nottingham! Wish me luck!

Da Gargoyle
09-09-2011, 09:42 PM
Here is a different view of metalic paint. I went for the armour and offset with mat paints to tone it down.


Has a different look don't you think ? in lower light the metal takes on a silk sheen look to it.

09-15-2011, 01:01 PM
We're back from Nottingham and all 8 of us did well. My team mate and I got 56th place out of 150, so quite pleased and barring our third game, all our opponents were awesome.

The Eldar and Guard force my team mate and I wielded :



We scored full marks for our painting and basing. We got full marks for having background fluff and achieved 7 out of 10 secret missions.

All in all, a damned fun weekend. You can spot our group on the facebook photos. We are the guys in the pink t-shirts wearing Fez'.:D

Additionally, I came away from forgeworld with a MkII Cobra and a Pulsar Lynx! More Apoc goodness!

11-12-2011, 08:27 PM
Well, I've been busy and not really been able to do any hobby work. I have managed to do something though.

After over a year sat in a near finished state, I finally finished my Striking Scorpion squad.


I am now getting ready to work on three six man squads of Fire Dragons before getting additional tanks for another upcoming Apocalypse battle. Three more Fire Prisms, three Warp Hunters, three Night Spinners and a Cobra Mk II.

Gotta get a wiggle on!

12-12-2011, 08:15 PM
I'm still around and painting. Been a bit hodge podge due to wor and RL issues but I am still working on the three Fire Dragon squads. The first Exarch has been completed! He is magnetised so I can use either weapon.

Squad one will have green sashes and Spirit Stones, squad two will have purple, squad three will be blue.

Fire Pike :

Dragons Breath Flamer :

More to come soon. Three Warp Hunters and three Night Spinners await priming while I still have three Fire Prisms and a Cobra MkII awaiting construction. I'll soon have more than twenty Grav Tanks.

12-13-2011, 04:46 AM
very good job mate and what an eldar army hope you post a full army pic :D

12-13-2011, 07:57 AM
I'll sort out an army pic sharpish!

12-15-2011, 05:23 AM
Fire Dragon squad completed with Exarch!



12-15-2011, 07:33 AM
Nice to see the Arithymetics multiplying.:p Look forward to seeing the army pic, too. I love painting Fire Dragons, almost as much as Howling Banshees and more than the other Aspects. I particularly love the one throwing the grenade, fun to paint, nice pose. Converted one so its throwing a(n extensively burnt) Space Marine sergeants head.

12-15-2011, 09:17 AM
The more i see of this army the more i want to post pics of my slowly developing eldar army. Its a fantastic paint scheme.

12-17-2011, 09:03 AM
I think it's time for an Army Picture!




12-17-2011, 09:04 AM




12-17-2011, 09:10 AM
The Craftworld Leader I have right now. Have two Avatars and three Autarchs in the wings as well as more Warlocks. The Odd Warlock out will be brought in line with the others and put in the second squad.


Additionally, to to an Apocalypse game our club will be having, the Bonesingers have gone into over drive again :


The Warp Hunter is an absolutely lovely model. I reckon they'll look pretty good once I'm done with em! The Cobra is lovely too! The Night spinners are added to the army after I received the Hunters and found a Fire Prism set, minus the crystals. But since I have 3 Prism sets to build anyway, that ain't a big deal.

The amount of Destroyer shots I will be able to push out of my force is frankly terrifying.

And this is without the Titans I have waiting in the cupboards to be built!

12-17-2011, 10:12 AM
Very impressive.:)

12-17-2011, 10:39 AM
Thank you very much! Eventually, all the bases will be done like my newer style. The grey and the evil, evil green flock bases will be a thing of the past.

I have sooooooo much more to paint. At least one more Squad of Scorpions and Banshees each, two or three full squads of Hawks, loadsa Reaper, two more Avenger squads and various others.

Still, it keeps me outta mischief.:D

12-18-2011, 05:52 AM
There's never enough S8-shots to knock those ugly beauties out of the sky... ;)
I'm looking forward seeing your air cav finished!


01-02-2012, 06:21 PM
Happy New Year all!

Well. Not as much done as I'd hoped but progress has been made!

Command Night Spinner :



Command Warp Hunter :



01-02-2012, 06:23 PM
Additionally, we have the next Engine of Vaul for the Craftworld.

The Cobra Mk II :



Now that these are out of the way, I'll get the remaining two Night Spinners and two Warp Hunters done before the next three Fire Prisms!

Hope you like!

01-04-2012, 11:10 AM
Yay! My Wraithseer, Shadow Spectres and additional Hornets have arrived!

01-04-2012, 01:07 PM
Love the work so far.

I've just finished my Wraithseer, its a wonderful model. And my 2 warp hunters arrived this morning! Huzzah!

01-05-2012, 07:03 AM
Cheers, my good Doctor!

Having inspected the Wraithseer (and all the others) I can say I'm looking forward to modeling a cool pose for him and painting him up nicely! But he shall have to wait a while longer.

The Warp Hunter is a lovely model. I will say though that I decided it was prudent to pin the rear fins to the top of the hull.

01-06-2012, 04:21 PM
nice work dude

01-06-2012, 08:24 PM
The work of the Bone Singer continues apace!

2 more Night Spinners are ready!



Additionally, 2 more Warp Hunters are complete!



Now, tomorrow will be spent building 3 more Fire Prisms and maybe, just maybe, I'll wash and clean the Pulsar Lynx.

01-07-2012, 10:25 PM
Well then. An evening clipping pieces off of sprues and cleaning mould lines had the end result of having three Fire Prisms built and ready for priming. That'll be tomorrows job.

I also got the Pulsar Lynx cleaned up. Some inconvenient mould lines removed and the pieces are all drying, ready to be pinned and primed tomorrow.

