View Full Version : Looking for my last 1000 points...

Grossmeister Jardezz
09-07-2010, 12:38 PM

I wanted to know which, in your oppinion, is the most flexible army at 1000 points.
I want to start one last thing before I quit collecting! ( Yes, I'm really trying ;-) )

So, I thought about: Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Imperial Guard ( I like the good guys, but try to convince me
for something else )

What do you mean, where can I get the most out of?

Thx for all your advices in advance! :-)

09-07-2010, 02:00 PM
By most flexible do you mean:

a) Most styles of play possible with a set 1000 point list; or

b) Most styles of play possible within 1000 points, but with more points worth of avaliable models?

09-07-2010, 02:03 PM
People will tend to admit at that point level current Dark Eldar codex is insanely powerful with what they can fit in. However with a new 'dex soon that'll end.

And why would you quit collecting?

09-07-2010, 07:27 PM
1000 points, hmm...

Nids, imo. Get a badass Hive Tyrant, some zoes, some genestealers, some warriors, and some hermagaunts. A large numbered force that is to be reckoned with, imo

09-08-2010, 11:13 AM
ba are quite good at that level

epilostiry (joins podders)

furiso (choice of weapons) in a pod

sniper scouts

assaulty marines in a pod

assault marines with packs (and priest)

and you should have a few more points to play with left over!!!

eldar are also okay att that level 130 ish points for 33 S4 ap 5 shots isnt soo bad (but you cant shoot next turn but you can give the sarge some CC toys)

and guard cann have a few platoons and a russ or 2 :D

Grossmeister Jardezz
09-08-2010, 12:45 PM
I just want 1000 points! But don't know which army to pick yet.

My favourites are Eldar or Imperial Guard....

Why I want to quit collecting? I am 27 years old now and my wife and I start to look at the next important things in live ( house,kids, etc ) So, this is my last opportunity to spent some money...

And 2 months ago I bought a 1971 Mustang :D And there is lots of wotk to do ;)

What would be a good Eldar Infantery Army and what about some Guard Footsloggers... All those questions
I have 2 days free, so I'll spend some time with the books I think ^^

09-08-2010, 12:46 PM
Demons. 1000pts isn't much of a game, but enough to bring some stuff that can be abusive. One word - Bloodthirster. throw in Horrors & Plaguebearers and then flesh it out with Flamers, Bloodcrusthers, Fiends and Soul Grinders and you have a nasty little 1000pt list.

Bloodthirster w/ Unholy Might & Blessing of the Blood God - 275pts

5x Soul Grinders w/ Fury - 210pts

5x Plaguebearers - 75pts
5x Plaguebearers - 75pts
5x Plaguebearers - 75pts

Soul Grinder w/ Phlegm - 160pts
Soul Grinder - 135pts

or something like that. A lot of big nasties, in a little tiny army. Not close to ideal but it gets the point across. It's pretty random which means demons give you a fun game of things you never expect. Heck with all those new plastic models it might be fun just to play with the new kits, which is as always the siren song to us colectors. =D

Grossmeister Jardezz
09-08-2010, 02:01 PM
Deamons are to unpredictable to me, especially when it is only 1000 points total.

I'll write one or two lists tomorrow and will post them.

09-08-2010, 09:02 PM
And 2 months ago I bought a 1971 Mustang And there is lots of wotk to do

Damn beautiful car, I'm so glad the new ones got some of that in their styling rather than the nastiness that came out during the 90's

Grossmeister Jardezz
09-10-2010, 05:07 AM
So, this is my first thought on my last army.

It contains:

Chaplain Cassius
Land Raider Crusader
10 man Tactical Squad in Rhino
5 man Tactical Squad in Land Raider with Cassius
10 man Assault Squad

995 points ( didn't mention any upgrades )

The good thing is, I already have the Crusader and the assault squad.

I will do a list for Eldar an IG! If I have the time ^^

09-10-2010, 12:48 PM
If you already have a land raider, then I'd definitely use it, but I'd use blood angels instead of normal space marines. If nothing else, you want those assault marines to be troop choices, so they can claim objectives.

