View Full Version : Heroic Scale Deathwatch

Cruor Vault
09-10-2010, 02:05 PM
I have been working on some Heroic scale Deathwatch marines. Here are two of the Sergeants, I plan on using them as part of a Pedro/Sternguard Pod army. Hence the lightning Claws and Boltguns. I went with a variation on the normal all black scheme for Deathwatch. I wanted to have no duplicate chapters in my army, when i was looking around it seemed like only 25% or so of marine chapters were differentiated by their shoulder colors. I didn't like that (plus I hate painting black power armor), so I chose to instead paint the right half of the marine in their normal colors and the helmet, backpack and left half in the standard deathwatch black and silver.

I use Terminator legs with the framework filled with putty for the legs and hips. 2 of the 5 legs that come in a terminator box are dynamic enough for me to use unmodified, the other three pairs need to be re-cut at the hips, knees and ankles in order to get something other than the "popin a' squat" look that most marines have. For the torsos I use an assault marine torso with a thin plasticard spacer to give it more depth. I cut off the gut plate and belt and re-sculpt then using more putty, kids straws and the old belt buckle. The straw is nearly the perfect diameter to sit on the terminator hips and looks perfect for recreating the belt. On each model I put 2 Frag grenades, 2 Krak grenades one of the tall pouches on the butt and one of the smaller 3 pouch pieces on each side. Once the putty has set for the waist I can go back in and re-sculpt the gut plate. The shoulders are from a normal space marine. A lot of people when they make Heroic scale models they use filed down Terminator shoulder pads, I do not care for this. I think the smaller pads look more like how the armor really would be, plus my way they can actually see over their shoulders! Arms are a combination of Terminator biceps and triceps with hands from the power armor models. Backpacks are plain and simple. I then use one of the Terminator Rosarious bits on every single guys left shoulder pad and put a combination of pistols, ammo and other equipment on each models right and left hip plate and right and left exterior shin.

The first Sergeant I got done, quite obviously a Space Wolf.

The Second Sergeant. He is much more dynamically posed, I much prefer the trimmed down chaos Lord lightning claw to the normal marine claws. I believe he is from the Revilers chapter.

09-10-2010, 08:04 PM
Well, I've tried to avoid this for as long as I possibly could BUT time for my noobyness to show through: What exactly is true-scale?

P.S: epic looking models

09-11-2010, 03:24 AM
Well, I've tried to avoid this for as long as I possibly could BUT time for my noobyness to show through: What exactly is true-scale?

P.S: epic looking models

Heroic-Scale / True-Scale meaning making Space Marines bigger. Because in art and fluff they're meant to tower over normal humans.

Anyway. Nicely done models! Any chances of some rear shots to see what you did to the back of their legs?

09-11-2010, 05:07 AM
I think the second marine is a relictor.

09-11-2010, 07:38 AM
Deathwatch repaint the bulk of their armor black, with a silver left arm. The shoulder pad with the chapter device is left in their chapter's colors and heraldry (to honor the machine spirit of the power armor), but moved to the right shoulder. The Deathwatch shoulder pad, in silver, is on the left shoulder. after the time spent in the Deathwatch, the marine may wear the Deathwatch pad, placing it on the right shoulder.

Cruor Vault
09-11-2010, 10:20 AM
As requested here are some shots of the rear of their legs along with a couple more of them from the front.

My putty work could use some refinement I think, a little more work and it could be nice and smooth.

Here is a shot of the back and of the side, you can see how I bulk out the torso.

An Iron Hands Marine, i added Cronus's servo army just because it looked cool.

And a Lamenter, kinda obligatory if you follow my other thread.