I will say this. As much as I love my Scorpion and Cobra, the way the Lynx goes together is just beautiful! Any further Super Heavy Grav tanks I buy in the future may well be Lynx only, I like it that much!

01-14-2012, 06:52 PM
I like the bone colour, I nearly did something similar with my own Eldar before deciding on pure white instead.

So are Eldar from your Craftworld known as Arithymetics?:p


Anyhu, I love a good bone colored army. Good work

01-21-2012, 02:34 PM
Arithyms tank fleet expands once more.

Three more Fire Prisms!



Our third Super Heavy is complete!

The Lynx!



Hope you like!

Will have pics of the Apoc fight up soon.

01-21-2012, 03:39 PM
The Fight!

Setup consisted of ta huge fleet of Eldar tanks, a trio of titans and a brood of Tyranid Gargantuan Creatures.





01-21-2012, 03:44 PM

Turn two and the carnage is extreme. The Eldar forces have the Phoenix Court and a mighty Tau Manta to back them up!




By the end of turn two, the Phantom and two Revents are destroyed, two going in Apoc Explosions! The Eldar tank fleet is no more.

The Phantom shall be returning tomorrow for turn three thanks to Assets!

01-21-2012, 03:45 PM


01-21-2012, 03:48 PM
Special mentions to be made for enemy creations.

A trio of Waaarghll-E Claw Stompas. The actually fold away like Wall-E. They are adorable engines of destruction!



And Terror of the East created his own Khorne Lord of Battles!

The treads work and it trundles over the battlefield just in time to be eaten by a Barbed Heirodule!


01-22-2012, 03:04 AM
I like the Waaaghll-E stompas hehe. The Lynx is a nice kit isn't it?

01-22-2012, 04:09 AM
The Lynx is fantastic. I think that I'll get more of those over the Scorpion or Cobra kits. They are good to paint, a dream to build and the end result is amazing to look at. It got a lot of attention at the fight, at least until the Wall-E Stompas were revealled!

02-08-2012, 08:42 AM
Been busy with real life for the last week or two. Have a few new things on the slow burn for the army including a Nightwing from Razorwing conversion thanks to Fable on Warseer.

While clearing the Cave out, I actually decided to put the army on my display shelves. Thought it looked cool and that I'd share with everyone.

Troopers, Transports, War Walkers, Warp Hunters and a Wraithlord!


Tanks. Lots and lots of tanks!


Hope you like! Will have a post of proper substance next time!

02-08-2012, 08:51 AM
Very pretty and quite impressive.:)

02-08-2012, 10:13 AM
Um Dude u have an addiction problem there, too many shelves, maybe more models will help solve ur shelve addiction.

Such a good army mate.

02-10-2012, 05:42 AM
Thanks for the compliments guy and gal!

Work commenced on the Nightwing last night. The hull has been reshaped and looks good. Shaved down one of the turbines slowly and am pretty confident they'll fit the new placement perfectly. Tomorrow night will see blu-stuff moulds of Falcon vents and plasticard being cut to shape for the back of the vent/bright lance section, giving me something to glue the lances to. Will also sort the shuri cannon mounts and the fins.

02-10-2012, 11:29 AM
I...I....wow...that's...pfff...impressive...sheesh ... I'm going to sit down for a while now...


02-10-2012, 02:17 PM
Yer post has made my evening Meph! :D

02-20-2012, 07:23 PM
Hey there!

The first aircraft for Arithym is complete.

The Fable class Nightwing!



Lotsa work went into tweaking the Razorwing but it does fill the same kinda footprint as the Forgworld Nightwing. I have magnetized each of the weapons to make tracking of Weapon Destroyed results easier.

Hope you like!

02-21-2012, 12:03 AM
W00h00! More Eldar goodness!

02-21-2012, 03:43 AM
Personnally I think it need a wider, more hawk like wing span (having seen the FW models), however, that is just a personnal thing. The actual model is really well made and painted and looks stunning, so great work :)

02-21-2012, 04:28 AM
That is a staggeringly fantastic piece of work. Serious props to you

02-21-2012, 09:48 AM
Gorgeous work, and loving G1 Ultra Magnus on top there, can't work out who else? A seeker and Devastator? ;p

My MP Magnus will sit alongside my G1 reissue when I have the space...

02-21-2012, 05:43 PM
Personnally I think it need a wider, more hawk like wing span (having seen the FW models), however, that is just a personnal thing. The actual model is really well made and painted and looks stunning, so great work :)

Thanks for the compliments. I've heard from a few people on a few other plogs that this conversion more or less shares the same footprint as FWs model. This is without the swingwing feature coming into account.

Never the less, I'm rather pleased with how it came together.

That is a staggeringly fantastic piece of work. Serious props to you

Thank you! The original conversion idea came from the Warseer forum member Fable, hense the Fable class designation I've given it. It inspired me to try my hand at it.

Gorgeous work, and loving G1 Ultra Magnus on top there, can't work out who else? A seeker and Devastator? ;p


That's Magnus, Thrust (the seeker you mentioned) and I have the four Autobot dino cassettes with Rewind and Eject up there too.

The Nightwing will be going into combat this weekend. First against Imperial Guard and then Grey Knights. A few of my friends are test running Tourament armies for Chaos of the Warp. We'll see how a fun Eldar list fairs.

Not well, I'm imagining.:D

03-07-2012, 08:52 AM
Just taken delivery of 10 wraithguard I got off ebay. Gonna strip em down tonight and once dried, prime them bone. Gives me fifteen total. Want 5 more.

Just hope we get some nice new plastic ones assuming rumours of Eldar next year pan out.

