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  1. Feral Orks-still legal at all?
  2. space wolves build for a new player
  3. 1500 SM competetive
  4. 2K Unusual All-comers IG Army List - Help!
  5. 2K Space Wolves
  6. 1850 Space Marine Bike list
  7. 2000 pt Space Wolves
  8. Ork mech list
  9. Chaos 1500 pointer - Khorne lead
  10. 750 point Imperial Guard all-comers
  11. Harald Deathwolf's company - 1500pts
  12. 2nd Try at 2000pt Space Wolves
  13. 1850 Chaos All Comers attempt.
  14. 2k Eldar advice...
  15. 1750 SM, armoured might
  16. 2500 Pt Vostroyan IG List
  17. 1750pt Ork Clanking Tide
  18. 1850 Egil the Iron Wolf's GC...He's a little busy elsewhere though
  19. A list worthy of bringing down a GW manager
  20. Space Wolves Wolf Lords
  21. 2500 Mechanized Kasrkin (competitive)
  22. 1850 Slaaneshi Chaos Marine Goodness
  23. help please with 2k Space Wolves army
  24. 1500 all comers chaos
  25. 1500pts SW alround army
  26. 2k marines list
  27. 2000pts, Space Wolves, first attempt...
  28. 2000 MechGuard List for Tournament
  29. 2000pts World Eater list...
  30. 4k Space Wolves Epic Battle Army List Help please
  31. Marine 2k Vulkan (semi competitive)
  32. 1850pts Marines: Advice Needed
  33. 2000pts crimson fist tourny list
  34. Spartan`s Guard - 1500 points + tactics
  35. 2k tournament list - shrike's debut
  36. 1500pt Seer Council Mech Eldar
  37. Marine list: 2000 points (Khan)
  38. Space Wolves 1500 point list
  39. Orks vs Demons/2000 points lists
  40. The Scourged: counts as Space Wolves, 2000 pts.
  41. The MechInfList is FOR KHORNE
  42. 1500 Tyranids- Need help for first tourney
  43. vulkan scouts 1500
  44. 1850 Crons
  45. 1850 Celestial Lions (counts as Space Wolves)
  46. 1000 pts SW need help!
  47. Prototype Alpha Legion Minilist: Advice Appreciated
  48. Imperial Guard Army List - Please Help!
  49. 2000pt Daemons: Fateweaver / Nurgle
  50. 1500pt SW
  51. Teufel-Hunde
  52. A long list of things I'll get eventually.
  53. Storm Riders-1500
  54. Variations on a Theme - 1500pts IG Tourny Lists
  55. 1850 pt Guard List
  56. New to the Site and IG.
  57. Grey Knights 2K
  58. 1750 sw
  59. "And an iron fist falling from the sky crushed them"
  60. Semi Competitive Ultramarine Army 2000pts
  61. 1850pt Imperial Guard List
  62. Fangs from the Sky
  63. Raven Guard 1850 List
  64. Arjac as IC
  65. Various Imperial Guard Lists with an explanation of choices. C&C More Than Welcome!
  66. Space Wolves 1000 pts
  67. 1500 Pts Iron Lords
  68. Dream List
  69. SW 1750 Tourney list
  70. Dark Angels 1750
  71. IG "Super" Armor List
  72. 2000 points assault list
  73. "Take All Comers" 1500pt Dark Angels List
  74. 1500pt Orks, No vehicles! lots of bodies!
  75. Competitive 2000pts Nid list...
  76. need help for orks against space wolfs
  77. Space Wolf 1500 point lists.
  78. Marines 1250 Possible Tourney List
  79. 2000pt CC Guard
  80. Guard - 1750 for tourneys
  81. Dark Angels - 1850 List
  82. 2000 point shooty list
  83. Blood Claws and Land Raiders...
  84. 1500 Space Wolf Fairy Eater
  85. 1500 eldar
  86. 1850 Wolf List
  87. Drop/Mech 1850 SW
  88. 1500 point Troutny list - Chaos SMs Death Guard themed.
