View Full Version : Mechanicum army (knights instead of tanks)

09-10-2010, 09:15 AM
I'm starting a new Imperial Guard army with a Mechanicum theme.

I wanted to replace the clasic IG tanks with knights (essentially mini-titans) for a very different look to the army (although people strict about WYSIWYG might not be happy).

This is my first, built primarily from the bastion and Baneblade sponson kits, among other parts. It represents a leman russ executioner. I'm also planning one for a punisher, hellhound, manticore and maybe a medusa.I can't think of a sensible way to do chimeras though.

What do you think?

My praetorian servitor was cobbled together from leftovers in my bits box, mostly from the venerable dreadnought kit and is going to be used as an armoured sentinel.


09-10-2010, 09:30 AM
Nice, I have a full house of knights for my army,there wardens and stand about 5.5" tall and they are sweet looking. I went and bought afew T-rex models for my knights from ROBOGEAR

09-10-2010, 09:55 AM
thats REALLY cool and WYSIWYG :D:D

the only problem is the legs

a) they loook very static and b) wheres the knees?? so as a suggestion id probs use sentinel legs mixed with dread legs with ageis? line plating ? thats just my 2 pence !

fantastic anyways


p.s. for chimersas id try to do a spider -like tank as mentioned in titanicus!!

Mike X
09-10-2010, 11:17 AM
I like them, but WYSIWYG isn't the problem with this, it's that all the factors are somewhat broken now. The vehicle's dimensions are distorted, and what would normally be 50% obscured by terrain is now only 33%, or vice versa. The diameter of the vehicle is also off, considering tanks are square boxes and this has a round base.

I'd allow it in a game, but I warn you that it's not just breaking the WYSIWYG rule.

09-10-2010, 02:47 PM
Awesome models superbly executed. Just a personal preference - I would prefer the big bad boy demolisher to have an obvious head like the other one - most knights do.

09-11-2010, 03:21 AM
Very cool! I'd love to see them unpainted.

09-11-2010, 08:59 AM
I'd play against that.