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View Full Version : Cruor Vault's Tacticon report

Cruor Vault
09-07-2010, 11:30 AM
Yet another Tacticon has come and gone... And yet again I forgot to take any pictures...

Herein lies the epic tale of treachery, deceit, lost love, and high adventure that was my Tacticon 2010 experience.

I drove down to the con with a buddy of mine, it's about a 40 minute drive to the hotel where the event is held. Knowing how its usually a pain in the *** to get signed in we decided we needed to be there about 40 minutes early meaning we had to leave right at 0700 if we were going to get coffee on the way. We made it down right on schedule despite the hotel being quite literally in the worst rats nest of highways ever conceived by mankind! To go north from the hotel you actually had to head south and then do a right turn across 4 lanes of highway with no on ramp!

When we arrived the TOs needed a bit of help getting terrain setup, so myself and a couple of other locals setup terrain on the 22? tables that had been allocated to the event. It was pretty cool, the room was large enough that we could put a 18" sideboard space between every game table.

Things eventually got settled in and pairings were announced about 10 minutes late. Something happened to the computer that was being used to run the event and it took a few for them to get it working again.

My list 1850.



Assault Terminators (5)
5x Hammers

Dedicated Redeemer
Multi Melta

Tactical Squad (10)
Power Weapon
Melta Bombs
Multi Melta

Tactical Squad (10)
Power Weapon
Melta Bombs
Multi Melta

Tactical Squad (10)
Power Weapon
Melta Bombs
Multi Melta

Landspeeder Typhoon

Landspeeder Typhoon



Dozer blade

Round 1:

Mission: Kill points, 6 turns, Spearhead deployment. Also you had to declare one of your units a "critical unit" if that unit got killed your opponent got 10 points. I chose my Terminators, he chose his Meltagun Dominions.

I got paired up with one of the guys who usually comes in in the top 5 or so. I had wanted to play him for a couple of years now, but I hadn't gotten the chance. Normally he brings a beautiful Eldar army with a ton of Jet-bikes and fire dragons, but this time he brought he new Sisters army.

His list as I can remember it.

Cloak (2+ save)
Book (stubborn)

Celestine Retinue (8)
Sister Superior
Attached Priest

Sisters Squad (10)
Sister Superior
Heavy Flamer

Inducted IG Platoon

Platoon command

Platoon Squad

Platoon Squad

Heavy Weapons Team
3x Lascannon

Dominions (5)
3x Flamer

Dominions (5)
4x Meltagun




I won the roll off and chose to deploy first. There was a large hill in the center of the table that I used to anchor my right flank and then setup to hard left with most of my forces There was a river that extended across the table about a third of the way along it. This made him have to cross the river to get out of his deployment zone. He setup a whole swarm of tanks with a fire corridor for the Lascannons to see my Landraider. He did not attempt to seize the initiative.

Turn 1 Me:

I powered forwards with my Raider and popped smoke, and moved everything else forwards at combat speed. I shot my whole army at his Rhinos and only managed to achieve a glanced result on one of them!

Turn 1 Him:

He stays still for the most part, he beings to setup for a pincer on my Landraider hoping to cut it off from the rest of my army. one of his rhinos on my left flank crosses the river and begins to threaten my typhoon and predator over there. His whole army fires at the land raider and only causes a single damage result that is saved by smoke.

Turn 2 Me:

Raider powers forwards again, shoots at an Exorcist and doesn't do anything. The rest of my guys continue to advance. fire from my army inflicts a whole 2 shaken results!!

Turn 2 Him:

Having failed to do anything to anything to me last turn he pulls back a little bit, adjusting his plan to a more defensive one. Shooting again fails him all he does is shake the Raider.

Turn 3 Me:

Now things begin to get interesting...

Raider moves forwards and the Terminators debark with Vulcan. They charge and eliminate 2 squads of guardsmen. The raider kills an Exorcist with its Multi Melta, I kill a rhino with some other stuff.

Turn 3 Him:

The Rhino on the left flank pulls back across the river and fails its dangerous terrain roll and the Sisters get out. They try to Melta the Raider, but are just out of range for double dice and do nothing. The Sisters squad from the Rhino I killed moves up to the Raider, tries to Melta it and fails. The Flamer Dominions move up and flame the Terminators, killing 1. The Exorcists shoot the terminators killing 1 more.