03-07-2012, 09:31 AM
I love your eldar army. I am thinking of starting eldar as my fifth army. Is that to many? I did notice the awesome barbed hamster you have. I knew you were a closet nid player :)

03-07-2012, 10:38 AM
Looking great so far! Keep up the good work!

03-11-2012, 12:27 PM
I love your eldar army. I am thinking of starting eldar as my fifth army. Is that to many? I did notice the awesome barbed hamster you have. I knew you were a closet nid player :)

You can never have too many armies!

The Nid actually belongs to a mate. We borrowed it for the Apoc. Saying that, I did play Nids in 2nd Ed and the new kits have tempted me again. I stay true to the Craftworld though.

Looking great so far! Keep up the good work!

Thank you very much!

03-11-2012, 12:41 PM
impressive army,
very nice color scheme, welle executed

and so many tanks can only be good ;)

03-11-2012, 07:21 PM
Looking good, I'm repainting a lot of eldar soon so cool to see non standard scheme ideas.


03-11-2012, 08:11 PM
I like this army alot, great color!

03-23-2012, 06:19 AM
impressive army,
very nice color scheme, welle executed

and so many tanks can only be good ;)

Thannk you! Yeah, I like tanks! The fleet probably won't get that much better except for a few more Wave Serpents (and maybe a few more Lynx coz they are lovely models.)

Looking good, I'm repainting a lot of eldar soon so cool to see non standard scheme ideas.


Thank you. These days I'm all for non standard Craftworld colour schemes. I'm very pleased with mine.

I like this army alot, great color!

Thanks! I am very pleased with how the colours for the Craftworld came together. The Aspect colour schemes seem to have been well received too.

06-05-2012, 04:22 PM
Hey all.

I ain't dead! Fighting through a serious painting lull at the mo. Have focused on trying some conversions at the mo. Working on a Seer Council on Jetbikes!

First up, the Warlock Jetbikes :


Inspiration comes from another Eldar player on the Warseer forums called Fold. He has the post 'How to build a better Eldar Jetbike. I have nearly seven of these made though I'n not made the riders yet.

Folds original post is here! (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?199728-Eldar-Autarch-Copy-From-Codex-Cover&p=3629451&viewfull=1#post3629451)

Then there is the Farseers ride :


This is made from a combination of Folds Jetbike conversion and the Female Farseer of Jetbike by Easternheretic, also here on Warseer. Again, the rider is not made yet. Still thinking on how I'll be doing them.

Easternheretic's how to is here! (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?160906-A-40k-project-log-(Easternheretic-s-Peach-Blossom-Isle)&p=4430166#post4430166)

I feel it is only right to give a shout out to the two of them for inspiring me to build my own Jetseer Council! Hope they approve and that you guys and gals like!

06-05-2012, 10:10 PM
Very nifty conversions.:)

06-05-2012, 11:23 PM
Yeah, indeed, you can almost imagine the bottom one pulling its guns inside and closing up for more speed. :D

06-07-2012, 07:49 PM
Thanks! I hope they'll look the business once I have the riders built and the paint applied!

07-24-2012, 04:25 PM
Update time.

Not quite what many are expecting, I'll wager but I've long considered adding a Corsair force to my Eldar. 6th makes it all the tastier.

So. While I wait for the remaining parts to build the rest of my Jet Seer Council, I decided not to finish anything else that's nearly done and painted this instead.

An Abyssal Drake Corsair Falcon (Abyssal Drakes being my own Corsair force allied to Craftworld Arithym)


A Corsair Falcon. Done in a test colour scheme for when I get foot troops. I think I'll try a wee free hand design down the left blade/wing piece in bone but we'll see.

Hope you like it!

03-14-2013, 08:41 AM
To any and all who still follow this thread, my apologies for being absent for so long. Lost the painting mojo pretty hard for these last however many months and to be honest, not really feeling 6th Ed yet and have been consumed by FFGs X-Wing miniatures game. Will likely be returning to my Space Wolves army soon for a complete repaint. I have not abandoned my beloved Eldar entirely though as a friend of mine asked me to join him for a tag team battle on Sunday.

I agreed but realised I would be the best option for air support. Thus, I have been converting two more Nightwings from Razorwings. Both have now been primed and washed with Sepia. I'll be working on them some more tonight and shall endevour to actually get some pictures together for you all!

03-14-2013, 08:42 AM
Look forward to seeing more of your stuff again

Don't worry. Eldar will have a new dex within the year. Then your mojo will come back!

03-14-2013, 11:32 AM
Cheers Doc. I tell ya, I really cannot wait for the new Eldar Codex. Though saying that, I already have enough toys to paint for the War Host but, hell. What's a few more, amIright?

03-16-2013, 09:26 PM
Well! That's Arithym now the proud owner of three Nightwings!


04-22-2013, 09:14 AM
Hey there.

Update time! Though still not the Jetseers (they are being worked on. The Jetbikes themselves are nearing completion. Just the Riders to sort!).

Been working on an Eldar Aegis Defense Line.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/Big-Grim/Aegis_zpsc3049543.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Big-Grim/media/Aegis_zpsc3049543.jpg.html)

Tried three different looks. Black panels to match my tanks.

Hated both of them. So I re-primed them, inked and drybrushed. They'll stay bone. The base they sit upon is now black. Highlighting them tonight as well as doing the soul stones and it'll be complete.

I have two separate Guardian Weapon platforms, both of which are converted nearing completion. One Bright Lance / Pulse Laser hybrid for the Lascannon and a quad Scatter Laser for the Quad Autocannon. Hope to have them done by the end of the night too.

Finally, while re-priming the two wall sections, I also primed a third objective marker for the army :

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/Big-Grim/Objectivethree_zpsb2fa2e1e.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Big-Grim/media/Objectivethree_zpsb2fa2e1e.jpg.html)

A new statue to Khaine! Hope you like it!

