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View Full Version : Dirty dirty Dark Elves? 2k List

09-13-2010, 06:40 AM
Hi, a longtime lurker has finally decided to jump aboard. Our group recently took up fantasy with the release of 8th and we all put together 1k armies, but are now looking at upping the ante to the 2k mark. Dark eldar was my first 40k army so it fitted that the elves should make my first fantasy army. Knowing nothing of fantasy army composition aside from playing by the 'thats looks cool/i want to convert up some of those' rule, i came up with a list for 2k and am currently fleshing it out with plasticrack.

Do people think this is harsh? The Corsairs form the center point for the army, with the chariots/DRs/Hydras floating around where they are needed.

306 - Dreadlord: Chariot, Hydra Blade, Ring of Hotek, Hvy Armour, Shield

163 - 7 Dark Riders: RXBs, Muso
163 - 7 Dark Riders: RXBs, Muso
275 - 27 Corsairs: RHB, Muso
146 - Assassin: Rune of Khain, Manbane, Ad Hw

100 - Chariot
100 - Chariot
296 - 8 CO Knights: Full Command, Banner of Murder, Champ: Sword of +1 Str

175 - Hydra
175 - Hydra
100 - Bolt Thrower


I am new to fantasy, so assume i know nothing on the matter (which isnt far from the truth :P), any comments and criticism are much appreciated. Considering dropping the second hydra for some extra pts to play around with after realising it may be a bit harsh :S

09-13-2010, 03:11 PM
You have no magic and no gimmicks to make up for it, you wont win a single game.

09-13-2010, 06:59 PM
Ring of Hotek seems to cover me pretty well in most of my games, with the chariot general racing around it provided a pretty good coverage where and when it was needed. On the other hand i did win a game with this yesterday when proxying it up.

Would you suggest subbing the second hydra for a cheap lv2 Scorceress? I realise most of the gamers on BoLS are pretty experienced fantasy players so i thought i might come to you guys for a few tips and advice...

09-14-2010, 04:30 AM
I'd rather trade the assassin for the Level 2 sorceress than a hydra.

Are you playing the Ring with the FAQ errata? Because if not, you will be in a for a rude awakening when you play someone who knows how it is supposed to work and it doesn't provide you with any protection.