View Full Version : Adepticon Primer: AWC Series #7 October 16th - Combat Patrol!

09-06-2010, 07:52 AM
I'm not sure if this is the correct forum to be posting this in, but I know alot of people follow BOLS.

All right everyone get out that army you have been looking at starting and get it painted up. Now is your chance to paint a small portion and see how it looks/works. Do you want to win a best appearence and dont have to paint a whole army? Here you go. Or do you just want to try something different. The tentative combat partol rules are:
• Armies are no more than 400 points.
• The Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rules will be used.
• The AdeptiCon INAT FAQ will be used.
• Forge World/Imperial Armor units are not allowed in Combat Patrol, however players may still use their Forge World models to represent a unit from their codex.

• All Combat patrol armies must conform to the following Force Organization restrictions.
HQ 0-1
Troops 1-3
Elite 0-1
Fast Attack 0-1
Heavy Support 0-1
0-1 ‘Swing slot’ that may be used for Troops, elite, Fast Attack or Heavy.

• You must have at least one Troop choice.
• Armies are not required to take mandatory unit choices. All other unit restrictions (i.e. 0-1) apply.
• You may spend remaining points from anywhere in the Codex.
• With the exception of Troops and models with Swarm Universal Special Rule, No model can have more than 2 Wounds.
• Psykers may be used, but may NOT use any power requiring a psychic test.
• No model can have a 2+ save.
• No monstrous creatures.
• No Special/Unique/Named Characters are allowed in the Combat Patrol event.
• Aside from Troops choices and dedicated Transports, only vehicles witha maximum of 11 in any armor facing may be taken. Dedicated transports and troops may have a maximum armor facing of 12. Vehicle Squadrons and Artillery units at permitted provided every unit within the unit individually would be permitted.
• The 'What You See Is What You Get' (WYSIWYG) rule is in effect. That means all units must be easily identifiable as the particular codex choice they represent and that any and all weapons/options taken for a unit must be clearly represented on the model(s).
• All models must be painted Citadel miniatures (up to 50% conversion is allowed).

As usual all the other AWC Series Stuff will apply

Prizes, prestige and bragging rights will be awarded at each event. Points will be earned towards the AWC Series Invitational to be held at Adepticon 2011.

Event #7 Details:

When: Saturday October 16th - Sign-in @ 10:30 Games begin @ 11:00

Where: Chicago Battle Bunker

What: 400 points, 5 rounds of play

Entry Fee: $10.00 preregistered, $15.00 on the day of the event
This is first come first served with a max of 24 players

- Armies will consist of 400 points using a standard force organization chart.
- The Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rules will be used.
- The AdeptiCon INAT FAQ will be used. This FAQ is available here: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/downloadAttach/44054.page (INAT hasn't yet been updated to reflect GW's Blood Angels and Tyranid FAQs. Since INAT considers GW FAQs to be rules as written, the GW FAQs will be used for Tyranids and Blood Angels, with INAT only being used to answer questions that the GW FAQs don't address. Sorry for the inconvenience)
- Army lists must follow the Adepticon 2010 40K Combat Patrol Rules posted above.
- All models in a players army MUST be painted to a 3 color minimum standard. Any model not painted to this standard will be removed from play. If this results in an illegal unit (below minimum squad size for example) then the entire unit will be removed. Points spent on these models/units will be lost and considered killed for game scenarios.
Primer is not a color also three dots of color to not constitute paint. This will be subject to the tournament organizers discretion.
- All converted models are subject to the Adepticon 2010 model policy. It can be found here. http://www.adepticon.org/10rules/2010modelpolicy.pdf
The tournament organizer upon his discretion may remove models if this makes the unit they are in illegal then the whole unit may have to be removed with no replacements being added.
- Forge World/Imperial Armor units are not allowed, however players may still use their Forge World models to represent a unit from their codex.
- Individual units that may have multiple rules versions will follow the rules presented in that army's codex. Yes, this means a Black Templar Land Raider will function differently than a standard Space Marine Land Raider. Please take the time to review the relevant GW/Adepticon FAQ's for clarifications.
- The 'What You See Is What You Get' (WYSIWYG) rule is in effect. That means all units must be easily identifiable as the particular codex choice they represent and that any and all weapons/options taken for a unit must be clearly represented on the model(s).
- You must provide access to your own rules (which include the actual Codex used for your army), dice, templates, pen/pencil, calculator, or anything else you'll need during the course of regular play.
- A separate printed army list is required for the judges and each of your opponents.
- In order to keep the tournament running on schedule, when time is called for a round, all player's must drop the dice and stop playing - no exceptions. Because of this, please be aware of the time left in the round and do not start a turn you cannot finish. A hard warning will be issued with 15 minutes remaining in the game. NO Game Turn shall be started after this warning is issued, period.
- If illegal units or rules violations are found in a player's list, at a minimum, the models in violation will be removed from all subsequent play. Tournament points may be deducted and award eligibility may be forfeited.
- Tournament Judges' rulings are final and arguments or poor conduct by players will not be tolerated.