04-22-2013, 09:23 AM
The aegis defense line is lovely, which bits did you use to make it?:)

04-22-2013, 09:25 AM
I must confess, I bought it from a fella who sculpted it for himself. He made a cast and sells them on ebay due to people like me poking him about doing so.

I can provide a link if you wish? He does sell a weapons and comms pack as well but I don't think they are as good as his walls.

04-22-2013, 10:37 AM
Oh yeah, I'm also getting prepared for a narrative campaign at our gaming group. We were all told to take a non-named HQ choice, name him or her ourselves and write up some fluff for their reason to be in that particular sector of space.

I came up with this :

Farseer Karadryal

The disturbances upon the Skein of Fate were light, almost unnoticed. The Farseers of Craftworld Arithym paid them virtually no heed, seeing nothing linking the disturbance to Arthym's thread. There were other threats of greater import to attend to.

This attitude came to an end when a powerful wave of undistilled wrath pulsed through the Wraithbone core of the Craftworld. The Avatar of Kaela Mensha Khaine was stirring. While not awake, there was obviously something coming, something kindling the Avatars bloodlust and rage. The Farseers gathered and were horrified to find that the thread leading to the minor disturbance that they'd dismissed was aflame, the Rune of Khaine engulfing it!

The Conclave searched along the thread, further than they had before finding multiple threats gathering in the lost sector of space known as the Veldspar Cluster. The Warp Storms surrounding it had dissipated and now the runes of several lesser races orbited the Cluster. Separate Chapters of the human Space Marines, the brutish Orks, the vile servants of the Dark Gods, a splinter fleet of Tyranids and a few fleets of the idealistic, naive Tau. Most distressingly, the Necron Rune was in evidence. The Dynasty of Atun, an ancient threat spoken of in the Craftworlds oldest histories was present. The defeat of so great a threat was paramount however, for in the Veldspar Cluster there were records of a Maiden World, seeded by Arithym in the dark days after the Fall!

The Conclave called on the Craftworlds Autarchs. With so many potential enemies, the Eldar would have to tread lightly and strike swiftly. Thus the Farseer Karadryal was chosen to lead the Warhost. His abilities as a Seer were great and he did so enjoy going to war astride his Jetbike, 'Blade of the Ebon Night'. He gathered his forces, the call to war answered by the Aspects and Guardians of the Craftworld. The Avatar was still awakening when the outriders of Karadryal's Warhost left with him. Once awake, a second host would follow with the Avatar.

Before he left however, Autarch Arathir, greatest of his number and Prince of a Corsair band came to Karadryal. He handed the Farseer a Communication Crystal. He was informed that if the situation was dire, Karadryal should use the Crystal and additional aid will come, though not necessarily from the quarter that even a Seer might expect. It would even work for the lesser races should Karadryal need to barter with them for aid in fending off the graver threats. Mon-Keigh or the Tau may be worth allying with perhaps. Until such time, Arathir counselled, it would be best to hold the Crystal in reserve on Karadryal's Wraithship. It would be safe there, nestled in the Webway, away from possible predation.

Karadryal has thus gathered his forces aboard his Wraithship, the 'Anvil of Vaul'. They are berthed at the largest section of the Webway in the Veldspar Cluster with temporary webway conduits leading to any of the planets they may need to fight upon to distract from the rediscovered Maiden World.

War has come to the Veldspar Cluster. Farseer Karadryal and the Warhosts of Craftworld Arithym stand ready to destroy those who would deny their will!

04-22-2013, 02:10 PM
The ebay page for the Eldar ADL is here (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Mobile-Defence-Line-ADL/221207647966?ssPageName=WDVW&rd=1&ih=012&category=2537&cmd=ViewItem)

04-23-2013, 03:06 AM
Thanks.:) Neat, only fifteen pounds.

04-23-2013, 04:40 AM
I've ordered one. Time to start warming up the Eldar army again....

04-23-2013, 05:38 AM
No worries. I found them to be quite affordable!

Got the black for the Aegis stands done last night so that all that remains for the walls is gem work. Got more work done on the weapon systems too, just metallics and gems to do and the Aegis will be complete (barring a comms unit but I don't have one built yet. Not sure Eldar really need it yet.).

Got the bone for the Farseer bike prongs primed and washed. Dry Brushing them tonight, then metallics across all twelve Jetbikes and they'll be done. After that it'll just be the Riders left.

04-23-2013, 06:28 AM
I've ordered one. Time to start warming up the Eldar army again....

I haven't yet but I will. also sent it to a couple of of friends. Wonder if they plan on making something like a webway portal.

Like the Avatar statue by the way. I'm a huge fan of using excess models as statues, I literally have dozens and dozens of unit fillers, objective markers and terrain pieces made thusly.

04-23-2013, 08:08 AM
I haven't yet but I will. also sent it to a couple of of friends. Wonder if they plan on making something like a webway portal.

When I first found them, I ordered two sets. Just in case I really like em and decide to have another for simple scenery.

Like the Avatar statue by the way. I'm a huge fan of using excess models as statues, I literally have dozens and dozens of unit fillers, objective markers and terrain pieces made thusly.

Thanks! Yeah, I can see myself using a few spare models for further statues as well.
Just adds to a battlefield and when the army is on my shelves.

04-26-2013, 02:56 AM
Got the Aegis Defense Line completed tonight!

