View Full Version : What IA books do I need?

09-06-2010, 08:35 AM
I am a little confused on what is contained in the different Imperial Armor books. Mainly, I want a book that has the rules for the various Kroot knarlocs. I also play Chaos and Orks, so anything with rules for those guys is an added bonus.

So can I just get the IA Apocalypse books I&II, or do I need to get the Taros book for the Tau/Kroot, the Vraks books for Chaos, and/or the Kastorel-Novem book for Orks?

09-06-2010, 10:38 AM
I'm pretty sure that IA3 has a bunch of the kroot stuff (I know it has half a dozen turret upgrades for the hammerhead tank; while Apoc II has the rules for some of the new battle suits.
If you want to go all out with Orks, I'd say Kastoral-Novem is the best buy.
The problem is that there are no single books that will get you every single thing you'll want.

If price is an issue, I'd go with Apoc I & II together (the two are cheaper then IA3 or 8 by themselves), and would have some rules for Orks, Chaos and Tau; although probably not the rules and units that will make you most happy.

If you make a precise list of units you feel you need to have, and a secondary list of units that would make you happy, I'll see what I can do as a breakdown of books.

09-06-2010, 06:07 PM
I'd like to get the book with the rules for the Great Knarloc with Bolt Thrower. Knarloc riders would be an added bonus. I don't really care about anything else for the Tau. Ideally, if the IA Apoc books have the rules for those guys then I am good.

I don't have anything specific in mind for the Orks or Chaos. For now probably the only thing I'd want to try out would be Chaos drop pod, or the Grot tanks.

...someday I'll have a Titan. Someday....

09-07-2010, 04:28 AM
Go with Vol 3 then.
It's the first of the "campaign" books.

Fluff and stats and pics for many Tau units, as well as the imperial units that fought them.
It's my favourite of the volumes (but that's because they don't have an eldar one YET - outside of the old softcover IA2 book).

09-07-2010, 06:23 AM
currently the grot tanks are only in IA8 kastoral novem. not sure about the other bits but overall i wouldnt buy any of the IA books if you are just looking for rules, with the possible exception of the two apocolypse books. in all other cases they are designed to be source books for campaigns and the fluff specific to vehicles rather than a rules source (although obviously they have the rules with them.) if you arent prepared for this, as a lot of people I know werent, you are going to feel ripped off for the price.