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View Full Version : White lions vs Phoenix guard

09-09-2010, 11:00 AM
I can't decide which set to pick up at games day so i'm summing up their pros and cons but I want to see what you think first. So here we go...

Models-not discussing them because both sets are fantastic but I do like the white lions better-they're so much more dynamic than the Phoenix guard.

Stats-they both have standard HE profiles with WS5, but the PG have I6 Ld9, and the WL have S4

Equipment-They both wear heavy armour, WL have the lion cloaks which give them Sv3+ against shooting
The PG have halberds making them S4 whearas the WL have great weapons making them S6

Special rules-PG cause fear, and have 4+ ward save
WL are stubborn, and have forest strider
Both units have SOA, and VOA

There it is, what would you choose-they cost the same points, can have full command (again at same points), and the champion can select 25 points of magic items and a 50 point banner. Any suggested builds and tactics would be greatly appreciated.

09-09-2010, 11:35 AM
It really depends on your playstyle/tactics, the rest of your army composition and the armies of the opponents you usually face.

White Lions are a hammer unit, Guard are a bunker.
If your army has trouble dealing with things like templeguard, chaos warriors, graveguard, ironbreakers, knights, etc. White Lions will cut through those no problem.
If you need a unit to hold the center (or deny a flank), or a place to hide your bsb or mage lord, etc. Guard will probably serve you better.

09-09-2010, 11:35 AM
It all depends on what you're doing with them.

I find that the White Lions can operate independently and toss out a truck load of damage. Deployed 7 wide provides a lot of attacks and even if they lose combat, are unlikely to run with a BSB around.

A Phoenix Guard unit, of about 18-20, provides a nice home for an arch mage, I find. They're survivable with that 4+ ward save and a high leadership makes them unlikely to run from random panic checks. Again, with a bsb nearby, make a solid flanking unit and good protection for a caster.

Personally, in large enough games, I take both. So, as such, I can't say which is the better purchase, as I think they're equally solid choices. :) But, depending on the point values you play at and the needs of the army, I believe it's a fair comparison to say this: Phoenix Guard = Defensive, White Lions = Offensive. What do you need more of in your army?

09-10-2010, 12:43 AM
Well with horde units dominating the scene then spearmen can be my bunker unit-so I really think WL will work better
Thanks for your help.

09-10-2010, 04:39 AM
Do you run Teclis or an Archmage with the Book of Hoeth? Phoenix Guard.

Do you not already own a bunch of the new Swordmasters? White Lions.

09-10-2010, 09:44 AM
Dont use either-apparently teclis and book of hoeth are 'broken' (I disagree-IF with PSOX sounds fun) and haven't got the money to get IOB at the moment.

WL are more fun in my opinion-hide em in a forest then charge out when watch their faces when they dish out 11 S6 attacks that probably will end up re rolling to hit.