Aegis sections :

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/Big-Grim/Aegis_1_zpse859f7e0.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Big-Grim/media/Aegis_1_zpse859f7e0.jpg.html)

Complete Aegis Defense Line :

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/Big-Grim/Aegis_2_zps2c93f501.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Big-Grim/media/Aegis_2_zps2c93f501.jpg.html)

Quad Scatter Laser & Long Barrelled Bright Lance :

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/Big-Grim/Aegis_3_zps47def13c.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Big-Grim/media/Aegis_3_zps47def13c.jpg.html)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/Big-Grim/Aegis_4_zps36662403.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Big-Grim/media/Aegis_4_zps36662403.jpg.html)

Now to focus on the Jet Seers!

05-14-2013, 08:33 AM
Well, work continues slowly. Went to the Chaos of the Warp tournament in Dunfermline.

Day one. Played X-Wing. Came dead last in the ranks. A good day was had. A new respect for Ion Cannons was found.

Day two. Played Bloodbowl with Lizardmen. Came last in the ranks by a hair. A good time was had and I joined the NAF League.

Came home and have been beavering away slowly since.

The weapon systems for my Aegis platform are now mounted on proper Dragon Forge bases. Looking good.

Also got these done last night :

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/Big-Grim/01Bases_zps055a78a1.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Big-Grim/media/01Bases_zps055a78a1.jpg.html)

A dozen flight bases? Wonder what they are for?!?

Two are for these :

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/Big-Grim/02Farseer_zpsad54ba83.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Big-Grim/media/02Farseer_zpsad54ba83.jpg.html)

This is my Farseer Jetbike design. One complete, one nearing completion.

The other ten? Those are for these :

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/Big-Grim/03Warlock_zps965f66bc.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Big-Grim/media/03Warlock_zps965f66bc.jpg.html)

This is my Warlock Jetbike design! Five are ready and five are again, nearing completion.

Tonights job is to finish constructing all twelve riders and if the weather permits, getting them primed.

Will be making one Farseer with a magnetised weapon arm as he is my General in our clubs story based campaign. I have already gained artefacts which I shall be adding as magnetised options for him. Gonna have a special weapon mounted under the canopy to represent a new weapon artefact. Should be fun!

05-14-2013, 01:01 PM
all looking amazing

05-15-2013, 06:19 AM
All looks awesome

My defence line (finally) turned up the other day so need to find some time to do that.

05-18-2013, 09:49 AM
Looking forward to your Aegis Line DrLove42!

The Campaign at the club progresses though the Eldar ain't done much yet, though still gained a could of the purposefully daft artefacts! My storyline has progressed.

Karadryal and his second in command, Denan, were in Karadryal's quarters, scrying the future strands. They had found the first clue regarding the possible Maiden World in this Sector. It was in this very solar system! Karadryal was about to emerge from his meditative trance when Denan's mind gently nudging his, drawing Karadryal's sight to another thread. There, rising above the thread was the Eldar rune for the Necrontyr. It seemed a possible Tomb World was in another of the Solar Systems in this Cluster. It had attract the attention of the Necron Phaeron Dovahkiin, of the Atun Dynasty as well as that on a curious human force of their 'Space Marines'. The strange thing was the leader of this force was tied to Eldar somehow. This was worth investigating. If they could forge an alliance with these Monkeigh, The may gain help in the future as well as use the humans to strike against the Necrons.

This decided, Karadryal approached the human force openly, with Denan and his forces waiting in case the humans were unreasonable. Karadryal was granted an audience with the forces leader, a female Inquisitor named Lyra Heartstrings. The Farseer looked upon the human and was shocked to she that she was half human. The other half was.......Eldar! He asked if this woman knew her parents, which surprised her. Lyra confessed she did not though Karadryal saw this had sparked some old, buried interest. He smiled beneath his helm. This could prove useful. Karadryal turned to business. He calmly informed the human and her hulking Space Marine guardians that this world was a potential Necron Tomb World and that the approaching Phaeron needed to be stopped. The Inquisitor agreed and asked if the Eldar would join the field. Karadryal made a show of considering the request and said a small force had moved to reinforce the human task-force, providing air cover and heavy firepower. As Heartstrings made to thank the Eldar, Karadryal held up a hand.

'In order to secure our aid now and possibly in the future, I need your word you will aid us at a time in the future. The Skein is tangled and aflame. This Sector rests upon the edge of destruction. Additionally, we know of an item in our possession aboard your ship. A weapon you would see as a double headed spear. This is an ancient artefact of my Craftworld, know to us as Isha's Blessing. We wish it returned.' One of the silver giants at Heartstrings shoulder rumbled something about 'vile xenos' and made to step forward. The Inquisitor stayed his advance and after some thought agreed to Karadryal's terms. Karadryal pulsed a thought to Denan, telling him to stand with the humans and got an answering pulse.

Karadryal looked at the Inquisitor. 'We shall stand with you. Farseer Denan is set at the foreseen Necron arrival point. He knows you are coming.' He turned away and stopped. Looking over his shoulder he sent a psychic message to Heartstrings. 'I shall look into your parentage. If I find anything, I shall let you know.' With that, he disappeared into the dark. He met Denan. 'You shall lead this force. Remind the Inquisitor that they shall help us at a time of our choosing and retrieve Isha's Blessing from her. I shall lead our other force to the clue about the missing Maiden World.' Denan nodded and they separated.

Denan's force aided the humans though made more of a show of it that actually contribute. The Bonesingers would be anguished by the damage done to the Warp Hunter. Bad enough the deathless ones took it out the fight, the humans drove a tank over it! They had no respect. However, the human Inquisitor stood to her word. She agreed to aid in the future and returned Isha's Blessing to it's rightful holders.

They returned to the safety of the 'Anvil of Vaul', nestled in the Webway and found Karadryal had returned already. The two Farseers discussed their missions and Denan was shown the fruits of Karadryal's search. Under-slung on Kara's jetbike was a new addition. A truly ancient piece of weaponry known as a Void Storm Launcher. This twin missile launcher was capable of monstrous destruction. Karadryal looked to Denan. 'Our power has increased greatly due to these missions.'