Turn 4 Me:

Vulcan detaches from the Terminators and charges the squad of Sisters from the dead Rhino he kills 4 and they stick, the Librarian gets out of the Raider and charges the Sisters squad from the immobilized Rhino he kills a couple and they stick. The Raider moves up, flames the dominions killing half of them and Meltas another Exorcist to death. Terminators assault the Platoon command squad and the dominions killing all of them with a single Terminator falling. The rest of my army continues to advance shooting at the remaining Rhino and Immolater. I kill the Immolater carrying the Melta Dominions.

Turn 4 Him:

The Celestines and Cannoness move up, charge and kill the last terminator. He makes all but a single save! The Melta Dominions run and hide behind a hill and the last Rhino. Last Exorcist shoots the raider and does nothing, the Lascannon squad shoots also, and does nothing. At this point he has fired roughly 20 Missiles from the Exos and 15 Lascannon rounds at it, and only glanced it once! Vulcan finishes off the Sisters squad he charged and consolidates towards the Melta dominions.

Turn 5 Me:

Vulcan moves to charge the Celestines the Raider Meltas the last Exo and uses its assault cannon to murder the heavy weapons team. I moved Vulcan to a place where he could charge either the last Exo (getting him closer to the dominions) or the Celestines. The Vindicator finally does something, I put the blast template on the corner of the rhino the Dominions are hiding behind, the Rhino is completely unscathed. But 3 dominions fail their cover saves. They break and run towards Vulcan. Vulcan and a few other things shoot at the Celestines, bringing a couple down before he charges in. He kills 4, but takes 2 wounds in return.

Turn 5 Him:

All he has left is a single weaponless Rhino and the squads locked in combat with my Characters. Combat continues and Vulcan instant deaths the Cannoness. The dominions flee towards his table edge.

Turn 6 Me:

Typhoons bracket the last 2 dominions and blow them away. Vulcan kills everyone but the last sister superior from the Celestines. The Librarian fails epically to the sister superior of the last squad. I move to max out all the bonuses I can.

Turn 6 Him:

Vulcan goes down like a punk, Librarian dies after failing a couple of saves. Game ends

Result. 50 out of 54 for me. 22 for him.

Honestly this game was a super fluke. I think my list was better and I know sisters really well, but I think had things actually worked for him he would have made on hell of a fight of it. His dice rolled like *** the entire game and I was able to pull things I normally wouldn't have been able to. Hopefully next time we play each other his dice will be more even so we can have a real game of skill.

Part 2: Tyranids......!!!! Coming soon.

Cruor Vault
09-08-2010, 02:19 PM
Round 2

Mission: 1 Objective in each deployment zone, with pitched battle deployment.

Opponent: Richard from Wyoming.

Richard had a really awesome purple and lime green Nidzilla list. It looked absolutely beautiful on the table.

Walking Tyrant with claws and Bonesword +3 guard.

Flying tyrant with claws and Bonesword

6 Hiveguard

2 Tervigons

10 Gaunts

10 Gaunts




I again won the roll off. I chose to setup first with a hard push up the center with the Raider to take the center of the table and fight off his bugs and flanked left with 2 Razorbacks a Predator and My vindicator. The Typhoons and Melta Squads formed a firing line anchoring my objective in a building on my right corner.

Richard chose to setup a squad of Gaunts near the center of his deployment zone in a ruined building with the Hive guard flanking one of the Tervigons right in front. The Walking Tyrant setup to the left of that and to the left of the Tyrant was the second Tervigon. Almost parallel from where my Landraider setup the Trygons and flying Tyrant were deployed behind a building. The second squad of Gaunts was deployed next to them.

Turn 1 Me:

I moved up a little bit trying to get shots on as many of the big creatures as I could. The vindicator moved enough to take down 2 of the Tyrant Guard with a single shot and between the Typhoons and the Predators I put 4 wounds on one of the Trygons and 1 wound on a Tervigon.

Turn 1 Him:

He moved forwards with everything and ran. The second Tervigon spawned troops and they moved up towards my objective along with everything else. The Hive guard stunned the Vindicator and killed 2 marines from one of my Melta teams.

Turn 2 Me:

The Landraider raced forwards and deployed Vulcan and the Terminators into charge range of the wounded Trygon. Knowing I would annihilate it I shot the crap out of the the other Trygon and put 5 wounds on it. I also killed off a hive guard. Vulcan and the Terminators handily killed the Trygon.

