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View Full Version : Spec Ops Killzone: Improved Kill Team 40k Homebrew

Big Jim
09-11-2010, 11:27 AM
On Tuesday I released the Beta test version of my Spec Ops Killzone rules!

For those who haven't heard of them before, Killzone is a fan-made 40K modification allowing for more skirmish-level fights between competing elite teams. It started as an attempt to fuse the more appealing elements from the two different versions of Kill Team and clean them up, but has grown into something a bit more. You'll need to know 5th ed 40K and have the appropriate codices in order to play; Killzone is essentially an extra layer put over regular Kill Team.

If you can play 40K, you can pick up and play Killzone very easily. Since so much defaults to regular 40K, the rules themselves are pretty short. The errata for the various armies is longer, but again pretty simple, providing some guides for building a team from that codex and addressing any special situations to make them work with the model vs. unit framework. Then there are a number of missions to choose from.

I started the work on my blog Galaxy in Flames (http://galaxyinflames.blogspot.com/) and invited a number of others mostly bloggers to help iron things out. We managed to get through it a lot faster than we expected, which leaves even more time for playtesting and feedback.

Killzone will be a featured event on Sunday at Adepticon 2011 (http://dev.adepticon.org/).

Here are the links to the PDF's

Killzone Rules (http://www.box.net/shared/mo0p25xvty)
Errata (http://www.box.net/shared/r6ekchf6jz)
Scenarios (http://www.box.net/shared/961s8zmfeu)

We created a forum for playtesting and feedback, but I won't link it here. The link is on my blog.

Any and all feedback is welcomed!


Sol ba'ken
08-10-2011, 02:59 AM
i'vetryedthe lincks but they'er saying they don't exsist, maby have a look