Artefacts :

Equip to General :

Gains eternal warrior

Gains shred special rule with all attack forms.

And gains smash.

Isha's Blessing.

This ancient weapon is a double headed Singing Spear which grants power to the wielder as well as additional fortitude, allowing them to shrug off even the gravest of attacks. Karadryal has take his as his personal weapon during this campaign.

Equip to General :

One shot infinite range weapon.
Destroyer weapon with small blast.

Void Storm Launcher.

This immeasurably old weapon system is essentially a twin Eldar Missile Launcher. The difference here is that it has be modified to fire exceptionally rare Distortion Warheads. The target is hit by multiple missiles as normal but the detonation of each of these warheads creates an Eldar distortion rift explosion, literally tearing the target apart as it is clawed at by dozens of small Distortion warp singularities.

Due to the power and rarity of the warheads, it must be used sparingly.

The Void Storm Launcher is mounted under the fairing of Karadryals Jetbike 'Blade of the Ebon Night'.

05-18-2013, 09:50 AM
Something was coming. He didn't know what and that feeling always agitates a Farseer. He simply knew it was close. Nearly on top of them. Karadryal rose from his trance and sent a pulse through the wraithbone of the 'Anvil of Vaul' to warn the bridge crew to be alert. As he did so, he received an answering pulse telling him of a ship approaching through the webway. He hurried to the bridge in time to see a large Wraithship appearing from further up the berthing port the 'Anvil of Vaul' was nestled in. It drew closer, without lowering it's holofields. One of the crew called to Karadryal. 'Seer, we are receiving a hail from the ship. It claims to be a ship belonging to the Corsair Prince Vexital.' Karadryal recognise the name from stories Autarch Arathir had told him of his adventures as a Corsair. Prince Vexital had featured in them. A noble but slightly unstable Eldar. Noble-born of the lost Craftworld Sylica. Kara nodded to the crew man and said 'Extend the greetings of Farseer Karadryal and the 'Anvil of Vaul' as well as Craftworld Arithym. Invite the Prince and his advisor's aboard.' Karadryal went to prepare. He had a feeling the Prince would want something on the ship. Karadryal intended to be ready.

Shortly there after, Karadryal and his Warlocks met Prince Vexital at one of the Anvils docking hangers, Vexital choosing to arrive in an impressive assault skiff. He dismounted at the head of a group of truly battle hardened Eldar Warriors. Kara's own Warlocks kept a close eye on them though there was no threat of violence. The Prince strode up to Karadryal and with an impressive salute, introduced himself. Karadryal bowed as one would to a Noble much to the apparent amusement of Vexital. Karadryal welcomed the Prince. 'Lord Vexital. Welcome aboard my personal Wraithship, the 'Anvil of Vaul'. We have laid out refreshments if you wish to partake?' Vexital smiled wolfishly. 'Sounds splendid Seer. Let us retire to your no doubt wonderful repast and talk. I was surprised to find you in this section of the Webway. I would trade information with you regarding my home.' With a billow of cloaks, Vexital strode off to the eating rooms.

As they ate together, Karadryal let the Prince know why Arithym was showing interest in this sector of Space. 'A Maiden World?' Vexital exclaimed. 'So Craftworld Arithym has passed through here in the past too!' Karadryal looked up at Vexital. 'As well?' Vexital fixed a piercing glare upon Karadryal. 'Indeed Seer. You know of my Craftworld?' Karadryal nodded. 'Craftworld Sylica. I visited it once when I was very young. I was a Ranger at the time. The sights of Sylica were so different from beloved Arithym. The Sunflower Groves were exquisite.' Vexital's eyes softened with memory. Karadryal brought out the Communication Crystal Arithir had given him and started toying with it idly. 'I also remember that the Autarchs of Sylica were some of the finest Warriors I've seen, even to this day.' Karadryal looked at Vexital to find his piercing stare upon him again. 'My Lord?' Vexital took a deep breath and focussed on Kara himself.

'Seer, I believe we can help each other. I came across an artefact that is of no real interest to me but I believe it could be of use to you. Give you an extra unexpected edge against these pathetic lesser races.' Karadryal sat straighter. 'And what would you wish for in return?' Vexital's eyes hardened as he pointed to the Communication Crystal. 'That!' he hissed 'I'm no fool, Seer. We both know that one of the runes on that communication crystal is the Rune of Sylica. Give it to me in return for the Portal artefact.' Karadryal stopped toying with the crystal. 'We would gladly provide any aid that will help you find Craftworld Sylica!' Kara handed the crystal to Vexital, who's eyes narrow again. 'In that case, Seer, you will also agree that if we meet on the field of battle, whether it be as friend or foe, we will claim ANY spoils that may lead me to my home!' It was Karadryal's turn to narrow his eyes. 'Even at the expense of us finding the Maiden World?' Vexital stood. 'Yes. This is my home! It is immeasurably more valuable to our race than a dozen Maiden Worlds, let alone one. Karadryal rose. 'Very well my Lord. I agree to these terms on behalf of Arithym.' Vexital's face cleared immediately and he slapped Karadryal on the shoulder in a friendly manner, as if his intense mood and demands had not happened. 'Excellent! Well, my people will get the Portal artefact to you immediately Farseer.' He turned and whispered almost to himself 'I WILL find my home!' before stalking away.

Karadryal knew that the Prince could be a valuable ally. He also knew Vexital was weary and soul sick. His noble quest to find his home has obviously come at cost. His Corsair band would need to be watched.

Artefact :

Equip to General or IC :
Unit in your army gains gains access to a vehicle that works like a drop pod.

Transport capacity of 20.