  89. 1500pt Mech Eldar GT list
  90. 1500 pts Chaos Space Marine List
  91. 2000pt Daemonhunters
  92. 1250 Space Marine List with Combat
  93. Last Try at Unusual 2K IG List
  94. DeamonHunters and Imperial Guard come together in an epic 2000 pt list!
  95. Tau, 1240p
  96. Our Missiles Will Blot Out the Sun!! - 2k Guard
  97. On the topic of 2k spam lists, flame spam??
  98. 1500pt Saim Hann list, something a bit different
  99. Space Marines 500pts
  100. 1500pts Orks expansion help requested.
  101. Please Reccommend a 2k Space Wolves List
  102. Logan Dropwing, 2000pts
  103. 1500, 'non-cheese', I.G. Mech Force
  104. Tourney wolves 1850
  105. Which guard list?
  106. my 2000pt logan term force
  107. 1850 Deathing
  108. Ultramarines 2000 Point List
  109. IG 2K Super-Heavy Challenge
  110. Vulkan firing squad!
  111. Eldar 1500- Mech Dragon Heavy
  112. [1500/1850/2000pts] Scaled Mech Guard Lists
  113. Tau 1850 fluffy list
  114. 2000pt Grey Knight Vendetta List
  115. 1850 Space Marine List for Anti-Mech
  116. WolfGuard vs. Honor Guard
  117. 1500pt mech guard list
  118. Okay my last attempt to make 1500 point Space Wolf armies.
  119. 2000 Point Elysians
  120. 1500pt Mixed Eldar List
  121. need help with a CSM list 1500
  122. 2000-ish Hybrid Mech/Gunline IG
  123. 1500 PT Air Assault List
  124. 1001 pts SM List
  125. space wolf 2000pt Unbeatable???
  126. 2000pt Grey Knights in Chimeras
  127. 1850 wolf 2.0
  128. 2000 Mech Guard, comments please
  129. Mixed Space Wolves 2K
  130. 1850 Space Vikings(Wolves)
  131. Pure Drop Pod SM
  132. 1000 Points - Scout Company
  133. 500pts Guard
  134. 1750 Sisters of Battle
  135. Competative Blood Angels JP list
  136. pedro 1500 list
  137. 1750 pts Blood Axez
  138. ULRIK, BJORN, RAGNAR: How to incorporate int an army list?
  139. 1500 Mechanized IG
  140. 1500 pt IG - Planetstrike Defender
  141. 1,500 points chaos space marines
  142. 1,500 IG Planetstrike attacker-will it work
  143. 1250 SM list/Mechanized
  144. whack-a-GROTS
  145. 2000 Orks, trying something new
  146. 1000 and 1500 IG mech lists for critique (hopefully competitive)
  147. 1500 shrike list
  148. New to Eldar: 1000 Mech/mobile
  149. 1750 Ragnar's Claw
  150. Ordos Xenos list
  151. 1500 Pts Mech IG
  152. Speed Kills?
  153. Nurgle/death guard. Please help!
  154. 1500 pts Emp Children help please guys for crimbo (:
  155. Space Wolves Army
  156. 1000 Alaitoc
  157. Sisters army for a friend.
  158. 2500 Competitive IG Hybrid
  159. Blood Angels 1500
  160. Un-stopable Death Guard List.
  161. Space Wolves, 2k
  162. 1500 Imperial Fists
  163. Logan's Drop Company 2,000 Points
  164. Bike SM 2K R&R
  165. My first try at a air assault IG army
  166. IG tourney list from around the globe
  167. 1500 SM list for this weekend
  168. 1,500 Tourny IG
  169. 2,000 Point IG Infantry Company
  170. 2000pts IG, needs refining
  171. 2000 Competitive Mech Guard w/ Platoons, HWS
  172. 2000 Iybraesil Eldar - Mech/Fast
  173. Lysander SMASH!!!
  174. Deep striking death guard - A punch below the belt!
  175. 1750 space wolves list Competitive
  176. 1750 ork list cpmpetitive wou like some feed back
  177. 1250 SM list/Mechanized
  178. 1250 Daemons of Chaos
  179. 1250 Double Tournament, Daemons and Tau
  180. Space Marines @ 2000pts "Blood Angels,"
  181. 1500pts Marine hybrid
  182. 2k Space Marine list: Need help finishing
  183. Dark Eldar newbie list
  184. SM-2000-Read and Review
  185. Suggest a 1000point Space Wolve Ragnar list please
  186. 1500pt Competetive IG List
  187. Umpteenth Look: Orks #1
  188. Imperial Guard 2000 pts.
  189. 2250 Eldar Mounted List
  190. 2000 points easy to use Deamons
  191. 1500/MechDar/Tournament. I intend to offend. . .
  192. Red Scorpions Marines 1500pts (for weekly Games Night use)
  193. IG dance party of doom! (1,500pts)
  194. For Khorne! 1500 pt list
  195. Tau Local Tournament 1850
  196. 3000pt CSM KERBSTOMPER
  197. Imperial Guard 1,500pts (Catachan)
  198. City-levelling, explosion-loving IG concept army, 1500 pts
  199. 2k IG list need some advice since I have been deployed
  200. 1500 IG vs. Space Wolves
  201. 2k mostly mechdar
  202. Kharn!!! 1500 pt Fun List vs. MEQs
  203. Space Wolves: Erik Morkai Great Company Ideas
  204. 2500pt IG tourney
  205. Tourney list: 1850 pts. Slaaneshi CSM
  206. 2000 pt Imperial Guard list
  207. 2000 pts Infantry Space Wolves.
  208. Space Wolves 1500pts
  209. 2 valks 2 land raiders gk list
  210. Tyranids
  211. 1750 Mechanized Eldar
  212. 1850 Khan/Dread list C&C encouraged
  213. 1750 My Go at Harlequins
  214. 2000 CSM (Primarily Nurgle)
  215. New Nids, 2k list led by Swarm Lord
  216. Sneaky Little Elves!
  217. 2500 Space Marines
  218. 1500 Pt Mech Assault
  219. 2000 point marine toury army
  220. 2500 Imperial Guard list.
  221. Space Wolves: How best to use HQ / IC Choices?
  222. 1500 Wolves Mecha Cav Tourney List
  223. 1750 SM Mechanized
  224. 2500pt IG PLANETSTRIKE Defender List
  225. 1850 pt SM/GK Knight Campaign List
  226. [SM][1850][Tournament Tomorrow]
  227. 1500/Orks/Tournament
  228. 2000pt Cities of Death army
  229. 1000 pts. Chaos List
  230. 750 and 1000 Sisters lists
  231. IG noob plans 1500 pts
  232. 2000pt Guard idea. Is it crappy? Probly.
  233. Stealer Shock for 5th. 1850
  234. 1500pt Mech or 1500pt Calvary?
  235. 1500pt competitive eldar list
  236. 3000pt Iron Warrior List
  237. 1750 Tournament marine list
  238. Chenkov List
  239. Blood Angels 500 points
  240. Help complete a 2k eldar army list please.
  241. Wolf Waaaaaaaaaghhhhh!!!!! 1500 pts
  242. help me choose space marine chapter
  243. 2000pt Mech Black Templar List
  244. 1500pt max Guard Armour
  245. 1500pt Competitive Mech Eldar
  246. 2500 pt tyranid symple list
  247. soo....psychic choir or something with tervigons...decisions decisions
  248. Space Wolves 1500 - Possible Tourney List
  249. Darkened Skies Tyranid Army List
  250. Salamanders Army Build out/ List