View Full Version : Medusa Bastion Breacher SHells

09-11-2010, 02:50 PM
Hey chaps

Bastion breacher shells - when you buy the upgrade, do you think this means you can only use them, or can you swap between fire modes?

The rules say 'a medusa armed with bastion breacher shells always fires with the following profile' but the armylist uses the phrase 'may replace heavy bolter with heavy flamer' - Queen's English for substitute one for the other, and says 'may take bastion breacher shells' - which implies nor specifies neither replacement nor removal of the existing shells.

I would have hoped the phraseology 'may take'/'replace' to be consistent.

Any thoughts?

The Defenestrator
09-11-2010, 03:55 PM
The phrases "may take" and "always fires with" are not mutually exclusive. You have a choice whether or not to buy bastion breachers; if you do, you must always use them.

I know most people only ask because they're horrified at the prospect of such a big, scary tank only ever firing such a teeny tiny blast (a glorified plasma cannon against all but the most hardened targets), but that's why the upgrade is cheap.