Av 13 all round. Bs 2 turret weapon.

Weapon based on original army. (Shuriken Cannons.)

Equipped by Karadryal.

This artefact was traded to Karadryal by Prince Vexital in exchange for an Eldar Communication Crystal believed to originate from Craftworld Sylica. This take the form of two upright prongs that can be fired at a planets surface by an orbiting Wraithship or smaller frigate.

Upon deployment, the Wraithbone portal will activate a one way field, allowing Eldar units to deploy from the opposite portal, usually held upon the armies primary ship in the Webway.

05-18-2013, 09:51 AM
And with that fluff posted, back to painting the Jetseers.

Ought to get the first squad finished shortly.

05-19-2013, 01:50 PM
Last night, a little before midnight, I completed my first Jetseer Council!

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/Big-Grim/SeerCouncil11_zpsdd29bc16.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Big-Grim/media/SeerCouncil11_zpsdd29bc16.jpg.html)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/Big-Grim/SeerCouncil12_zpsa5d76138.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Big-Grim/media/SeerCouncil12_zpsa5d76138.jpg.html)

Hope ya like em!

The guys at the club did, then, in a three way battle the filthy Blood Angels and upstart Tau spent 7 turns trying to kill them, finally succeeding on the final turn.

06-06-2013, 10:44 AM
Got the Aegis Defense Line completed tonight!

Aegis sections :

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/Big-Grim/Aegis_1_zpse859f7e0.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Big-Grim/media/Aegis_1_zpse859f7e0.jpg.html)

Complete Aegis Defense Line :

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/Big-Grim/Aegis_2_zps2c93f501.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Big-Grim/media/Aegis_2_zps2c93f501.jpg.html)

Quad Scatter Laser & Long Barrelled Bright Lance :

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/Big-Grim/Aegis_3_zps47def13c.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Big-Grim/media/Aegis_3_zps47def13c.jpg.html)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/Big-Grim/Aegis_4_zps36662403.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Big-Grim/media/Aegis_4_zps36662403.jpg.html)

Now to focus on the Jet Seers!

These are awesome!! wanna make me a set?

06-07-2013, 05:11 AM
Hey Buddy.

Well, the Aegis Line itself is sculpted and sold by a fella on ebay. Here's one of his auctions :


He does sell weapons but I confess, I don't like them. That's why I built mine. I'd be happy to build a set of weapons if I can get a hold of the Guardian platforms they are built from. With all my tanks, I have plenty of spare weapons, so it'd simply be a matter of getting the platforms.

07-28-2013, 07:08 PM
Well. Took stock of the Eldar army I have painted, part painted and unpainted. It is fairly ridiculous.

Painted :


Farseer Denan.

Farseer Seranath.

Farseer Lorizael.

Farseer Karadryal on Jetbike 'Blade of the Ebon Night'.

5 Warlocks on Jetbikes.

Autarch Taneloth on Jetbike.


5 Fire Dragons + Exarch.

8 Banshees + Exarch.

9 Striking Scorpions + Exarch.


11 Guardian Defenders + Platform.

10 Guardian Defenders + Platform.

10 Windrider Jetbikes.

9 Dire Avengers + Exarch.

9 Dire Avengers + Exarch.

6 Rangers.

5 Rangers.

Heavy Support.

1 Fire Storm

3 Falcons.

3 Warp Hunters.

4 Night Spinners.

6 Fire Prisms.

3 War Walkers.

1 Wraithlord.

Fast Attack.

3 Nightwings.

1 Crimson Hunter.

Dedicated Transports

3 Wave Serpents.

1 Falcon. (Corsairs. Needs repainted.)

Super Heavy.

1 Lynx.

1 Scorpion.

1 Cobra.


1 Aegis Defense Line.

Psychic Power Markers.

3 Guide.

3 Fortune.

3 Doom.

07-28-2013, 07:09 PM
Part Painted :


Farseer Kelmon on Jetbike.

5 Warlocks on Jetbikes.

4 Eldar Musicians. (Count as Spiritseers.)

1 Bonesinger. (Count as Spiritseer.)

10 Warlocks.


5 Fire Dragons + Exarch.

5 Fire Dragons + Exarch.

7 Howling Banshees + Exarch.

10 Wraithguard.

10 Wraithguard.


5 Rangers.

5 Rangers

Fast Attack.

3 Vyper Jetbikes

07-28-2013, 07:10 PM
Unpainted :


Farseer Kethederan. (Eldrad Conversion)

Autarch Arathir. (Prince Yriel conversion) Craftworld Version.

Autarch Arathir. (Prince Yriel conversion) Corsair Version.

Autarch Varanar. Banshee Mask, Hawk Wings.

Autarch Meldarion. Scorpion Helm, Warp Jump Generator.

Spiritseer Mazoth.

Wraithseer Alarielle.

Avatar of Kaela Mensha Khaine. GW version (Conversion).

Avatar of Kaela Mensha Khaine. FW Spear version.

Master Ranger Elshar (Illic Nightspear conversion.)

Phoenix Lord Asurmen.

Phoenix Lord Baharroth.

Phoenix Lord Fuegan.

Phoenix Lord Jain Zar.

Phoenix Lord Karandras.

Phoenix Lord Maugan Ra.

Phoenix Lord Irillyth.

Corsair Void Dreamer. (Conversion. Wraithstaff.)

Corsair Void Dreamer. (Conversion. Singing Spear.)




