View Full Version : The Bellower - Issue #3 out now!

09-06-2010, 09:27 AM
The third issue of the Stronghold's Ogre Kingdoms webzine is available to download now! You can find it here (http://www.ogrestronghold.com/bellower.php).

http://www.ogrestronghold.com/images/news/bellower_3.jpg (http://www.ogrestronghold.com/bellower.php)

In this issue:
Cover art by Tushan
From the Gut with Editor Randroid
Ask Aunty Doreen
Avatars of War Ogre Miniature Review
Tactics For Tyrants - Magic Items Overview
Blood Bowl Gnoblar Team
The Ballad of Captain Margaret
Butcher's Cauldron - Greenstuff Banner
Armies of the Stronghold - BeastMum's Ogres

If you have feedback, praise, suggestions, or contributions for future issues, let me know about it! You can email me at [email protected], or leave your comments here.

Lastly, the Bellower Team are hiring! If you'd like to join the team and help put together future issues of the Bellower, please get in touch.

Thanks for looking ...