Turn 2 Him:

The second Trygon the Hive tyrant and one of the squads of Gaunts charged the Terminators. The Tyrant itself actually didn't make it to base contact because he wanted to charge the Raider too. Hive Guard take down the Vindicator in a flurry of shots while the second Hive Guard unit fail to do anything to the raider. Vulcan is a champ and puts down the Hive guard while the Terminators kill 3 gaunts and finish off the Trygon. The Tyrant immobilized the Land Raider. Both Tervigons move forwards and he makes another unit of Gaunts which move to follow the unit that just charged the Terminators.

Turn 3 Me:

I found out half way through this shooting phase that Hive Guard are only 4+ saves. I thought they were 3+! The Typhoons shoot at the Tervigon near my objective and put a couple more wounds on it while everything else shoots at Hive guard and fails miserably to do anything. Vulcan and the terminators kill all but the last 2 gaunts and the Tyrant takes 3 wounds. Vulcan unfortunately takes 2 wounds in the process and I am down to only 2 terminators. The Librarian jumps out of the Landraider and charges one of the Hive guard units killing one of them.

Turn 3 Him:

The Tervigon close to my objective pulls back a bit and spawns another unit of Gaunts. Luckily this time it runs out! The Hive Guard unit that is unengaged pulls back into cover and shoots at the raider again, doing nothing. More Gaunts charge Vulcan and the terminators and finish them off. The Tyrant consolidates to nearly right on my objective with 3 gaunts in 1 squad ans 11 in another right near it. The Librarian goes down to the Hive guard without doing anything else.

Turn 4 Me:

I start pushing my left to get to his objective by moving 2 Razorbacks up as fast as they can go. The Raider kills the Tervigon near my objective and the Marine fire base kills the Tyrant. I charge the small 3 man squad of Termigaunts with a tactical squad and demolish them while the other squad is reduced to 3 Gaunts and flees because of no synapse.

Turn 4 Him:

The last surviving Tervigon moves back towards his objective along with the last 2 Hive Guard. He spawns a unit of Termigaunts and burns out, those gaunts move towards his objective. Nothing else happens.

Turn 5 Me:

I move the 2 Razorbacks right next to his objective as fast as they can go. I shoot everything and kill a unit of gaunts (Leaving him now with 2 units of 10 on his objective and a unit of 4 also near his objective) and I take the Tervigon to 3 wounds.

Turn 5 Him:

Tervigon moves towards the Razorbacks but is just out of range to charge. The gaunts consolidate on top of the objective and wait for me to get out.

Turn 6 Me:

I put 4 wounds on the Tervigon, but he got Feel no pain off and was able to save 3 of them. I got both tactical squads out of the Razorbacks and each unit charged a squad of Gaunts. the unit in the bottom of the building was completely destroyed by shooting and the unit in the top was reduced to 4 models, who were subsequently eliminated.

Turn 6 Him:

Tervigon charges into the building and kills 3 marines from the squad on the objective, the 4 gaunts charge, 3 get killed before they can strike, but the last one manages to kill another marine. I lose combat by 1 roll an 11 on the break check and flee out of the building turning the game from a solid win for me to a 38, 32 draw in my favor.

Next up...

Round 3, Tzeentch Chaos Marines! Also, Duke makes an appearance and begins to heckle me during my game! All this and more after the break!

09-08-2010, 02:42 PM
"hive guard are 4+ save..." good stuff! I hate it when i find something out like that mid game and especially when you had so many "extra" heavy bolters to perfectly target them with.

Also, I wasn't heckling... I was calling you a dirty cheater, heckling is totally different, lol.

I'm sure your not the only one who has figured out something Ike that mid battle.


09-13-2010, 07:24 AM
Where is the third and final battle? I'm on the edge of my seat.

09-15-2010, 12:14 PM
Interesting BatReps. I am not sure if I am reading the SoB list correctly, but I was under the impression the allies rule required two troop choices from the parent army?

Also, I am amazed he did nothing with his Exorcists it seemed. I would never, ever shoot them at a Land Raider - I would first hit the Typhoons who have a large damage potential on a small Chassis and then throw them into the Rhinos and finally disembarked heavy infantry like Terminators.

I am also curious why he took a book on his Celestian squad that came as a retinue for the Canoness, since she cannot leave the squad (or be singled out in combat) they will always have access to her book unless he does some silly wound allocation and gets her killed. Running Celestians as Flamer/Melta is also generally silly. The way SoB kill MEQ is through Divine Guidance, and for that you really need a squad size of 10 so that means Celestians get to bring 2x Melta guns. Finally, bringing a priest is okay if you really want to (although not worth it at all) but he at least needs an Eviscerator and a 4+ save...

Wellplayed though on your part throwing your TH/SS terms down his throat and pushing him into shooting at your LR.