5 Striking Scorpions + Exarch.

6 Striking Scorpions.

6 Harlequins + Death Jester + Shadow Seer + Troupe Master

5 Harlequins + Death Jester + Shadow Seer + Troupe Master

6 Harlequins + Death Jester

7 Howling Banshees + Exarch.

10 Wraithblades.


5 Wind Riders.

16 Guardians. (No Weapon Platform. Probably to be used for Corsairs.)

20 Guardians. (No Weapon Platform. Probably to be used for Corsairs.)

16 Storm Guardians. (Probably to be used for Corsairs.)

9 Dire Avengers + Exarch.

9 Dire Avengers + Exarch.

Heavy Support.

1 Falcon. (Probably used for Corsairs.)

1 Falcon. (Probably used for Corsairs.)

1 Wraithlord.

1 Wraithlord.

1 Wraithlord.

1 Wraithknight.

1 Wraithknight.

3 Vaul's Wrath Artillery.

3 Vaul's Wrath Artillery.

1 Vaul's Wrath Artillery.

3 War Walkers.

2 War Walkers.

8 Dark Reapers + Exarch.

4 Dark Reapers + Exarch.



Fast Attack.

3 Wasp Walkers.

3 Hornets.

5 Shadow Spectres + Exarch.

6 Warp Spiders.

8 Swooping Hawks + Exarch.

5 Swooping Hawks + Exarch.

5 Swooping Hawks + Exarch.

5 Swooping Hawks + Exarch.

5 Swooping Hawks.

Dedicated Transports

Wave Serpent.

Wave Serpent.

Super Heavy.

1 Revenant Titan. Sonic Lances.

1 Revenant Titan. Sonic Lances.

1 Revenant Titan. Pulsars.

1 Revenant Titan. Pulsars.

1 Phantom Titan. Phantom Pulsar. D-Cannon. (Armorcast.)


1 Aegis Defence Line.

07-28-2013, 07:12 PM
And finally, I got a new Crimson Hunter to show as completed. And trying to get the Vypers and JetSeer Council sorted next.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/Big-Grim/CrisonHunter_zps7083dd1a.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Big-Grim/media/CrisonHunter_zps7083dd1a.jpg.html)

07-29-2013, 01:59 AM
Looks like you've got plenty of work ahead of you

07-29-2013, 06:09 AM
No kidding! Should keep me going for years! :)

Really want to get my part painted stuff finished before moving onto new models.

A buddy has given me his second hand Revenant to put together for him. Thing was originally put together with superglue and greenstuff. No pinning, just GS stuffed in the joints. Bloody horrible job.

08-26-2013, 04:21 PM
Work continues apace!

Objective Number 4 :

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/Big-Grim/5Objective_zpsa88432fc.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Big-Grim/media/5Objective_zpsa88432fc.jpg.html)

Farseer 5 :

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/Big-Grim/4Farseer_zpsaea3933a.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Big-Grim/media/4Farseer_zpsaea3933a.jpg.html)

WiP Jetbikes and riders :

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/Big-Grim/1Bikes_zps50f416bb.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Big-Grim/media/1Bikes_zps50f416bb.jpg.html)

First rider is a custom plastic Autarch :

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/Big-Grim/2Pilots_zpse8c0b15f.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Big-Grim/media/2Pilots_zpse8c0b15f.jpg.html)

08-27-2013, 01:04 AM
The Titan head looked like a bottle of eldar champagne at first glance haha. All in all lovely models.

10-03-2013, 04:01 AM
Well, I got the 6 Windriders I needed for the September GW Battle Brothers Doubles Tournie done a while ago and forgot to post em. The other four a basically complete too but here are the first six :

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/Big-Grim/Windriders_zpsdc3ffd69.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Big-Grim/media/Windriders_zpsdc3ffd69.jpg.html)

01-06-2014, 01:40 PM
Hey there Everyone.

Well, been all quiet on the Eldar front. Bought yet more (Ghost Warriors box) but had very little painting mojo. I finished the Jetbike squad up to the full 10, which have served me faithfully. I have finally got a new addition of the army completed though!

The Wraith Knight "Tears of Arillion"
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/Big-Grim/2014-01-05070050_zpsb681b8bb.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Big-Grim/media/2014-01-05070050_zpsb681b8bb.jpg.html)

Took a bit of work to get the running pose right. Added pins in the foot to pillar, foot to ankle, ankle to calf. There are then two pins going from one leg, all the way through hips and crotch to the other leg. Bit of work but I think it was worth it. I'm actually really pleased with this one. I've also magnetized the arms but not painted the other two just yet. That'll be done soon.

Hope you like!

03-15-2014, 07:09 PM
Hey there all.

Just finished my latest Engine of Vaul.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/Big-Grim/Lynx2_zps5a675a07.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Big-Grim/media/Lynx2_zps5a675a07.jpg.html)

She's being taken to battle, along side my Cobra against a huge Tyranid force tomorrow morning.

Hope you like her!

03-16-2014, 02:57 AM
Oh, dude, that looks pretty.

03-16-2014, 03:27 PM
Thanks! Not bad for an eight or nine hour paint spree.

She survived her first game. I found a Lynx can fit perfectly under a Skyshield Landing Platform. She moved around underneath to activate the holo fields. She did good damage to a barbed Heirodule and a Fex brood and murdered a brood of Hive Guard.

All in all, a successful debut!

06-07-2015, 06:03 PM

So I've been through a massive painting lull. Just no real desire to paint. Recently though, I wanted to try again.

Thus I present my first Hemlock Wraithfighter!


Hope you like it! I'm certainly rather pleased with it!

06-07-2015, 06:11 PM
Very nice! Really like the colour placement and contrast on the models.

06-07-2015, 06:32 PM
Cheers Dude! I'm pleased with it. Was a bit of a pain trying to figure our where I was gonna put the black on the wings. I'm glad you like it! :)

06-07-2015, 08:50 PM
Wow, that's one hell of a collection you've built up! Very good looking.

06-08-2015, 02:58 AM
looks really good