View Full Version : Anti-BA Tactics

09-06-2010, 09:36 AM
What some things Tau can do against the broken angels? I generally give my battle suit plasma rifles. Other than that I seem to get destroyed no matter what I throw at them

09-06-2010, 10:55 AM
You need things that can delay their Close Combat capabilities. Second shooting from darkness is not a bad idea-- smart missiles.

Broadsides with Plasma Rifles will back you up-- the multitracker could be useful--- firing both Plasma and Railguns. Vespids neutron blaster can be an effective weapon, and don't forget they are Initiative 5, and that they can deep strike into terrain without much worry.

Stealthsuits can help--- their range + firepower can put wounds out.

Last bit, sniper rifles and Marker Lights. Pinning still works against Blood Angels, unless they are fearless.

Ultimately, you will face them in CC and you will lose. What you need to do is figure out how to keep your forces shooting, and engage those in CC as long as possible so the rest of your army can engage other units, a lot of organizers will be flexible in that respect--- if you are polite and let them know what you are doing!

Btw, Blood Angels aren't broken--- their codex is on par with Imp Guard, SM, SW, and Tyranids. The Tau just need to be using their 'other' gear--- ie Forgeworld. Most people will let you play with forgeworld stuff, and if you are heading to tournaments--- tell them, AHEAD of time, that you want to bring Forgeworld units, and explain what you are bringing.

09-06-2010, 12:23 PM
I'd try and fit in more minimum sized squads, with some space between them.
Let's face facts, once melee marines are in close combat it doesn't matter if it's 6 firewarriors or 12 with shield drones, you'll be beaten and run down.
However, a small squad will be beaten but the second small squad will get another round of shooting.

09-06-2010, 12:40 PM
as a ba player who frequently advise his tau and SM mates on how to win heres my 2 tips

if you spread out he cant mass CC you

if you spread too far he can pick off your units 1 by 1

and from experiance suits and ethereals arnt CC slouches and enough kroot should kill something

09-06-2010, 02:54 PM
The road victory is always trhee fold:

Try to play your game which is don't stop moving. Max out smart missle's and marker lights

Rember the victory condition. This ain't 4th edtion. I have one games with one trooper ona a objective and like 3/4 of my army destroyed.

yeah you can't fight in close combat but you never have to get out of your fishs