- Cryx (0 replies)
- Legion of Everblight (0 replies)
- Cyriss (0 replies)
- Garryth, Eye of Vengence (0 replies)
- Crucible Guard (0 replies)
- Protectorate Warcasters (0 replies)
- Farrow Minions (0 replies)
- Protectorate of Menoth (1 replies)
- Legion Reinforcements (0 replies)
- Man-O-War Khador (0 replies)
- Jade Legion Ogruns (0 replies)
- Red Khador (0 replies)
- Classic Legion Warlocks (0 replies)
- Violet Retribution of Scyrah (0 replies)
- Fyanna, Torment of Everblight (0 replies)
- Classic Cygnar (0 replies)
- Grimkins (3 replies)
- Huge Menoth Collection (0 replies)
- Blindwater Reinforcements (1 replies)
- Classic Cygnar (1 replies)
- Snowy Warmachine Miniatures (0 replies)
- Thagrosh the Messiah (0 replies)
- MadMax themed minions! (0 replies)
- Menoth Jack Force (0 replies)
- Painting CoC with pigment washes (0 replies)
- Chilon- Giant of Bemoth (0 replies)
- Ogrun Bokur (0 replies)
- Warmachine/Hordes Philippines - Painted Models (8 replies)
- Mecha Terrasaur (0 replies)
- Wolf of Winter's Warmachine project (0 replies)
- Circle Orboros from the Twilight Woods - Splatter Studio. (0 replies)
- Cygnar army finished. (0 replies)
- Vayle (0 replies)
- Menoth project by WSP (5 replies)
- Fog Drake (0 replies)
- Donny's log of Farrow (and other assorted WM/H things) (1 replies)
- Helga the Conqueror (P3 Grandmasters entry) (1 replies)
- SC's Warmachine + painting thread (6 replies)
- Some random Circle models! (0 replies)
- Legion in the snow. (1 replies)
- Mercenaries solos. (0 replies)
- Rally's Warmahordes projects (4 replies)
- Dpal's WMH painting stuff (0 replies)
- Satyxis Captain (2 replies)
- Some Protectorate of Menoth (0 replies)
- Army Green Khadorans (0 replies)
- Winter Oboros with minions (pic heavy) (0 replies)
- Khadorans in red and green (0 replies)
- Small Troll warband (4 replies)
- Black Khador (3 replies)
- Atumn Circle Orboros (2 replies)
- Copper Cyriss (0 replies)
- Avatar of Menoth (0 replies)
- Circle Orboros Project (0 replies)
- Turquoise Legion of Everblight (3 replies)
- Black Circle Orboros (5 replies)
- Iron Kingdoms Bear Riders of Awesome! (0 replies)
- Cryx army (0 replies)
- Thagrosh the Messiah... (0 replies)
- Deathjack (2 replies)
- Warmachine Tactics entry: Wip and alt scheme trollblood (2 replies)
- Warmachine Tactics Entry - Legion of Everblight with a splash of Cygnar (0 replies)
- Warmachine Tactics Entry: Retribution of Scyrah (0 replies)
- 2015 Resolution - Trollbloods (0 replies)
- Warmachine Tactics Entry: Trollbloods and CO (2 replies)
- Warmachine Tactics Entry: Circle of Orboros (0 replies)
- Warmachine Tactics Entry: My best work (0 replies)
- Warmachine Tactics Giveaway - The Golden Horde (0 replies)
- Warmachine tactics Entry - The beginnings of a blighted army! (0 replies)
- Warmachine Tactics contest / Hexeris Skorne (1 replies)
- Newbie WM/H player, my painted stuff! (0 replies)
- WiP. Asssorted Minis for funzies. (1 replies)
- Epic Thagrosh the Messiah (3 replies)
- Fury of Halaak (0 replies)
- LuckGod's Cygnar (48 replies)
- AWI Tournament Trophy. Rising from the Ashes (0 replies)
- Rhul Corridor Enforcers (First WM/H project) (0 replies)
- Ongoing Khador Commission (1 replies)
- journeyman league first army painting (0 replies)
- Captain Darius (1 replies)
- Warmachine Convergence by WSP (2 replies)
- Extreme Alt Scheme Khador (0 replies)
- Kickstarter warcasters (0 replies)
- Khador Behemoth (1 replies)
- My comission painting (2 replies)
- Beerzerks Painting Warmachine Showcase (1 replies)
- Trollbloods War Wagon (2 replies)
- A Quick Khador Commission (0 replies)
- Warmachine – Captain Montadors Buccaneers! (3 replies)
- Yaum La Machine's WM/H showcase thread (24 replies)
- Airbrushing Assistance (0 replies)
- Cygnar Black 13th Strike Team Commission (0 replies)
- Gator ''zombie'' army (8 replies)
- My Cryx Army (2 replies)
- Khador Conquest 300 style conversion (7 replies)
- Sorscha Kratikoff (0 replies)
- Skorne Mammoth! (2 replies)
- MINX STUDIO- Circle Orboros (2 replies)
- Khador Conquest scratch build (4 replies)
- ArchAngel of Everblight (8 replies)
- From the Gnarls rise the United Kriel (A Troll Blog) (5 replies)
- Menoth 2014 (2 replies)
- Working on an Afflictor the way it should have been sculpted ;) (1 replies)
- Unleash the Carnivean (2 replies)
- ToadPainters painting projects (47 replies)
- new cryx army! (1 replies)
- Major Katherine Laddermore (1 replies)
