View Full Version : Seeking copy of free Catachans 4th edition pdf

09-12-2010, 06:15 PM
Greetings Fellow WH40K Fans,

As well as being a gamer, I'm a collector as well.
I have all the WH40K codices, except for the free Catachan's 4th Edition pdf download that was available from Games Workshop.

If anyone out there has this file and would be kind enough to send it to me, I'd be eternally grateful.

I'm pretty sure being it was a free download, there's no copyright or piracy laws broken here.

Thanks all!!

09-13-2010, 12:20 PM
Yes, it was a 17 (with cover) pages free PDF.
I found it on my WH40K resources and I uploaded it on RS http://rapidshare.com/files/418856054/_Warhammer_40K_-_4Ed.__-_Codex_-_Catachans.rar (http://rapidshare.com/files/418856054/_Warhammer_40K_-_4Ed.__-_Codex_-_Catachans.rar)
Enjoy it!!!

09-13-2010, 02:43 PM
I'm pretty sure being it was a free download, there's no copyright or piracy laws broken here.
I wouldn't be so sure. GW owns the copyright. If they want to disribute it as a free download, they can. That doesn't mean that others are granted the right to distribute it.

09-13-2010, 02:51 PM
Yes.. that is true..
But it was totally free, and now is an OOP. There's not profit involved, nor any other damage to the copyright holders, so .. I must delete the upload? I don't want to inflict any copyright violation.
Anyone may enlight this...

09-14-2010, 01:38 AM
It was a 3rd edition codex, not 4th.
Catachans used the doctrines in the 4th ed codex.

Whether or not something is in print or not has nothing to do with who holds the copyright and the right to distribute.

09-14-2010, 02:56 PM
...or whether anyone cares. I mean seriously... I would have no objections. Once free, always free in my eyes. You're just getting it later.

10-05-2010, 03:59 PM
Yes, it was a 17 (with cover) pages free PDF.
I found it on my WH40K resources and I uploaded it on RS http://rapidshare.com/files/418856054/_Warhammer_40K_-_4Ed.__-_Codex_-_Catachans.rar (http://rapidshare.com/files/418856054/_Warhammer_40K_-_4Ed.__-_Codex_-_Catachans.rar)
Enjoy it!!!

Thanks so much for posting it...unfortunately, by the time I saw your post and went to the link, it didn't work any longer.
Can I trouble you to contact me off this board to discuss acquiring the file?

[email protected]

Thanks again!

10-05-2010, 05:28 PM
Even though GW distributed this freely, they do not grant the right of free distribution to others... in other words downloading it from a GW source is fine and legal... anywhere else is in breach of copyright.

10-06-2010, 05:23 AM
Bwahahahah! The Internets are made of a Series of Tubes!

Prepare to be an airplane going down in flames. It is not a Dump Truck, you cannot put whatever you want on it. I sent internets on friday and received internets on monday.

10-06-2010, 05:35 AM
Tynskel I don't entirely understand what your getting at, but all that aside, it doesn't matter where on the internet you get the file, redistributing a copyright file without written permission from the copyright holder is against international and federal law.

There are no loop holes, no excuses... it is a crime and the punishments are severe.

Sir Biscuit
10-06-2010, 08:03 AM
Except in this case, there isn't a victim.

No one is claiming someone else's idea, and no one is losing any profits from this. This is absolutly zero that GW can do about this, because there aren't any damages.

You need to have more than "they all looked at my thing" to have any kind of lawsuit. There needs to be damages in some form. There is no harm, no victims, and no problem here.

Tecrat (and anyone else who wants it) if you send me your email I'll send it to you.

10-06-2010, 08:14 AM
There do not need to be any damages.. the LAW does not require it.

It is ILLEGAL to redistribute copyright materials regardless fo circumstances.

If you truely belive its legal for you to do so then put it in writing to GW HQ Nottingham that you are redistributing their copyright materials without permission and we will see just how long it takes for you to get a court summons.

And as for making a case... you've just posted on the internet that you are offering to distribute copyright materials... thats all the case they need to have your PC seized and they will provide the evidence they need to bend you over a barrel in court.

So enough with the excuses, the simple fact is that what you are offering to do is ILLEGAL.

10-06-2010, 11:31 AM
Bwahahahah! The Internets are made of a Series of Tubes!

Prepare to be an airplane going down in flames. It is not a Dump Truck, you cannot put whatever you want on it. I sent internets on friday and received internets on monday.

Wow... Welcome to 2006!!!