Space Wolves are my choice at 1000 points:

Rune Priest w/jaws of the world wolf, murderous hurricane [100]

9 Grey Hunters w/flamer, powerfist, rhino [190] (rune priest goes here)

10 Grey Hunters w/2 meltas, rhino [190]

10 Grey Hunters w/2 meltas, rhino [190]

Lone wolf w/terminator armor, chain fist, combi-flamer, 2 fenrisian wolves [80]

Dreadnought w/2 TL auto-cannons [125]

Dreadnought w/2 TL auto-cannons [125]

Grossmeister Jardezz
09-12-2010, 02:35 AM
Space Wolves are one of my favourites, but I never started collecting them. I have to think about why...

I will look for an Blood Angel list today...

Grossmeister Jardezz
10-16-2010, 04:45 PM
Soooooooo, after a long long time, here are the lists that crept out of my mind:

First: Space Wolves

Wolflord with Ironwolfarmour and Wolfclaw
10 Greys with Flamer, Melta, Powerfist
10 Greys with Flamer, Plas, Powerweapon
10 Bloods with Flamer and Powerweapon
5 Scouts with Melta and Plasmapistol
5 Wolfguard Termis with Assaultcannon, Powerfist, Chainfist, Stormhammer + Shield, Wolfclaw

1000 points
Second: Blood Angels ( Flesh Tearers )

Gabriel Seth
10 Tacs with one Powerfist, Rocketlauncher, Flamer in Razorback
10 Tacs with one Powerfist, Rocketlauncher, Flamer in Rhino
10 Storm Marines with one Powerfist
Baal Predator with either Assaultacannone or Flamestorm

1000 points
Third: Dark Angels ( Deathwing )

5 Deathwing Termis with one hvy Flamer
5 Deathwing Termis with one hvy Flamer
5 Deathwing Termis
5 Deathwing Termis

all Termis with a mix of Stomrbolter/Powerfist - Stormhammer/Stormshield - Powerclaws
1000 points
Fourth: Ultra Marines

Chaplain Cassius
10 Tacs with one Powerfist, Flamer and Rocketlauncher
5 Tacs with Powerweapon and Plasmapistol
5 Scouts with one Plasmapistol
5 Scouts with hvy Bolter
3 Marines on Bikes with one Powerweapon
Techmarine on Bike with Powerweapon
Dreadnought with Assaultcannon
Landspeeder Storm

1000 points
Fifth: Black Templars

Kastellan with Bionics, Crux, Powerweapon, Boltpistol
Champion with Keep the Honour of the Emperor ( 6+ invulnerable for 10 points )
10 Paladins with one Powerweapon, Flamer and 2 Neophytes
10 Paladins with one Powerfist, Melta and 2 Neophytes
5 Paladins with Plasmarifle and one Neophyte
5 Paladins with Plasmarifle
5 Terminator Swordbrethren with Furious Charge

999 points
Sixth: Codex Marines ( Chapter??? )

Master of the Forge with Powerweapon and Digitalweapons
10 Tacs with one Powerweapon, Plasmarifle, Rocketlauncher
10 Tacs with one Powerweapon, Flamer, Rocketlauncher, Meltabomb
Techmarine with Stormbolter
2 Servitors with one hvy Bolter
2 Servitors with one hvy Bolter
Dreadnought with sync Las, Rocketlauncher

998 points
Seventh: Chaos Marines ( shame on me!!! for thinking about it )

Deamonprince with Wings
3 Termichamps with 2 Kombi-Bolter and one Powerfist
6 Posessed Marines
9 Chaos Marines with one Powerweapon and Melta
9 Chaos Marines with one Powerweapon and Plasmarifle
6 Raptors with one Flamer
Kyborg ( the Weapon-changing-guys )

996 points

These are my latest thoughts.
I think I will wait for the new Daemonhunters Codex and then we'll see.
But I think now, after buying nothing for months, I can't resist anymore.
I need new toys. Maybe support for my 3 Titans???

10-16-2010, 09:47 PM
I like Guard alot myself.

I won't do your list for you, but a kitted out veteran squad and a chimera (if you like mechanized units) comes out well under 200 points.

If you like footsloggers, you can get 25 men for under 200 points in the platoon selection.

If you want to use your Land Raider, ally in an Inquisitor or some Grey Knights.

Grossmeister Jardezz
10-17-2010, 03:39 AM
I also did a list with IG on 1000 points.

HQ in Valkyrie
1 Veteran Squad in Valykrie
1 Infantry Platoon ( 25 Guards ) in 3 Valkyries

With a mix of all weapons and so on. 1000 points.

For such a small game, I think it would look nasty and maybe it would be playable too :D