- Purple Cryx (0 replies)
- Advice/Tutorials for Red Weathered Khador (0 replies)
- Commander Coleman Stryker - Gaming Standard (0 replies)
- Testament of Menoth (Gaming Standard) (0 replies)
- Judicator: Colossal of Menoth (2 replies)
- Hordebloods Project (Warcraft Conversion) (2 replies)
- Retribution Mages (0 replies)
- CCC Studios Commission (0 replies)
- Ossrum and his favorite 'jack (0 replies)
- Alternate Cygnar Color Schemes (2 replies)
- 2013 Project 1 - Protectorate of Menoth (16 replies)
- Painting Drago - Warmachine Khador Heavy Warjack - Deff Head Dice Tutorial 001 (0 replies)
- Some warmachine miniatures by Jolly Roger Studio (32 replies)
- Maelok the Dreadbound (1 replies)
- colossus commision (0 replies)
- Joker Khador (1 replies)
- Conquest Review (0 replies)
- Cygnar Precursor Knights (0 replies)
- Cygnar Rangers (0 replies)
- Menoth Vanquisher (0 replies)
- Epic Vayle and Proteus (0 replies)
- Menoth army (23 replies)
- Pirate 'Jacks (0 replies)
- Menoth Crusader (2 replies)
- My first foray into Warmachine - Khador (pic heavy) (5 replies)
- Khador Battlebox Showcase (0 replies)
- My Khador army first step... (1 replies)
- Varuious badasses for Cygnar and Mercenaries (0 replies)
- eBay store (0 replies)
- Beau's Retribution (2 replies)
- cryx alternate paint scheme... (4 replies)
- Recommend a glue. (10 replies)
- Nomad Warjack (11 replies)
- ravagor and carnivean wip (0 replies)
- Question about Magnetizing (Warjacks) (4 replies)
- For Chicagoland Painters: Mathieu Fontaine Masterclasses I/II: April 28-29, May 5-6 (0 replies)
- Throne of Everblight (12 replies)
- My Cryx (2 replies)
- Converting Tharn Wolf Riders? (0 replies)
- Purple Khador WIP (18 replies)
- Cryx Battlebox (15 replies)
- Fully Painted Circle Orboros for sale (16 replies)
- Cygnar and Khador (4 replies)
- Blitzer conversion (and other Trollbloods) (14 replies)
- Cygnar Major Victoria Haley and Trenchers (14 replies)
- Cheap and easy way to make templates! (8 replies)
- Gorman di Wulf in blue (10 replies)
- Complete and Fully Painted Ret on ebay (9 replies)
- Talon Warjack- Magnus Agenda (3 replies)
- Khador in Greens (13 replies)
- Strakhov: Necessity is the Mother of Invention (8 replies)
- Vanguard Bodyguard... (2 replies)
- Vanguard Bodyguard... (0 replies)
- An Old Man with Equilibrium... (2 replies)
- Verdigris Vanguard (7 replies)
- Cygnar Lot (4 replies)
- Gun Carriage with Flames (1 replies)
- Gorax and Warpwolf in greys (0 replies)
- Khador army shot. (22 replies)
- How Do I Paint!? (3 replies)
- Skarre Cryx Commission (3 replies)
- Hex Hunters and the Blackfrost shard (15 replies)
- Tabletop-grade Cryx (8 replies)
- Alexia in White (1 replies)
- Vanguard with Hazard Stripes (8 replies)
- War Hog (of doom) (1 replies)
- More Circle Oboros (6 replies)
- Kaya and some Circle in green (0 replies)
- My converted Precursor Knights. (7 replies)
- My Talion Charter (25 replies)
- Cincinnati Arsenal Presents Mathieu Fontaine (Mar. 12-13) (0 replies)
- First Article- Simple Basing (0 replies)
- Renegades for Magnus! (4 replies)
- Everblight Nephilim (5 replies)
- Scythean (7 replies)
- Convention Terrain (1 replies)
- Avatar f Menoth (1 replies)
- Eiryss, Eiryss and Eiryss (1 replies)
- Lich Lord Asphyxious Battlegroup (5 replies)
- Warmachine Plastics? (13 replies)
- Storm Lances (3 replies)
- Anyone know what's up with the WM/Hordes Painting Challenge? (4 replies)
- Shadowhorn Satyr (4 replies)
- Madrak World Ender with freehand runes (10 replies)
- Viktor Pendrake Diorama (2 replies)
- DiStudios - Khador army 2010 (7 replies)
- The Butcher and a Slag Troll (2 replies)
- Path to 200 (4 replies)
- My Widowmaker Marksman (2 replies)
- Lazy's Gallery (6 replies)
- Cygnar Army WIP (4 replies)
- Lich Lord Terminus (3 replies)
- Searforge Commission in Green and Khaki (4 replies)
- Man o War Kovnik repose (2 replies)
- Rhulic warjacks and 'casters (with green) (3 replies)
- Col_Festus Does Khador (22 replies)
- Battle Foam Warmachine/Hordes case Review/Comparison In-depth (8 replies)
- Khador Behemoth (3 replies)
- My Khador Army (2 replies)
- How do you paint Cygnar using GW Paints? (12 replies)
- Cygnar Lancer (10 replies)
- Gunmage Cygnar force (9 replies)
- Been painting some of Big Red's Warmachine things (6 replies)
- Portal-Lord's Searforge Driller (3 replies)
- Midnight Searforge (11 replies)
- Pirates (12 replies)
- WIP - Rhulic Badger Cavalry (4 replies)