Battle: Is still being worked on but will be posted as soon as possible.

Sportsmanship: 36 total points, player scored

Appearance: 35 total points, judge scored

Each round, players will evaluate their opponent by the following criteria:

- Was your opponent prompt to report for the start of the round? Yes/No
- Did your opponent share their army list with you before the game? Yes/No
- Did your opponent come prepared to play and bring all required items to play (dice, templates, rulers, rulebooks, codices, pens, calculators, etc.) Yes/No
- Was your opponent consistent about game procedures, such as re-rolling cocked dice or picking up failed dice rolls instead of successes? Yes/No
- Did your opponent appear to measure movement and assault distances accurately? Yes/No
- Did your opponent put forward a good faith effort to play at a timely pace and complete the game in the allotted time? Yes/No (3 points)
- Were rules issues that may have arisen during the game handled amicably by your opponent? Yes/No
- Was your opponent's army easy to understand with clear conversions or completely WYSWIG? Yes/No
- Do you think your opponent built an army based on the theme of the relevant gaming universe and supplied background for that army (as opposed to a force built purely for winning with little or no regard to that army's established background)? Yes/No
- Would you voluntarily play this person again? Yes/No

- This will be judge based and will use the scoring structure designated for the AWC Tournament Series.

- Overall Champion: Total Points. Battle Points then Sportsmanship then Appearance for tiebreakers.
- Best General: Battle Points. Sportsmanship then Appearance for tiebreakers.
- Best Sportsman: Sportsmanship points. Favorite Opponent then Battle Points then Overall Points for tie breakers.
- Best Appearance: Appearance points. Players Choice for tiebreaker.

Prizes will be awarded in store gift cards with amounts based on total entry fees paid.

SCHEDULE will be:
10:30 - 11:00 Registration
11:00 - 12:00 Game 1
12:00 - 12:45 Lunch and Appearance judging and Players Choice voting
12:45 - 1:45 Game 2
1:45 - 2:00 Break
2:00 - 3:00 Game 3
3:15 - 3:30 Break
3:30 - 4:30 Game 4
4:30 - 4:45 Break
4:45 - 5:45 Game 5
6:00 Awards presentation

Preregistration can be done in person at the Chicago Battle Bunker (just ask one of the Hobby Specialists) and will require the deposit of $10.00 onto the tournament gift card. Players will also be required to provide their contact phone number to the Hobby Specialist for registry in their til.

Players wishing to preregister via paypal. Email address is [email protected]
Space is limited so I suggest preregistering for the event.

If you have any questions, please PM me or post them in this thread.

Greg Swanson and Tyler Cooley (me)

** Striking a balance for Combat Patrol is difficult, but we have released these preliminary rules as a method to solicit feedback. Please let us know what you think.

09-20-2010, 07:20 PM
Podcast for a conversation about Adepticon and Combat Patrol


09-20-2010, 07:58 PM
only two wounds max?

You realize your shooting nids in the foot right?(Since warriors are 3 wounds now.)

09-20-2010, 08:26 PM
• With the exception of Troops and models with Swarm Universal Special Rule, No model can have more than 2 Wounds.

How so?

09-21-2010, 11:08 AM
Eh. Missed the part that said this dose not apply to troops.