View Full Version : Kill Points

09-12-2010, 04:01 PM
I've got five editions of 40k floating around in my head, so bear with me.

There is very little written about kill points in the 40k rulebook so here are my questions:

1. Is a kill point scored for a Damaged/Immobilized vehicle at THE END of the game? I.E. a drop pod, immobilized Rhino, etc.

2. Is a kill point scored separately for a transport vehicle and it's passengers? I.E. A Chimera and it's 10 man IG squad that have been destroyed count as TWO kill points.

09-12-2010, 04:55 PM
I've got five editions of 40k floating around in my head, so bear with me.

There is very little written about kill points in the 40k rulebook so here are my questions:

1. Is a kill point scored for a Damaged/Immobilized vehicle at THE END of the game? I.E. a drop pod, immobilized Rhino, etc.

Nope, must be 100% dead to count as a kill point. Wrecked or Exploded only.

2. Is a kill point scored separately for a transport vehicle and it's passengers? I.E. A Chimera and it's 10 man IG squad that have been destroyed count as TWO kill points.

Yep, each one is it's own kill point. Even worse would be for Tau. Firewarriors = 1 Kill point, Devilfish = 1 Kill point, 2 Gun Drones = 1 Kill point

09-13-2010, 02:46 PM
There is very little written about kill points in the 40k rulebook so here are my questions:
1. Is a kill point scored for a Damaged/Immobilized vehicle at THE END of the game? I.E. a drop pod, immobilized Rhino, etc.
2. Is a kill point scored separately for a transport vehicle and it's passengers? I.E. A Chimera and it's 10 man IG squad that have been destroyed count as TWO kill points.
Each Unit killed/destroyed by the end of the game grants a Kill Point. This is different from Victory Points which can grant half value.

09-14-2010, 02:27 AM
Nope, must be 100% dead to count as a kill point. Wrecked or Exploded only.

1. Yep, each one is it's own kill point. Even worse would be for Tau. Firewarriors = 1 Kill point, Devilfish = 1 Kill point, 2 Gun Drones = 1 Kill point

+1 to this.

Immobilised or weapon destroyed vehicles don't count as killpoints, even an immobilised and all weapons destroyed vehicle (ie next penetrating hit wrecks on 3+). It has to be wrecked or destroyed.

2. Or ICs with a retinue in a dedicated transport (there's like what? 3 codices where this still counts?).
They are 3 kp, too. 1 for the IC, 1 for the retinue and 1 for the vehicle.

09-14-2010, 03:09 AM
Is a kill point scored for a Damaged/Immobilized vehicle at THE END of the game? I.E. a drop pod .

Drop pod ... mmmm. As soon as it arrives, it got the special rule Immobilized (and count as Immobilized table result for the rest of the game), so at the end of the game, the other player should get +1 kp, for each DP, just for deploy them, with any futher damage?. Strange...

09-14-2010, 08:06 AM
Yep, each one is it's own kill point. Even worse would be for Tau. Firewarriors = 1 Kill point, Devilfish = 1 Kill point, 2 Gun Drones = 1 Kill point

Are you 100 percent sure on this?

I don't have a tau codex to hand, but what do the drone rules actually state? i'm just curious as this came up the other day (not during a game but someone was telling me their idea for using those Piranha's).

he used to dislike them, but he recently realised they save on points as they are like 2/3 units in one. i can;t remember the exact details, but he was adamant that it would only count as one kill point, and that the drones although separate once deployed still counted as part of one unit.

just would be interesting to know what the drone rules state if anyone has them?

Mycroft Holmes
09-15-2010, 09:10 AM
Drop pod ... mmmm. As soon as it arrives, it got the special rule Immobilized (and count as Immobilized table result for the rest of the game), so at the end of the game, the other player should get +1 kp, for each DP, just for deploy them, with any futher damage?. Strange...

No, only Destroyed vehicles count for Victory Points. Immobilized vehicles don't give up a KP.

09-15-2010, 12:27 PM
Are you 100 percent sure on this?

I don't have a tau codex to hand, but what do the drone rules actually state? i'm just curious as this came up the other day (not during a game but someone was telling me their idea for using those Piranha's).

he used to dislike them, but he recently realised they save on points as they are like 2/3 units in one. i can;t remember the exact details, but he was adamant that it would only count as one kill point, and that the drones although separate once deployed still counted as part of one unit.

just would be interesting to know what the drone rules state if anyone has them?

Yup, 100% sure on this. They count as passengers and form a unit when they disembark. As defined by the BRB they count as a kill point and the FAQ says that the count as being independent of the Vehicle.

Every game I've played in against Tau, both in tournaments and in casual play, have made the same rulings.

09-15-2010, 02:29 PM
Yup, 100% sure on this. They count as passengers and form a unit when they disembark. As defined by the BRB they count as a kill point and the FAQ says that the count as being independent of the Vehicle.

Every game I've played in against Tau, both in tournaments and in casual play, have made the same rulings.

Cheers, helps for next time i play tau lol.